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[Feedback Whit Hunter Experiences] Trinity Unfairly Bolted, This Shows How Pathetic Hunters Really Are


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So yeah Phobos was being invaded so i jumped right in whit my Trinity to take yet another Grineer planet on the name of the Prodman, normally i can count on the corpus to shield me as i take down the grineer but what i didnt though about was a trigger happy Helion shooting about 6 missile barrages in a row ON THE GROUND.


Took down my entire Corpus squad (counting many crewmen and a tech) all by himself and by the time i killed him by was down to my last 20 HP and shields barely recovering, Lotus keep sending me messages about going to extraction and S#&$ (i normally ignore her since she just repeats the same quotes and i have my volumen off) and before i knew it i die while entering a room because apparently Sobek shotgun has long range now and 100% slash proc chance... so yeah im down but it doent pop up the revive menú, instead im just downed.


"why dont you just used Blessing" 1) i was not high enough to have blessing and defensive mods so i opted for defensive mods whit Well of life and Energy syphon and 2) i dont use broken powers, i like to use my brain you know.


Then this guy whit a Hammer (one of the G3) just says "Too easy" and launches his drone thingy to capture my frame.


Then i realized. The stalker only attacks me when im using a VERY low Rank frame (Shes about 15 or so and stalker attacks me when i have a frame about that lv), Harvester appeared when i was using my low lv Trinity  and now the G3 attacked me twice whit low frames (first time i "fough" them (corpus killed them in space somehow) i had a Rank 10 Oberon and second time now). Coinsidence? I THINK NOT!


This is intentionally programed so the hunters only attack you when your at your lowest, now my por Trinity is sitting on the bench while i have to crack my eyes open grinding to get a single Neuronde that for some reason doesnt drop no matter how many defense runs i do on earth in order to get the dam bolt removed.


I get the idea of having a challenge but making so the Hunter ONLY appear when your using low lv gear is kinda absurd. I have ran countless Invasions every day whit My Rank 30 Ember, loyal to death and the G3/Stalker, whit all their consecuence nonsence only attack those who are low Rank.


SOme would say this is challenge but its actually counter-productive in terms of story and gameplay at the same time. Hows that? well attacking only weak frames means that Veterans will barely see them unless they use low lv gear to lure them and means that newcomers will get attacked more often than nesesary, thats in term of gameplay; on story? It makes the hunters look pathetic.


So your telling me this big bad stalker who wants revenge on the Tenno for some reason is too afraid of pro players that he only attacks them when they are on their lowers gear? so much for Honor. Te G3 are the same, super powered mutated soldiers so powerful that they need to be brainwashed to Barely keep them under control will only attack you if your weak. Nothing on Alad, hes a snake i expect him to do such a thing.


When you think about it, as a warfare tactic it would make sence, strike them when they are down and stuff but on this context it just serves as a lame excuse to hide the fact this "hunters" are nothing special:

-  Stalker is like a wild west duel, the first one who shoots wins. The difference is that while in a Duel yoou actually require skill to survive on a stalker fight you either one shot him before he gets up or he one shots you. Wheres the challenge.

- G3 is just three big bullet sponges, what makes them so different from units like Bombards or Napalms. They are just a beefed up Trooper, a beefed up Butcher whit a hammer and a beefed up Shield lancer. Though to their credit at least they can be fun to fight, unlike Stalker....


Sincé i support corpus i have only seen Harvester once, and we know how that ended... (Chuck Rhino Prime just stomped and one shot the poor thing). But if Harvester Works like a lone Zanuka then she (i think it would be considered a girl, wich is awesome) is probably the only one where it would be a battle of skill rather tan a "Shoot till dead" battle, exept you use Rhino Stomp of her and... poor girl...


I woul post a suggestion but there is so much stuff to change to make them viable, fun and challenging that i would just make another Wall post on top of this one, no wonder people just dont bother to fight them more once they farmed their gear, its just a waste of time. I may pop a stalker rework on the concept fórums once i get something.


It pains me to see such wasted potential on here and the Hunters arent the exeption, lets just hope they dont turn Nef into a Bullet sponge on a mech like they did whit Uncle Hek. Oh yeah they said Nef is the next to be reworked, i hope for the best.


Post whatever you think, your stories about how easy/cheap they are, how you just ignore them most of the time or any idea to improve them. If you excuse me im gonna try and cheer up whit some Pink Booben gameplay whit Lucky Star opening on the background.



