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I dont see how people cant make money now that mods have tripled in their number. I made 100k in a couple of days and got my Shade sentinel easy.

Just do any alert mission with 1500 and over for credit rewards, do some defense missions and sell anything not being used.

And gradually level up mods, dont try to rank up a mod in one go.

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I don't like 7.7 because...

Making the game harder by just increasing the damage mobs do is the extremely lazy way to try and scale difficulty.

To make a game harder, you're supposed to.

-Create more varients in enemies that force players to change their tactics for instance, Infestation could use a ranged flying mob of somekind.

-Create better AI, the AI is so predictable atm it's sad.

-Design better boss battles. More dynamic, entire levels designed specifically for each boss, more strategy required in killing bosses.

-Balancing abilities so there's no "I win" buttons but at the same time make every ability useful no matter the situation

I also despise what 7.7 did to the droprates.

Basically it made every single mod that noone likes have a higher % chance to drop while making every actually useful mod have a lower % droprate.

It has nothing to do with common/uncommon/rare because even the good common and uncommnons have a lower % chance to drop now it seems.

While all the horrible mods, Stamina/Stun/Sentinel/Critchance/Critdamage/Pressure point drop constantly now.

Killing higher level enemies should have just increased the % chance of rare mods to drop and lowered the % chance of common mods to drop, not nerf rare droprate across the board and make all the bad commons insanely common everywhere.

I feel with each patch DE is trying to extend the grind of the game when they should be trying to make the game more fun. (7.6 was a step in the right direction with the return of passive stats but then 7.7's dmg increase on mobs completely negated that)


You're a spoiled child for expecting AI programming to be done overnight, or really, for all the things you're asking for to be done overnight. That's the way your post reads.

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You're a spoiled child for expecting AI programming to be done overnight, or really, for all the things you're asking for to be done overnight. That's the way your post reads.

i expect it to get done, not overnight, but a bad band-aid fix is a bad band-aid fix. Not a solution.

Even taking small steps at a time towards the right solution is better than a band-aid fix that doesn't address the problem.


-Add 1 new enemy to a faction in a patch

-redesign 1 boss level

At no point did I expect it to be done overnight.


Edited by Nokturnal
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i expect it to get done, not overnight, but a bad band-aid fix is a bad band-aid fix. Not a solution.

Fair enough, but the band-aid was for the swarms of complaints from individuals who stated the game was too easy. Yes, it's obviously a placebo, but it's a temp solution. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see more AI variation, but at the same time, the rate of development for this game is going to be a tad slow.

Edited by Vaskadar
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So I was around mercury, specifically doing Lares, and my mission took me throug a vent to destroy a piece of the mining equipment, and I had to drop into a small room through the ceiling, I went forward and destroyed the equipment, then, as it was a dead-end, I had to back track, only to find that THERE WAS NO WAY BACK!

The room I had entered though required me to go through the ceiling, but there was no way for me to get back up, nothing I could jump off of, nothing.

This wasn't just once, I tried it again and was stopped by the exact same thing.

Edited by DarkB43
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So I was around mercury, specifically doing Lares, and my mission took me throug a vent to destroy a piece of the mining equipment, and I had to drop into a small room through the ceiling, I went forward and destroyed the equipment, then, as it was a dead-end, I had to back track, only to find that THERE WAS NO WAY BACK!

The room I had entered though required me to go through the ceiling, but there was no way for me to get back up, nothing I could jump off of, nothing.

This wasn't just once, I tried it again and was stopped by the exact same thing.

If I'm thinking of the correct room, in the small room you dropped in you should be able to wallrun back up into the vent you entered from. The twin white streaks on the wall represent where you can wallrun up to someplace.

That detail should be better explained rather than expecting players to intuitively guess it.

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If I'm thinking of the correct room, in the small room you dropped in you should be able to wallrun back up into the vent you entered from. The twin white streaks on the wall represent where you can wallrun up to someplace.

That detail should be better explained rather than expecting players to intuitively guess it.

for wallruns, you gotta hold space to do it, and when you've reached the top, press space again to jump even higher

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My only gripe is redirection..

30hours farming.

I've farmed up for the 2h axe.




Heat swords.

2rhino bps.

2ember bps.

Trinity complete.

And no redirection all this time even before the drop nerfs.

DE wtf make that S#&$ legendary or something because it doesn't drop.

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Truth be told, I like the new drop for rare. It's laughable for rare mod to drop from Jupiter defense mission, mob lv5-10, like 20 of them from 15 waves of defending Nick from Chargers. It was a good way to demonstrate that 'the loot table is broken'.

Common and uncommon have their use. It's not just rare that is useful. If you're upset about unable to upgrade your frame power mod then use fusion core. They all max at 3 level and it's not hard to max them with cores at all.

If you feel that Credit is hard to come by, I agree. However, this is where the game reward exploration. At mid-high level planet like Europa or Sedna, each locker can gives you about 100-200 credit per locker. It's loot time.

