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Forget Better Ai - We Need Better Dumb Enemies


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 Great ideas. Provided I didn't read all 19 pages but still, a lot of awesome ways to make the game more interesting. I hope I am not repeating anyone but if I am just tell me to Vor off :D Anyways, apart from all the abilities why doesn't DE give our enemies the weapons that they created in the first place. Every time we get a shiny new grineer or corpus gun/sword/teddy bear shooter, the enemies of the particular faction get them too. they will be the same for them as they are for us, of course without all the mods but with same base stats, apart form damage, which will scale as the level does.


I know some of the weapons are in fact given to enemies but about 60-70% aren't. it would be cooler if you meet a dozen crewmen, each with a different corpus weapon. It is a small tweak but could help with immersion. After all, we read the weapons texts how awesome advanced and powerfull they are, yet they are never implemented. Dealing with a few crewmen armed with serro might get a bit more interesting, especially at high levels. Penta will be a pain in the &#! and will require a bit more though that run and gun if you are caught by surpise. Also make mobs target the weakest player(in terms of shield/health/armor, not skill) so if you aren't being carefull you die very very fast. This will make tank frames more useful as they will have to get in the thick of battle if they want to actually tank.

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The problem with a "too smart AI" is that there's a strong chance - and you will have come across this playing custom AI's in Total Annihilation, that you can tweak basic factors (like just making it easier for units NOT to get trapped in a dense factory farm that is mass producing them) that when you have fog of war on, you send a million units over and discover that he has 10 million units, or that he was building the exact units to counter what you just sent.


When you can't actually see AI Processes, like where mobs will spawn, how they are flanking you, or just where the hell is that damn artillery pelting me from, it feels no different then being shot by invisible snipers. Most games with sniper units will use targeting lasers to allow players to deal with the fact that they are in fact staring at a rectangular window full of light and not inside a real environment where peeking out a window can be done on a hand mirror or just the fact that a real sniper would also have to see you, rather then simply be an all seeing hit scan monster from the abyss.


All we need is some diverse units that basically scream out "I'm here now, and will keep doing X until you use better tools then just spraying bullets at me", and then they can be tweaked more and more as we find smart arsed way to get around them.


I personally like the concept of a unit going partially underground and opening its upward facing jaws to launch blobs of ... stuff ... at players, and me having to time a Penta nade to arc over there into the mouth and explode it. But that's just me.

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When you can't actually see AI Processes, like where mobs will spawn, how they are flanking you, or just where the hell is that damn artillery pelting me from, it feels no different then being shot by invisible snipers.


Very important point.


If we don't know it's happening = it's "not happening"


if we don't know why it's happening = it's "unfair."

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Of course, the conclusion drawn from that article is something we concluded here, but I don't think it's the entire picture. There should be smart AI, but just as there is a mix of good, and bad, and mediocre players on a multiplayer server, Warframe needs the same. You see a bot and he looks all Stalkery, you know he's a badass and he'll not only use his variety of skills to kill you with his dumb AI, but he might also notice that ogris rocket flying at him and dodge to the side. But not all the enemies should dodge. Most Lancers should just eat it because, just like in a game of TF2, not everyone dodges rockets flying straight at them, or they make a bad decision and still get hit.


So what DE needs is a mix of smart and dumb AI, and also variety of skills and weapons is always good. But because we can't entirely trust DE to do all that well, I'll settle for the topic in this thread: giving enemies more options and the rest can fall into place. As long as the enemy designs make you change your tactics, the net result is good. How you get there doesn't matter.

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Very important point.


If we don't know it's happening = it's "not happening"


if we don't know why it's happening = it's "unfair."


Like when enemies spawn right behind you?


Oh I know it's happening, and I know why (stupid RNG dependant spawning mechanics), it doesn't make it less unfair.


Or when the next spawn is a room full of heavies.

Or shield lancers. Best enemy in the world on his own, but get 5 of them to spawn at the same time and you'll probably end up on your @$$ at some point. Same with scorpions, can't dodge it all.