Now thanks to Thelonious i now have proof that the Hunters ARE programed to attack you when your whit your lowest gear: https://forums.warfr...e/#entry2301082

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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So you're upset that you can't get a neurode?

Edit: I will say I do see the hunters much more often when using lower leveled frames, but I don't take a low level frame to Phobos. Hunters scale with the level you are on. G3 attacked me when I was finally leveling excal up on mercury, so I radial blinded them and slapped them with a scoliac and they died easy.

Edited by (PS4)MoriartyHaaaiii
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Being attacked while in a low level frame is not in the game code, it is simply Murphy's Law. 90% of my encounters with Stalker, or any other rare enemy have been when I was armed to the teeth and blew through them like paper.


And as far as "I don't use broken moves" for not being smart enough to use Blessing on a Trinity, well...have fun with that...

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I wont post any stories as you ask because I am so done with that. Suffice to say I have posted aboit his repeatedly and see other people doing the same. In a nutshell I wil go weeks or even months without an encounter but as soon as I polarize a frame or get a new frame I become a target.

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So yeah Phobos was being invaded so i jumped right in whit my Trinity to take yet another Grineer planet on the name of the Prodman, normally i can count on the corpus to shield me as i take down the grineer but what i didnt though about was a trigger happy Helion shooting about 6 missile barrages in a row ON THE GROUND.


Took down my entire Corpus squad (counting many crewmen and a tech) all by himself and by the time i killed him by was down to my last 20 HP and shields barely recovering, Lotus keep sending me messages about going to extraction and S#&$ (i normally ignore her since she just repeats the same quotes and i have my volumen off) and before i knew it i die while entering a room because apparently Sobek shotgun has long range now and 100% slash proc chance... so yeah im down but it doent pop up the revive menú, instead im just downed.


"why dont you just used Blessing" 1) i was not high enough to have blessing and defensive mods so i opted for defensive mods whit Well of life and Energy syphon and 2) i dont use broken powers, i like to use my brain you know.


Then this guy whit a Hammer (one of the G3) just says "Too easy" and launches his drone thingy to capture my frame.


Then i realized. The stalker only attacks me when im using a VERY low Rank frame (Shes about 15 or so and stalker attacks me when i have a frame about that lv), Harvester appeared when i was using my low lv Trinity  and now the G3 attacked me twice whit low frames (first time i "fough" them (corpus killed them in space somehow) i had a Rank 10 Oberon and second time now). Coinsidence? I THINK NOT!


This is intentionally programed so the hunters only attack you when your at your lowest, now my por Trinity is sitting on the bench while i have to crack my eyes open grinding to get a single Neuronde that for some reason doesnt drop no matter how many defense runs i do on earth in order to get the dam bolt removed.


I get the idea of having a challenge but making so the Hunter ONLY appear when your using low lv gear is kinda absurd. I have ran countless Invasions every day whit My Rank 30 Ember, loyal to death and the G3/Stalker, whit all their consecuence nonsence only attack those who are low Rank.


SOme would say this is challenge but its actually counter-productive in terms of story and gameplay at the same time. Hows that? well attacking only weak frames means that Veterans will barely see them unless they use low lv gear to lure them and means that newcomers will get attacked more often than nesesary, thats in term of gameplay; on story? It makes the hunters look pathetic.


So your telling me this big bad stalker who wants revenge on the Tenno for some reason is too afraid of pro players that he only attacks them when they are on their lowers gear? so much for Honor. Te G3 are the same, super powered mutated soldiers so powerful that they need to be brainwashed to Barely keep them under control will only attack you if your weak. Nothing on Alad, hes a snake i expect him to do such a thing.


When you think about it, as a warfare tactic it would make sence, strike them when they are down and stuff but on this context it just serves as a lame excuse to hide the fact this "hunters" are nothing special:

-  Stalker is like a wild west duel, the first one who shoots wins. The difference is that while in a Duel yoou actually require skill to survive on a stalker fight you either one shot him before he gets up or he one shots you. Wheres the challenge.

- G3 is just three big bullet sponges, what makes them so different from units like Bombards or Napalms. They are just a beefed up Trooper, a beefed up Butcher whit a hammer and a beefed up Shield lancer.


Sincé i support corpus i have only seen Harvester once, and we know how that ended... (Chuck Rhino Prime just stomped and one shot the poor thing). But if Harvester Works like a lone Zanuka then she (i think it would be considered a girl, wich is awesome) is probably the only one where it would be a battle of skill rather tan a "Shoot till dead" battle, exept you use Rhino Stomp of her and... poor girl...