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I miss the old mod system with random stats and dual stat mods. The removal of that system will probably lead to me quitting before the game leaves beta. I'm just so bored now with this new card system. I feel like I can't improve my Warframe or weapons anymore, so there's no point for me to keep playing.

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I miss the old mod system with random stats and dual stat mods. The removal of that system will probably lead to me quitting before the game leaves beta. I'm just so bored now with this new card system. I feel like I can't improve my Warframe or weapons anymore, so there's no point for me to keep playing.

Enjoy grinding Xini for hours and hope for a new 95% multishot to replace your old 94% multishot? No thanks.

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I keep getting Redirection.

... for f%&?ing _Sentinels_. What the hell?

In the 50+ hours I have clocked on the game, not once has vanilla Redirection dropped. I think I spent 5 hours or so playing yesterday for lack of anything better to do, and no drops of it after patch either.

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My gripes with this game

1) Give me redirection. FFS I've been playing a long time now and I've even gotten three artifacts and not once have I seen a redirect for my frame. Common mod, yeah right.

2) Enemy stun is annoying if you play alone. I know its supposed to be played as a team whatever. But what I'm saying is that I wish that the stun had at least some diminishing return to it so I don't friggin die because of getting locked.

3) Make the friggin pet invisible when I turn invisible. My only reliable escape/defense skill is rendered moot because the stupid sentinel is visible and they still shoot and melee at my direction. What's the point of my skill if my own pet ruins it for me. When playing missions I actually have second thoughts about bringing it with me its so effin $&*&*#(%&.

4) I'm not sure about the damage increase, still on the fence about this one. I have about +50 or 60 to armor but I get torn to shreds in Ceres. Anyone able to stand up to the firepower there? If so lemme know how much armor it took you.

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My only gripe is redirection..

30hours farming.

I've farmed up for the 2h axe.




Heat swords.

2rhino bps.

2ember bps.

Trinity complete.

And no redirection all this time even before the drop nerfs.

DE wtf make that S#&$ legendary or something because it doesn't drop.

I can see the response you're going to get now.

"Its in the loot table and it says common"

End of story.

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OK as a new player....

I have only one complaint so far. I realise the design is there to urge me to buy Platinum, but right now the player acquires Credits far too slowly. Since Credits are required for everything, this commodity is easily the main limiting factor to the speed a player will "grow" in this game. I think players should be able to earn Credits a LITTLE faster than currently.

I especially find the fact that the Credit reward for a Venus level (where I am now) is the same as that of Mercury. That is dumb. Why would I run anywhere but Mercury when looking to farm Credits (which is pretty much always)? Even though I am progressing right now, it is CREDITS I need most, so it just feels stupid to be running anywhere but Mercury, and that's rather dull.

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I can see the response you're going to get now.

"Its in the loot table and it says common"

End of story.

Actually in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/22919-de-redirection-mod-drop-rate-is-not-fine-please-look-into-it/page__st__20

You will see that it was an error and that it will be fixed in the next update.

Just be patient and browse the forums.

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The Redirection issue is getting fixed next patch.

However, other issues such as a lack of variety in "common" mods, needs to continue to be addressed. I understand, rare mods should be rare. But, when you have 29 common mods (9 of which being for a @(*()$ sentinal...), and 79 rare.... wouldn't that make the current "rare", common? lol

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Except, Freeze Damage, Electricity Damage, Armor Piercing, Shields, Health, Armor, Damage Mods, Crit Chance Mods, Crit Damage Mods were all common. (Oh and Crit Chance and Crit Damage wasn't purely based on %s so they were actually useful due to Skill trees existing. Also you got ability mods from leveling up not from drops and added to them or didn't add to them as you wished. Also cip size was added to passively from skill trees)

In other words, yes there were useful rares, but there were tons of useful commons as well.


All of those were mostly meaningless at higher levels. If you didn't have a multishot mod and a puncture mod you were going to be using a lot more ammo and wasting a lot more time.

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I thought drop rate was okay before patch, did they change it?

Aww.. I'd have to agree to be honest if that is the case.

It felt alittle grindy before this patch, I highly doubt it will need more of that.

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I'm rather upset over the fact that the higher level missions are pretty hard right now. I mean, I have nearly a Rank 30 frame, and I'm trying to grind for some blueprints for the Frost frame. It's kinda saddening that a ground of Rank 30 frames got nearly wiped out by the grunts before the bloody boss. I mean, if that's what they call fun, I'd like to see what they think hard is. x.x I mean I don't mind it being a bit of a challenge, as it should be, but when a group of four rank 30 frames get wiped out by general grunts? That's pretty bad.

I noticed that a lot of the important common mods don't drop nearly as much, I mean I've been grinding the Mercury boss for mods and I've only found one damage mod, because nothing good drops on higher level runs. Also the mats to make things are getting pretty ridiculous, I've been trying to get some Alloy Plates to make a new weapon and I got maybe 12 in one run. I get that they aren't like dropping everywhere, but seriously.

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here it is players, please submit your greviences in an orderly fashion, please check if your greviences has been listed already, and also please assign the next #:

My grevience is threads like this one.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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