Or when that shock eximus is waiting for you behind the next room door, and just won't budge (happened to me today, had to spend an ult to kill him out of los). Oh I know why, it's his AI pattern. A harmless pattern WHEN HE'S NOT A SHOCK EXIMUS. Doesn't make it less unfair...


Or when enemies suddenly spawn from EVERYWHERE. Yeah, I know I'm surrounded you stupid Lotus b*tch


Etc, I could spend the night telling you about my Solo T3 adventures...


And then I read your post and the examples of enemies you propose.


Like the ancient healer you need to "execute": imagine 5 of them spawning, you're in for a long night mate. 

Or even just one spawning in survival, with the tooooooons of other enemy that spawn with and after. You'll never find its corpse. He'll just keep coming back...and again.... and again...and when you finally find him, the rest of the spawn will tear you apart during the slow finisher animation...


Or the bombards: 2 or 3 of them and it's already a nightmare, and now you want me to skillshot each and every one of them? Are you nuts?

I'll just run.


And some of you suggesting stealthy enemies that can get the jump on you? Do you even solo???? THAT ALREADY HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. AND THEN YOU DIE.


No. Thanks.


There's already so much to fix with what we have now. Not just the enemies themselves, but, as underlined above, everything that's enemy related.

Yes, their basic AI that sometimes makes no sense, as basic as they can be. 

Their spawning mechanics, heavily reliant on RNG: be it number of enemies, type of enemy and even spawn location (sometimes they spawn 10 feet away from you, and sometimes it's 10 feet behind you)

The map design and enemy pathing, cause it doesn't matter what enemy you implement, if he can't move on its own in the tile, you might as well put a giant dart board in the middle of the room.


And EVERY EXIMUS. Every one of them. Because in relation to aaaaaaall the issues the enemies already have, they just make it worse. I'm waiting for the day a shock Eximus will spawn right in front of me (or behind, doesn't really matter at this point). I know it will happen. Just a matter of...bad RNG.


And then we'll talk about adding more.


But be careful, they must fit the zerg fest that is Warframe. "Kill them before they kill you", that's the main combat mechanic of the game atm.

Edited by Thelonious
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And then I read your post and the examples of enemies you propose.


Like the ancient healer you need to "execute": imagine 5 of them spawning, you're in for a long night mate. 

Or even just one spawning in survival, with the tooooooons of other enemy that spawn with and after. You'll never find its corpse. He'll just keep coming back...and again.... and again...and when you finally find him, the rest of the spawn will tear you apart during the slow finisher animation...


Or the bombards: 2 or 3 of them and it's already a nightmare, and now you want me to skillshot each and every one of them? Are you nuts?

I'll just run.



You must find shield lancers terrifying. They actually require a skillshot, unlike the Bombards I proposed which would just have front-side damage reduction with a disarm/explode weak spot.


I agree about the spawning mechanism, but soloing T3s is a very different experience than most players face. Devs tell me reduced solo spawning is "working as intended", it doesn't appear to be when I solo.


Either way, more interesting enemies are a necessity, a broken spawn system doesn't change that. Obviously these spawns "should" be lessened when solo.

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The AI can be as dumb as it likes, the only "intelligent" thing that has to happen is spawning of units in a way that favors them and not us.


There is a Defence map that really open, with the top area shaped like a U, where sometimes the Cryopod is in the center, so you can actually see a couple of doors in the distance open, disgorge a bunch of infested in a nice ordered line and then close.


I have to say, at first, I was disappointed at seeing that, then I realized that it was done in a way players would be able to cope, but in the long run, it's not fun. It is the equivalent of throwing mobs at you in Left 4 Dead by making sure you can see them coming a long way off ALL the time.


Yes, sometimes throwing thrash mobs at players that way is a way for players to vent and go on killing sprees, but the Witch, she is kind of like the Stalker; When you hear the moaning, everyone goes on high alert, because you know what will happen if you screw up. The same thing happens in L4D for many other units, but we don't have that, even ancients were cannon fodder, and the only threat used to be that flying fekker with the poison.


I simply think we need units coming at us in more unexpected ways, and in patterns that we can't simply line up most of them and clean up in one clip.

