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Is Warframe A Really Pvp Game?


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Not sure if serious..

Only kinda. My logic is perfectly valid reasoning in favor of making Warframe a primarily PVP game, although it isn't a PVP game at the moment. Sort of like "shouldn't Warframe be a primarily PVP game?" (and yes it should for the reason I already stated).

But I also wanted to confirm something for myself.

Edited by Mastikator2
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Only kinda. My logic is perfectly valid reasoning in favor of making Warframe a primarily PVP game, although it isn't. Sort of like "shouldn't Warframe be a primarily PVP game?" (and yes it should for the reason I already stated).

But I also wanted to confirm something for myself.

You haven't really provided much of an argument as to why WF should be PvP. All you've done is stated that you have progressed faster then development can keep up, as have most players. The game is still in beta and no where near finished. If WF was primarily PvP it would be terrible. I think most players would jump ship.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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You haven't really provided much of an argument as to why WF should be PvP. All you've done is stated that you have progressed faster then development can keep up, as have most players. The game is still in beta and no where near finished. If WF was primarily PvP it would be terrible. I think most players would jump ship.

PVP is the only thing left to do after you've done all the things (which for the record, I and many others have).


It's PVP or "stop playing". DE should not make a game that encourages you to leave.

There's never going to be enough PVE content to keep people playing indefinitely. If that isn't a good reason then I don't know what you're talking about.



I said this argument in the original post. I would highly encourage people to actually read it before they post.


2nd edit-

Let me explain my situation so you can get an insight into where I am coming from.

When I log into Warframe I have three options of things I can do.

1) I can play a mission. There's no challenge in any mission, I could solo a T3 if I wanted. There's no reward that interests me, I already have everything.

So just doing yet another mission isn't really an option.

2) I can PVP. This is fun as long as everyone plays honorably. In fact it's better than PVE ever was at its best, but yes there is a lot of BS and conclave rating inequality that creates unfairness, coupled with the fact that many PVPers haven't yet figured out that what works against AI doesn't always work against Tenno.

3) I can log out. If the game presents this as the best option there is a problem. I would've left Warframe months ago if it wasn't for PVP.


And here's the kicker. You are all fated to be in my situation if you don't leave Warframe. There's going to be a point where there's no challenge and no interesting rewards left, all there will be are the conclaves and the log out button.

We're all in the same boat here and you guys are trying to sink it. PVP is the only renewable gameplay that can keep it afloat indefinitely.

Edited by Mastikator2
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PVP is the only thing left to do after you've done all the things (which for the record, I and many others have).


It's PVP or "stop playing". DE should not make a game that encourages you to leave.

There's never going to be enough PVE content to keep people playing indefinitely. If that isn't a good reason then I don't know what you're talking about.



I said this argument in the original post. I would highly encourage people to actually read it before they post.


Path of Exile (or any other well established HnS/ARPG for that matter) wants to have a word with you. If we ever reach that level of gear depth and quantity, we'll never need PvP, in any way, shape or form, to "cover" for content.

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Do you remember when you first started playing, that almost every mission had lots of special enemy types that could've (and sometimes were) the end of you if you didn't pay attention.

Then you figured out how they worked, you figured out a trick that made them trivial (or you just got enough mods to bulldozer them). This is not a flaw in the game design, this is a weakness in PVE gaming in general that can't be worked around or stopped. It's the classic P =/= NP problem. The computer is dumb no matter how smart it is. A person can actually be smart, smarter than you even. That's what makes PVP always more interesting than PVE.

Smart doesnt mean someone is has social intelligence. Faster clicking and moving doesnt mean someone is smarter than you. And PvP attracts people with over competitive personalities ( imo, people with that kind of personalities have lack of self confidence ).


Feeding their egos with game accomplishments and raging when there is lack of the same. Thats the point of PvP hate and dislike.

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PVP is the only thing left to do after you've done all the things (which for the record, I and many others have).


It's PVP or "stop playing". DE should not make a game that encourages you to leave.

There's never going to be enough PVE content to keep people playing indefinitely. If that isn't a good reason then I don't know what you're talking about.