I woul post a suggestion but there is so much stuff to change to make them viable, fun and challenging that i would just make another Wall post on top of this one, no wonder people just dont bother to fight them more once they farmed their gear, its just a waste of time. I may pop a stalker rework on the concept fórums once i get something.


It pains me to see such wasted potential on here and the Hunters arent the exeption, lets just hope they dont turn Nef into a Bullet sponge on a mech like they did whit Uncle Hek. Oh yeah they said Nef is the next to be reworked, i hope for the best.


Post whatever you think, your stories about how easy/cheap they are, how you just ignore them most of the time or any idea to improve them. If you excuse me im gonna try and cheer up whit some Pink Booben gameplay whit Lucky Star opening on the background.

That's RNG. Also, why didn't you bring some restores when you were on a low ranked Frame?

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Apply cold water to burned area.

Also, meet Stalker three times since April, everytime with fully leveled frame and weapons.


Ah, now I remember who you are. You're that guy who can't play Excal efficiently and because of that forcing your suggestions how to change him to be another no-brain-press-4 frame. I see. 

Edited by Khranitel
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Well phobos as I can recall it is a high level map, so its understandable that you would flop silly, as to answer your neurode and exl problem try hitting xini.


personaly I actually like having the "hunters" only go after you if your low leveled, ands risk and well psuedo challenge.

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Wrath_Of_Chrysalis and make myself a still target while i was being assaulted by grineer? i was gonna use my Well of life but well.. Slash Proc...

Fammia I said it once and i say it again: Stalker is broken and there is no challenge to him, G3 are just glorified common tropps Although they actually fight unlike stalker.

Habataki I know it was kinda stupid of me to go on Phobos whit a low ranked frame but since it was an invasión i though i would have Corpus support troops.

Edited by Letter13
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Its all RNG.

I have *never* seen any of the super bosses while I was leveling low ranked gear or frames.  And do note that they all have a minimum level of frame that they can attack.

You got unlucky.  Oh well.

And that's what the G3 does.  You dont get a chance to revive.  Just like if you lost to the harvester.

And if you dont like using broken abilities then get better at the game.

I'll agree that the stalker is broken and unfun.  BUT I will say that the G3 are far better and require some thought, coordination, and dont insta-kill you.  I would say that harvester and G3 are actually in *incredibly* good places for them difficulty and fun wise.  I look forwards to fighting them as they are fun fights.

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Fammia I said it once and i say it again: Stalker is broken and there is no challenge to him, G3 are just glorified common tropps Although they actually fight unlike stalker.

The whole point of the stalker is to scare the new players when they first find him. G3 are the same. Also: Try using one post, instead of replying to this topic over and over in a row to reply to people.

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Khranitel if your gonna complain about my ideas (to give im utility) for Excalibur pls leave the comment on that post please.



zooke90909 No is not, hes suposed to be a Tenno hunting us for vengance meaning he should be scary to ALL OF US like he used to. Now hes just a broken mess that either he one shots you or you one shot him. Thanks for the advice btw

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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I have got all thee of them while using my Loki that never needed a forma. So no low level frame there; now low level gear, yeah, sometimes but you do NOT tank the Stalker otherwise he crushes you, like you're nothing.

-  Stalker is like a wild west duel, the first one who shoots wins. The difference is that while in a Duel yoou actually require skill to survive on a stalker fight you either one shot him before he gets up or he one shots you. Wheres the challenge.

I have seen Rhinos going with +900 shields and +600 health going down really fast, while I myself runnig a Loki without shields nor health mods last more and even while using a just formad rifle can stand a chance against him. Keep mobile, roll, wallrun, block, did I already say keep mobile? well do that, keep mobile.


And you already mentioned that you can just stomp and then one shot the Harvester... so

-  Stalker is like a wild west duel, the first one who shoots wins. The difference is that while in a Duel yoou actually require skill to survive on a stalker fight you either one shot him before he gets up or he one shots you. Wheres the challenge.


Edited by xlraistlx
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fatpig84 You see i normally take my Potatoed Cestra whit me whe i lvl something new but as son as i take it oout and go full on low Rank gear they all come and get me....


Hey it is a legit tactic. If I am a hired gun, surely I will go after the target at his most vulnerable yes ? :P

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xlraistlx Or just shoot him while he slowly gets up, if you have a relatively good weapon he would proably be at half hp when the fight "starts" then if he touches you once either by slash dash or teleport+hate then your dead, even the G3 are more fun than him.

I think you didn't get what I wrote so I'm gonna write it again.




Well that's it.

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