Edited by DSpite
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed on all of your ideas. In some way, Borderlands games are the same. You have the common mobs which you annihilate with ease and laugh in their faces, and then spawn an enemy that requires skill and a brain to kill. I loved that.


Also, Corpus Tech has a great potential to be a defensive unit making the game better.


Tech Shield: Deploy a hardlight shield (something like the Dendra Armor or the Geth shields in ME) on the ground which provides cover for the troops. You need to circle the shield or shoot it enough times (LOTS of hp) to destroy it.


Turret: deploys a turret on the ground. Nuff said.


Repair Drone: deploys a repair drone which can repair robotic units. Something like in Borderlands 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

U14 - UPDATE - Mission (almost) Successful!


DE has remade the infested in the spirit (and nearly the letter) of our community feedback. Many Infested units have been given "better dumb abilities" that enhance challenge and work together in combos. It's not perfect, its a work in progress but its a massive step forward for making combat in Warframe challenging and interesting.


Here's my feedback on it: Better Dumb Enemies: Infested Analysis U14



I think I've seen one too many "We need better AI" posts on the Forums. Creating "better AI" will do nothing besides waste DE's time, and make our crewmen hesitate 0.1 seconds less before getting riddled with bullets from a Soma.


At its core, AI posts are generally about making combat more engaging and challenging...but tend to miss the entire point. Our enemies are fodder because they have no tools - not because they are dumb.


OK Smart Guy, You Try Being a Crewman


Imagine for a second that you were physically controlling a Corpus Crewman, on a routine patrol. A door opens at the end of the hallway and you see 4 Tenno.


.25 seconds later, a gleaming bolt from a Boltor Prime pierces your nearby ally's head. A Penta grenade lands unexploded at your feet. ticking away. You've been Primed to explode on a molecular level by Nova, slowing you by 75% - and making your meager flesh even more likely to give way.


And, unbeknownst to you...an invisible Ash is rapidly sliding your way gripping an Orthos Prime.


Question: If you were controlling that Corpus Crewman, what would you do?


Answer: Die.


AI has nothing to do with 99% of our enemies' deaths. Having no viable options is why they die helplessly.


Don't Bring a Prova to a Soma Fight


All that Crewman can do is run away, take cover, melee, roll, shoot, grenade and hit the alarm. That's ALL he can do. In fact that's all nearly every enemy in Warframe can do. Note how none of those things will help him.


He and nearly 90% of all enemies have no ability that will prevent their sudden imminent death the mere millisecond a Tenno wills them out of existence.


WTFOMGBBQ (to quote Steve) Why Would DE make the enemies so pointless!?!?


Because we're the player, we are 'supposed' to win. Tenno are Warrior Deities! Invoking our wrath on mobs of helpless fodder is a large portion of why WF is fun.


Unfortunately, it's also a large portion of why WF is monotonous. You cannot be a victor without a challenge. To truly feel like a warrior deity, one must occasionally have their might tested - and overcome by pure skill or strength of will.


And that situation simply doesn't exist in Warframe. The closest we can get is artificial unlimited scaling. *Yawn* for so many reasons, I won't even list them. We don't need all enemies to be powerful. We just need occasional challenges or situations which make us feel "tested" so we can be victorious.


Forget Intelligence. Dumb is more reliable.


All of the "AI" in the world won't protect a Lancer from a Soma. You know what will? A soma-proof helmet, with a tiiiiny weak spot to keep you on your toes.


The Grineer Shield Lancer was one of the best designed enemies in the game (at least before half of our weapons became AoE and punchthrough). Why? Because he was the one enemy in the game that unloading a clip from your [insert weapon name] didn't kill.


You actually had to do...something...anything different, to kill him. A power. A jumpkick. Even..gasp...aim at his head! This is what we need. Sure, the new enemy contest winners are incredible and exciting. But if they can be defeated by a burst from your [insert weapon here] - they won't do a SINGLE THING to make you feel more like a warrior deity than you do now.


Dumb but Fair. Unfair is never fun.