I said this argument in the original post. I would highly encourage people to actually read it before they post.

I did read your original post. You have demonstrated you didn't read my post however.


Yes, I agree most players have more or less reached end game (which I mentioned before). But that is end game as it stands now. 

The game is still in beta and not finished by a longshot. Which is why what we have now could be vastly different from what we have in the future. If you you don't enjoy the content as it is now without PvP and are not patient enough to await more PvE focused content then this is likely not the game for you. Just because a lack of PvP content wont keep you playing for a longtime does not mean the rest of the playerbase now and in the future feel the same way. In fact, It appears most people are not at all interested in PvP as far as WF goes.


 I am 99% sure DE will never make this game PvP focused. If thats game ruining for you then you're out of luck.

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Warframe is a PvE game with some PvP on the side. The main focus of the game will always be the PvE component.


OP's argument is flawed, as it is based solely on their own opinion that PvE will eventually become boring to every single player and that PvP is the only remedy. The OP fails to recognise that different people have different points of view and like different things. I have played Warframe for closing in on 1000 hours and I get bored every now and then, but I always come back. You want to know how many of those hours were spent PvP'ing? None whatsoever.


You want to PvP? Go ahead, I could not care less. But don't come here and tell me what my opinion is or how I should feel about things.

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If its:


PVP or "stop playing".

Then please explain the large number of people who have done everything in game and refuse to touch the conclaves and still play PVE?
How come none of them have stopped playing or shown any interest in PVP?

I play with quite a few original people in this game from CBT and very few of them have any interest what so ever in conclaves or PVP.  And yet they are still very active in playing the game and enjoying it.

And pray tell, whats the fun of PVP where someone brings either the current OP frame or weapon and then proceeds to slaughter everyone who hasn't brought the same with no chance to retalliate?
Whats the fun of facing someone that can one shot any frame in the game instantly with no way to defend against it other than to have the exact same loadup and manage to shoot first?

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1.PVP is the only thing left to do after you've done all the things (which for the record, I and many others have).


2.It's PVP or "stop playing". DE should not make a game that encourages you to leave.

3.There's never going to be enough PVE content to keep people playing indefinitely. If that isn't a good reason then I don't know what you're talking about.



I said this argument in the original post. I would highly encourage people to actually read it before they post.

1. There is a reason an online game doesn't have game endings / credits for beating the game etc. 

2. DE merely tossed in Conclave to cater to players wanting PVP. Warframe is intended to be a PVE game ever since its birth. PVP is only an add-on to the main dish. 

3. Are you suggesting for different PVP game modes? So as to make Warframe PVE and PVP available? Where players even play as the Grineer? 

Edited by Shinobi-kun
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I can't agree with OP, but I still wish to see some better form of PvP. Warframe is primarily a PvE game with PvP on the side. The game is still in beta and can go many different ways. We still need badlands and the proxy wars (which sounds like invasion 2.0 to me). Someone above mentioned PoE. Ever played that at end game?


In Warframe, PoE end game would translate to unique, customizable tilesets where enemies have a ton of different buffs/debuff (player too). Most of them are fun, and the few that are complete BS...


People also really need to stop with the whole "PvP ego filling" thing as well. Because it's completely absent from PvE...

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Umm no, since the beginning of gaming, people have been playing single player game over and over even though they have finished and completed everything. Why i have to leave a game i still enjoy playing alone if i don't want to play against other player?


Are you one of those people that play game for no enjoyment value and always need to achieve something in game disregard how meaningless it is?

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Warframe is a PvE game with some PvP on the side. The main focus of the game will always be the PvE component.


OP's argument is flawed, as it is based solely on their own opinion that PvE will eventually become boring to every single player and that PvP is the only remedy. The OP fails to recognise that different people have different points of view and like different things. I have played Warframe for closing in on 1000 hours and I get bored every now and then, but I always come back. You want to know how many of those hours were spent PvP'ing? None whatsoever.


You want to PvP? Go ahead, I could not care less. But don't come here and tell me what my opinion is or how I should feel about things.

