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[Idea] Various Passive Abilities For Each Warframe


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Nekros is such a sadist.



These passive skills are nice. I'd like to suggest changes to Valkyr and Zephyr.




Replace the 2nd passive (proc chance) to increased firing rate? For guns it'll be reload speed and firing rate, for melee it will be attack speed. Also holstering speed will be greatly increased. Berserker yeah? Just like the mod xD




Replace the 2nd passive (crouch affecting downward speed) with increased damage dealt while airborne, or even critical chance + damage, by say 200%. Bird's eye view has better positioning and advantage right? Meanwhile, Zephyr should have a much longer duration while in air when holding space and is able to jump higher.  

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Nekros is such a sadist.


Sounds more voyeuristic to me.


I feel it would make more sense if he gets energy when an organic enemy (anything but Robots/Machines/possibly Infested Ancients) dies within a certain range of him. As if their death figuratively feeds him, or he's just reaping souls as he goes.

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* + 2 5 seconds to melee multiplier-combo opportunity

* adds percentage proc chance to melee attack base on Valkyr's health inversely (low health, more proc. BLOOOOD!!)
* hold crouch to increase downward speed (for controllable landing, not quite passive? >_>)

these are my favorite ones. (though in hindsight i'd rather being able to make yourself fall normally with Zephyr be something a bit separate from Crouch, so that you have the option to do so or not to).



anyways, as always, i like the idea of having such passives. but making them a big enough difference for people to notice the difference, but not so much that they're just outright replacing a bunch of Mods - is a difficult balance to do.



and that Energy Regen would be a cool thing if Energy Siphon didn't exist. but it does so i can't agree with having passive Energy Regen.

there was a point in time that i thought 0.4 Energy Regen and 0.2 Health Regen to round off both of the Auras would be a neat thing to do - but... it's really not a very good idea.

Edited by taiiat
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* 50% all proc resist chance
* 50% chance to tackle an enemy down while sprinting


That second one caught my eye. Its effect is incredibly powerful for a passive, yet the chance of it happening is too low to be reliable at all (compared to other abilities, which have small but reliable effects).


I'd replace this with:

* Can push all enemies upon collision.


Right now, no Frame is able to push their way through even a single unit in front of them. If there's a guy in front of you, then no matter how fast you sprint into them, they won't budge; your only choice is to go around.

Rhino's the "heaviest of the Warframes", though. I think a great passive for him would be the ability to shove aside any enemy that he walks into-- so you can sprint forward into a crowd of enemies completely undisturbed, shoving everything in front of you to the side as you run into them.

Edited by SortaRandom
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* +5 energy from watching a dying NPC (looking directly at dying animation for 1 second, excluding Tenno and SotD)
* 80% chance to stun enemy at first sight of Nekros (petrify them with the first Nekros' appearance o_o)

This is the one that caught my eye. It seems a little...off. 


The first one is either a free 5 energy for killing a guy, or a waste of time because you have to watch the enemy die. I don't see it being...a minor perk.


And the second one, that's an 80% stun chance for EVERY enemy that targets him. I wouldnt mind a lower chance, say maybe 30%

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* +2 seconds to melee multiplier-combo opportunity
* 0.5 energy regeneration rate while undetected


This would help Ash so, so much, both for his stealth potential and his in-your-face melee fighting style.


Also, the passives for Rhino and Nekros seem off. The tackling thing will just become an annoyance when trying to run past enemies, and also, he doesn't need proc resistance. He already has Iron Skin, which essentially blocks everything until it breaks, including procs. And a 80% stun on sight chance? Super OP and would stun 4/5 enemies that try and attack you, no matter their level.


There are some others that are suspicious, but I'm tired. *yawn*

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Solid ideas!



Thank you for +999% post buff! xD



I feel an exploit with Castanas right now. D:



Not just Volt since you can also fit Fire/Toxin/Ice damage in it. It can still kill you though. xD



 imagine Saryn totally immune to toxic ancients... :/



Only immune to lingering proc damage. Physical contact is a deadly trade for energy which is NOT always available.



bonus damage from firearms while airborne


That would be a reasonable alternative and suits Zephyr's characteristic, 'dominate battlefield from above'.



Hydroid's seem a little niche to me, given that there are very few maps that have water sources


I feel like Trinity and Oberon should trade the "revive speed" and Power Strength bonuses


Also, really not sure that Rhino should have such a big proc resist or knockdown chance (the knockdown especially, since that's kind of the point of Rhino Charge).


But then I can't dragon-kick forever...


For Hydroid, that's the idea :P. Probably could use some range and visualization to it.


Oberon is all about Goatman's Paladin's code of honor. Power Strength given to Trinity to not make her more OP but to add situational choice to some powers and encourage team play in characterized fashion.


Rhino's passive are true passive for true rhino xD, not meant to be used actively. 


Zephyr's downward accelerate should not be triggered while dive-kicking but only when crouch key serves no other function.



80% chance to stun enemy on sight? that would make Nekros op and defence wave clearing a bit too slow 



Probably have to be pretty up close to frighten someone and it's a temporary gimmicky effect to give some breathing room for this fragile busy guy.



making them a big enough difference for people to notice the difference, but not so much that they're just outright replacing a bunch of Mods - is a difficult balance to do.