Enemies don't need player-agency removing stunlocks and teleports. They don't need invulnerability phases or randomized elemental weaknesses. All they need are simple and FAIR tools to evade our powers and attacks - and to give us a slight challenge to overcome when we encounter some of them.


Some ideas for Dumb (aka easy to execute) abilities. Note, not all enemies would have 'tools'. Some would still be 100% fodder.


  • Grineer Scorpions could parry our bullets...unless they have thrown their spear


  • Grineer Bombards could have higher damage reduction from the front, .but shooting their ogris could cause an explosion disarming and likely killing them.


  • Corpus tech drones could provide an uber-quick-regenerating shield that effects everyone BUT themselves


  • Infested Ancients Healers could revive themselves from death...unless you hit their dead body with a finisher


  • Corpus Elites could have fast regenerating shields making them nearly invincible, but shooting their helmet off could disable it.


  • Corpus techs could repair destroyed Moas within range of his 'aura'.


  • Infested Leapers (and other light mobs) should dive out of range of explosive/slow moving weaponry (often, towards the player)


  • Grineer Ballistas should be granted partial cloaking when not shooting.


  • Railgun Moas could deploy a Volt like shield


    etc etc...can think of more as needed, or fix these.


Press 4 to..."WTF? Crap I died"


I said it before, and I'll say it again :P


Every faction needs at least one variant of an Elite mob which can either absorb or protect its allies from our ubers and CC. You should see these variants starting in lv 20 or so with a 1% chance of spawning. At level 40 you'd be seeing one every minute or so


No need for new complex enemies. Just a simple reskin, with a red tint/name etc. Like an eximus but...uhm...not fodder.


A simple example of this:


Infested Ancient Guardian (elite ancient healer variant): Whenever any AoE ability hits the Guardian, he pulses a red aura which revives all his allies within it as shadows (they give no XP and don't count towards exterm). He is personally invulnerable to AoE powers (but not direct damage powers).


Conclusion (finally:D)


The game doesn't have to BE balanced. It just has to FEEL balanced. Enemies don't have to BE intelligent, they just have to FEEL clever. We just need a hint of challenge to feel skillful. Giving some enemies from each faction a few simple tools to survive against the Tenno is enough to truly improve how visceral and dynamic Warframe's combat feels.


Selected Thread Feedback and Feelings on Warfame's Combat 


emphasis added and +1s redacted (keep em coming pls! but this area is just for ideas)


PS - Yes, I'm all for the fixing of AI bugs like the "headless chicken circle dance" the "in-and-out of cover shuffle" and the "ha! you can't see me I'm behind this pebble" issue. Those are bugs, and should be addressed, but honestly don't happen in a majority of enemy interactions...so those alone won't improve combat much - considering the average mobs lifespan is probably less than 1 second after being noticed by a Tenno.


















I agree and also disagree, the ennemies should have better AI for interracting with each other, like having the grineer butchers and powerfists (not the scoprions because they are supposedly the bigger and badasser ones parying with a sword) hide behind the shield guys, also when they don't have ways to get to you they could hide behind cover, wait a little then run to the next cover (which could be AI for the Kubrows too).


People are not asking for utterly smart AI, but for something else than the Fighters to just be worthless guys rushing

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  • 2 months later...

The Grineer Shield Lancer was one of the best designed enemies in the game





Best designed enemy? Yeah! BullS#&$! They stand COMPLETELY STILL sometimes and don't move! For any reason! You can just go behind them and kill them. Also some enemies just stay behind cover and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! You kill them and they don't do anything. Some run around and around and around in circles firing indefinitely.S#&$ like this HAS to change. That way the game feels realistic with enemies that at least TRY to win, or at the very least save there worthless lives! The fact that flaws like this exist in UPDATE 15! is abysmal, It still feels mostly like Warframe  is an early Alpha. 

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Something to note : Warframe AI still need some tweaks, phil.


You can give them all the tools you want, if they keep doing this :




This dumb AI won't be better.


(I agree however : if you have a tank facing a bunch of guys with a stick, smart or not, the matchmaking is a bit unfair...Unless you give them rocket launchers viable against tanks.)

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Forget Intelligence. Dumb is more reliable.