You hit the nail on the head. OP has assumed that everyone more or less feels the same way. All games eventually die out anyway. Regardless of whether or not they have PvP.


All good things must come to an end.

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 Someone above mentioned PoE. Ever played that at end game?


In Warframe, PoE end game would translate to unique, customizable tilesets where enemies have a ton of different buffs/debuff (player too). Most of them are fun, and the few that are complete BS...


That would have been me. And yes, I have, though not much as most of my friends didn't feel like pushing that far in the game -- not yet at any rate.

I wish we'd end up with such endgame in Warframe, where we get to create our own custom keys and run them for increased challenge and drops/loot. Warframe still lacks on the randomised loot front (and the size of the loot table for that matter) to support such idea, however.

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Though, I have something to add that I just realized as a parallel of some sort concerning PvE longevity.


Diablo 3

For all it's changes to the formulae, including closing down the customisability and uniqueness of classes by streamlining the gaining of skills and stats and other such decision which drove me off originally, they have a pretty good 'endless' endgame in the form of paragon levels.


Which is, in actualty, simply permantent passive buffs that you can put points in once you start gaining paragon levels after Lv.70. There is no upper limit to the amount of paragon levels you can gain (previously, it was locked at 150 but Blizzard actually went ahead and removed the cap while making the XP requirement for the next level work on a regressive curve pattern meaning it can adjust indefinitely, in theory). Add to that the neverending search for rare loot drops to maximize your build which works in tandem as even if you are gaining paragon levels, the content still remains centered around a Lv.70 challenge (difficulty levels not-withstanding).


So, it does seem that the Focus system that's being worked on will be similar : bring along maxed gear and the affinity fuels and ranks up different parameters of the Focus. My guess is that will function similarly to the paragon levels as it will not have a upper cap but the rank up requirements will use a regressive curve pattern and a diminishing return system for all upgrades. This will basically mean : you can rank up forever, progress ever closer to a barrier that cannot be reached but that you can always inch ever closer.


That's my theory about the system at least (since there's just little to no details that has been publicly been made known) and it would make sense since that model works with another game (namely, Diablo 3) to give an infinite endgame despite not being PvP centered (as just like Warframe, Diablo 3's PvP is pretty much just an afterthought). This, of course, along with the work being put in ranking up mods requiring fusions cores, duplicates and mounds of credits (which is the parallel to Diablo 3's everlasting search for epic loot to increase a parameter by a few points).

Edited by Wiegraf
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Yes it is.


And here is why. Once you've acquired all the mods and built all the weapons and warframes and leveled them up and built your own dojo with all the rooms and researched all the things there is really nothing left to do. Nothing but leave or play in the conclaves and hone your skill.

So really, the PVE is just a build up for PVP.


The problem is that 99% of the development effort is spent on the part of the game that can be finished, while 1% is spent on the part that can be milked forever.


What are your thoughts?

I completely agree with you 100% you have no idea.

I totally agree.

I'm serious. How many times do I have to say it before people realize PvP can be fun?

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PvP is the logical evolution to the game. I see this game with a PvE component to get your toys and PvP to play with the toys. The PvE aspect will never go away, and I see the PvP getting fleshed out and remaining an optional component to the game. 


The interface and customization would be outstanding for a PvP game I would think.


Did this game not start development as a PvP game anyway?  

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 My guess is that will function similarly to the paragon levels as it will not have a upper cap but the rank up requirements will use a regressive curve pattern and a diminishing return system for all upgrades. This will basically mean : you can rank up forever, progress ever closer to a barrier that cannot be reached but that you can always inch ever closer.

How many points you can allocate is dictated by how many mastery levels you have. So the most anyone can put into a tree is 16 points, or, in four years, 30. I can find a clip of Steve explaining this if you don't believe me, but, you should.



There wasn't even supposed to be PvP in Warframe, but people were whining about the game not having PvP so.. DE added it..

Actually, you're wrong, it was always planned, or at least considered, just not the main focus of the game. DE was looking to create a sci fi game for a long time, and if you read the history, at one point the game we're playing now was intended to be a PvP FPS MMO. So a lot can change, and "supposed" is a bit subjective.

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