Exactly, but I'd go for 'advantageous' instead of 'nonexistent', and stackable to mods. :)

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in term of figures there are need to calibrate but it also depends of where the game is going later and like someone said I'm not fond of passives that already exists in mod but as said it depends of where the game is going. Else the ideas themselves are mostly good.

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Really like these ideas, it makes each Warframe more unique, instead of just being a different skin at its core. Sure Warframes have their abilities, but you can run a mission without said abilities, which means that at their most basic Warframes are pretty much just appearance changes. Zephyr's resistance to gravity and the Prime Warframe's energy absorption are good examples of a passive Warframe ability that's unique only to that particular frame, and thus would be nice ideas to implement.


On OP's suggestion for Frost though, his shields should be immune to Cold hazards, i.e. they take no drop in effectiveness. It's really odd for Frost, a cold-based frame, to go into a mission where Cryogenics has malfunctioned, and have him be affected by cold.

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* 30m enemy radar
* makes nearby enemies vulnerable to friendly fire

Like the idea but Instead of the friendly fire thing it would be more useful if she had a small AoE Aura around her that has a chance of procing Radiation to the enemies within.

I mean how often would it occur that 1 guy runs infront of the fire of another guy and stay there so they really hurt eachother.


All around I like the ideas alot

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Like the idea but Instead of the friendly fire thing it would be more useful if she had a small AoE Aura around her that has a chance of procing Radiation to the enemies within.

I mean how often would it occur that 1 guy runs infront of the fire of another guy and stay there so they really hurt eachother.


All around I like the ideas alot


You know... Bombard, Napalm, Shockwave, heavy-gunner units, Toxic Ancient and Arson Eximus }:D


..or if you really want to mess around with regular units, you can whip out your sword, line them up and parry their shots, they'll just try to shoot you through their own comrades.

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You know... Bombard, Napalm, Shockwave, heavy-gunner units, Toxic Ancient and Arson Eximus }:D


..or if you really want to mess around with regular units, you can whip out your sword, line them up and parry their shots, they'll just try to shoot you through their own comrades.


Hmmmm, Nah still not really convinced that would be a good idea. Shockwaves would you requires to get close and the rest is terrain depended since the AI is most likely hiding behind cover or walks nonsenseless in all directions

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Decent. Not sure the free enemy radars are fair. Rhino getting across the board resistance seems OP. The "descend faster" thing on zephyr seems like a nice idea, but doesn't seem like something that would be part of a system like this--it's rather underpowered compared to everyone else.

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These are great ideas!  Warframes could always use more character.


If there are mods that function like a warframe's passive, I think it's a great opportunity to REMOVE that mod.  This accomplishes two things in my mind:

a) Reduces dilution (Or just frees up space for new mods)

b) Gives another layer of strategy for building a team to accomplish a mission.


Blowing things up constantly is all well and good, but if our team builds matter as much as our personal builds, and we actually have to use some strategy, I think end-game will be much more satisfying.  Bigger numbers only carry me so far.


This also goes into crafting missions at mid (especially) and higher levels that might require some strategy besides exploding, but that's another thread.

Edited by t3hsquirr3l
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Dang, my 'Warframe Passives Idea' post is still in the works. You beat me to it. :(


These are pretty good, though Nekros seems both useless AND op while Nyx is just plain OP. Rhino could use some work as well, since the tackling thing would just get plain frustrating while trying to move past enemies (and Rhino Charge does the 'knockdown' thing anyway).


For Nekros I'd just give him the 0.3 base energy regeneration AND some kind of Vampiric aura that restores 5 from nearby corpses. Gives him a good energy reserve (which he uses pretty frueqeuntly) and also plays up the whole 'Lord of Corpses' thing he does while granting him health generation outside Desecrate spamming.

Nyx and the 'Friendly Fire' aura - it's just too much. A Napalm shooting at a Nyx will suddenly slaughter dozens of Lancers. Toxic Ancients will obliterate their lesser brethren. Corpus will... just knock each other over with Shockwave stomps. Unless the Friendly Fire damage was at something like 3% total damage, it's just too much and too open to abuse.


Rhino - good in theory, bad in practice. Iron Skin is immunity to all procs anyway and the knock-down on running would be sticky to implement. Why not have him a) have a passive Heavy Impact effect from jumping and b) Capable of moving through enemies as earlier suggested in the thread?

Nova - The Radius Reduction seems a bit strange - the only thing it really effects is Grenades, and unless the range of the 'nearby' is significant then most explosives will just hit you anyway. Maybe something like -50% Blast Damage taken, Immunity to Blast Procs or something?

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* +5 energy from watching a dying NPC (looking directly at dying animation for 1 second, excluding Tenno and SotD)
* 80% chance to stun enemy at first sight of Nekros (petrify them with the first Nekros' appearance o_o)


i like.


* 50% all proc resist chance
* 50% chance to tackle an enemy down while sprinting


Choo - Choooo!

Edited by CombatTeddy
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