All of the "AI" in the world won't protect a Lancer from a Soma.


This is exactly the kind of approach that will turn this game into Linage with guns.


AI can help them against Soma or Boltor P or anything just fine, if they don't rush like a pack of cattle towards its fire, but instead use terrain, flank you and try surround you, before engaging, attack unexpectedly.



You know what will? A soma-proof helmet, with a tiiiiny weak spot to keep you on your toes.


So, firing at meat is not challenging for you, but firing at vulnerable spot on meat is? Such an upgrade of gameplay, such a tremendous change - more weak-spot mechanics straight from 16-bit 2D Sega platformers. Exactly what a game in 2014 needs to be challenging and interesting.


Yeah. Nah. The full rework of AI and improvement of combat system via it is the the only way this game can stay afloat after nothing is left to farm. The gameplay itself must be interesting, that's the most crucial thing. You must play mission not because you want the potato you will get after running it 10 times over and hitting 1000000 weak spots on mobs, but because it feels good to play that mission and beat enemies on it. One day, every player will have all potatoes he needs, and all mods he wants and all warframes will be released and built and all Syndicate reputation maxed and all events completed. And when this day comes, there better be some AI that makes it feel good to play against it. Does it feel good for you to try hit that tiny jerking pipe on Lt. Kryll's arse for you? For me, it does not. That's why I want AI improvement and not more crutches for creeps that cannot use them.

Edited by Ska-boo
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I want to give examples of behavior and abilities I have seen in other games that "have made sense" when encountered, and that may work here. I'll just list simple ones that I can remember that would not - in my opinion anyway - be complex code, then again, what do I know, AI code must be massively different game to game.


I'm simply pointing out that when I saw this, my brain just went "oh, ok, interesting", again this is just what ME personally found interesting.


* Units that can deploy small, personal energy shields or hard cover that is not immediately visible when they realize shots going their way, usually not fast enough when focused fire, but if an enemy unit goes down next to them, they might deploy. They are harder to hit, but they also fire less (they cover and shoot) so spraying a flanking group can also be used to make them keep their heads down.


* Units with heavy frontal armor but weaknesses on flanks or back, or mechanical units that have ablative armor that can be visibly shaved away for shots at the vital parts. I would personally prefer to say, get LESS, but tougher Moa units, but see them slowly get torn apart by careful shooting rather then feel like shooting a toaster with a shotgun. When units have multiple things they can do, accurate shots can disable the ability you want first, like a head laser when they are far away, or damage legs when close to get distance.


* Long range area denial. You can't just wander into a zone without dealing with extra AoE things going on. Usually someone has to either "sneak over there" and deal with that unit that is bombarding the area, or snipe it, or navigate the area. Usually there is clear indicators of "danger", as they are either explosive charges that glow before detonation, or blinking mines that can be shot and detonated, or a burning area, etc etc. We have some similar things but here they just either slam you from nowhere, or have no ability to be avoided because of how fast they happen (we have Void Powered Warframes, it would kind of make sense they could spot and show us such objects)


An example here would be a mini-boss infested lobbing globs of corrosive matter that will spash damage. We can shoot the charges in mid air, melee him in the face to stagger him and stop the shots, or even damage/destroy the launching mechanism while whittling him down.


* Snipers that actually have a laser beam sight that is visible, or like the opticor, light up the line of sight with a thin beam before the main shot goes off.


* Units that have "missile" or locking fire weapons like a Buzlock make our Frames give a hud warning that we are being painted/targeted before we suddenly get shot from nowhere.


* Field EMP type disabling effect over just "instant no energy". I'd feel better if I had partial power blackouts or reduced capability where my Frame might be unable to fire off abilities at full strength, then simply forcing me to stand on an Energy Restore dropped by a hotkey. The last Tactical Alert Being an example. where the unit might have a field generator that messes with us, but not totally shuts us down. If I remember correctly we had a Tactical Alert once that "stacked" penalties, and lowered ability power. A similar hardwired effect would have made more sense to me. We can still fire ULT's they just do much reduced effects. The fight would have been still hard but more fun, even if my Radial Blind was a 1 second stun and blind duration.


