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Rainbow Energy?

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I think we really need an option to set flowing/shifting colors for our energy colors. This would allow certain abilities to pulse, like MPrime shifting between white and black or blue and white or something else for "cool" factor, but would also make various weapons obscenely more fun.



Ever since I built the supra, I thought to myself "How amazing would it be to have a shifting energy color? One that just moves around the color wheel, changing every half second to second, allowing me to spew forth a myriad of color and death, giving me a dubstep gun via warframe.




Really it's just for the cool/fun factor, there's no real need for this, but I'd love to see it implemented. As with the first example, it could be used to show shifting colors in abilities, or for pure hilarity. The sky's the limit and the player is zephyr ;)

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It sounds absolutely HORRIBLE and some energy colours are already a pain to the eyes as it is.

Not to mention the fact that the game barely has any immersion to mention in the first place.This would just destroy what is left of it.

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I love this idea, I want sparkly colourful energy shots that radiate many different effects, with a multitude of pretty colours.


Also I want warframes that are rainbow coloured, as in they shift colours like neon lights...


Also, maybe the ability to give warframes and weapons custom skins created by users?  I'd love to make a custom skin for my stuff :)

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It sounds absolutely HORRIBLE and some energy colours are already a pain to the eyes as it is.

Not to mention the fact that the game barely has any immersion to mention in the first place.This would just destroy what is left of it.

Yea. People *@##$ enough about the bright green energy color I've chosen to use for frames like Ember-P and Nova, can't imagine people would be happy about pulsating colors at all. 

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Yea. People $#*(@ enough about the bright green energy color I've chosen to use for frames like Ember-P and Nova, can't imagine people would be happy about pulsating colors at all. 

I would love it tbh

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Yea. People $#*(@ enough about the bright green energy color I've chosen to use for frames like Ember-P and Nova, can't imagine people would be happy about pulsating colors at all. 


Yeah, this would certainly force your retinas to burn.

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No reason not to have something like this other than personal preference. Personally, I wouldn't use it all that much, but I see no harm.


The problem with energy emission colors and other visual effects is that your personal preference is forced onto other people. There is no setting to disable the optional effects other players like to throw around. Just because you like flashing strobe lights all over your warframe, doesn't mean it won't induce nausea and vomiting in someone else.


This has been an issue ever since DE release Scindo and Fragor which caused every player's screen to shake violently if the wielder slams or slide swings the weapon against a wall. It came up again when the Stug was released, and every player's screen would flicker to a red tint when one of the weapon's projectiles detonated. 


However, if DE ever offers a settings option to disable the emissions and visual effects of other players, go nuts. I have nothing against a preference for excessive visual effects, other than having to look at them myself.

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personally i dont really care but i think it would be cooler to select 3-5 different colors to swirl, so it wouldn't just be rainbow but monochrome or vibrant colors that shift, i.e: Grey, White, Black, dark grey or Dark red, Light Blue, yellow, White. Etc 

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like my mouse's lighting options

i wouldn't use it


but more power to y'all

hope devs profit greatly from it

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personally i dont really care but i think it would be cooler to select 3-5 different colors to swirl, so it wouldn't just be rainbow but monochrome or vibrant colors that shift, i.e: Grey, White, Black, dark grey or Dark red, Light Blue, yellow, White. Etc 

That was kinda what I was getting at with "switching between a couple colors" and "color wheel". We would buy the shifter option, then select which colors we want to use. If this means shifting between fire style colors for Ember, go nuts. Icey blues and whites on frost, by all means. Vibrant greens and darker olives for Oberon, be all the tree hugger you can be.


The idea behind a rainbow color swirl is that it would be inevitable with this step, and a good direction for customization as far as allowing us to really make our warframe our own, giving us more customization than 5 colored areas that are predetermined by an artist at DE. I doubt we'll ever see custom skins or anything similar that allows us to user upload content (with the exception of maybe pre-determined shapes and patterns we can tweak to our liking, similar to Armored Core's emblem creator [does Call of Duty use the same type of system? If so, that for the 99% of the world that's never played AC]). So with that in mind, I figured modifying things we already have to the utmost would be the next best step.

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I see no harm to the game the more customization is added since there is only a few of the same Warframes with the same powers and the Primes Warframes are just more shinny even if some are a bit more powerful it’s basically a copy of the same frame.


I wish DE continiues to add more cosmetics to personalize more our Warframes... and maybe in the future make Prime Warframes actually have Prime Powers that function differently so you don’t feel like your leveling the same Warframe over... or just add other types of Warframes... like... Corpus Warframe, Grineer Warframe, Infested Warframe, And Corrupted Warframe or... even Dragon Warframe (kidding) each the same warframe but with different animations and function representing that *altered faction* warframe. Hahahaha It is fun, cool and entertaining seeing such things if it happened... XD but I guess it be better NEW warframes…than doing this… BUT the Primes should I still think be not more powerful but just different with their similar yet difference in tactical function and animation for their powers… Rhino Iron Gold Skin was a real cool way to show this… I wonder what they will do with Valkyr PRIME version… never mind…side track a bit…


Anyway POINT is… that I give this a 1+ as more customization means a more Personalize Warframe Avatars for players and it’s always a good marketing thing. Who does not like more shiny color eye candy for your Warframe?!

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That was kinda what I was getting at with "switching between a couple colors" and "color wheel". We would buy the shifter option, then select which colors we want to use. If this means shifting between fire style colors for Ember, go nuts. Icey blues and whites on frost, by all means. Vibrant greens and darker olives for Oberon, be all the tree hugger you can be.


The idea behind a rainbow color swirl is that it would be inevitable with this step, and a good direction for customization as far as allowing us to really make our warframe our own, giving us more customization than 5 colored areas that are predetermined by an artist at DE. I doubt we'll ever see custom skins or anything similar that allows us to user upload content (with the exception of maybe pre-determined shapes and patterns we can tweak to our liking, similar to Armored Core's emblem creator [does Call of Duty use the same type of system? If so, that for the 99% of the world that's never played AC]). So with that in mind, I figured modifying things we already have to the utmost would be the next best step.

it would also look epic on mag and mag P's helmets :D

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