* Ability to tell you are aiming at them. Basically, they cheat. When aimed at, say, by a sniper, they can sometime tell, and they move or hide. As long as this is not ALL THE TIME and instantaneous, it's quite funny scoping a unit, see it look directly at you, and dive for cover, just to see it pop it's head up 3 seconds later and you pop it then.


* Units that have extremely high accuracy when you are standing still, again, they cheat. Better when they have a reasonably long range thing and you can tell it's happening. An example being thrown grenades. It is basically more for "oh crap" effect then a major danger. You know they are there and have to keep an eye out. It might just EMP strip your shields clean off, but it stops you just standing behind a door frame and mowing down anything that just comes around the corner. When that glowing nade bounces at your feet after coming in through the air vent, you scamper off. I've seen Hunter/Seeker type mini-drones do this, where you hear a buzzing sound as they look for you, and home in to you when making noises. Do you look for it?


* Spawn control. Places that say, deploy mechanical units might have spots where they deploy from. I have seen tiles in WF with small grates that open and a Moa pops out. Would be nice if we could disable them as we move forward, either brute force or hack them for example.


That is all I remember for now.

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A few tings Id really like to see are:



    flashbangs(maybe 2-4 sec duration) if they know they hit you they move up on you.

    melee with a chameleon armour type mechanic.

    system uplink so they can set off alarms/activate turrets/lock down a room(takes time and you can see them doing it to be fair)

    nanite field that prevents procs and CC in it like hallowed ground but bigger. They use this if an ally near them gets whammied or once they get to an objective(cryopod, tower etc..)



    smoke nade they could ether smoke them selves to get away if they have low health or throw at a camping player and move up on.

    a stimpack that once they've retreated they use to heal themselves. maybe 5% hp for 5 secs and remove procs.

    melee Grineer get a self only volt like speed buff for maybe 5 secs that way they can get to you.



    ancients with a pulse aura ability that dispels powers maybe every 5-10 secs

    ability to wallrun/climb making stand on the box less of a full proof tactic.



    heavies with something like -50% proc/power duration. They are suppose to be more of a challenge but CC frames stop them like everyone else.

    enemies with more than just one weapon. Primary, secondary and melee. Instead of reloading that supra, Techs could switch to a spectra or something while in a fire fight. Or Scorpions could have a seer to use at longer range instead of being fodder.


Anyway just a few Ideas I had.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a link leading to http://askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/76972636953/game-development-myths-players-want-smart somwhere along this thread



Now, That doesn't really apply to warframe. It's all a matter of health VS damage. Intellegent flanking would be terrifying in a realistic game where a few bullets will kill you... But we have Redirection and Vitality. If so few bullets ever kill you then you're not using modules in the cold and mathmatical way they were intended. 


Seriously though; The new infested enemies are delightful. They put some level of player skill into warframe (don't walk into the swarm, get out of the goo, roll of the small guys, Kill this guy before he grapples, run away from these characters) . The corpus and grineer really need some enemy improvements to create that kinda thing. I vote for powerful, tellegraphed attacks with enemy-created terrain hazards. 

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Infested Ancient Guardian (elite ancient healer variant): Whenever any AoE ability hits the Guardian, he pulses a red aura which revives all his allies within it as shadows (they give no XP and don't count towards exterm). He is personally invulnerable to AoE powers (but not direct damage powers).


So what happens when I Vortex? does he start spamming red pulses on end?

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Something to note : Warframe AI still need some tweaks, phil.


You can give them all the tools you want, if they keep doing this :


This dumb AI won't be better.


(I agree however : if you have a tank facing a bunch of guys with a stick, smart or not, the matchmaking is a bit unfair...Unless you give them rocket launchers viable against tanks.)


THAT... That is... 

That dance is exactly the move I use on enemies with projectile weapons! They are adapting Tenno tactics for evasive fire! Impressive! 

In all seriousness, that's a brilliant example of an enemy with no weight attached to it. I imagine those cyber-suits must be somehow heavy, yet they behave like it's made of feather-material. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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