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Should We Keep The Design Council Out Community Event?


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Nope this is not a post against founders,etc this is a simple question. Should the "last vote" left only to the design council? Personally I think not(I'm talking about community events only)

In a growing community the decision should not be left to only a few players.do you guys agree with that or we should just keep it that way?

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I might just be tired, but I didn't understand what you said.

He thinks that its a little unfair that the final vote on a community contest is left to DC only.


I really dont care personally, but the DC is growing, I think DE picks people to join it every month or so.

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In my opinion, any final decision shouldn't be in the hand of any group of players; majority or not.

I can understand that. IF we are going to leave a decision in the hands of players, it should be players that know the trade and know what they are talking about, rather than the amount of money they paid or time they played.


At the very least DE is inducting new members into the Design Council based on the quality of their feedback, suggestions, and concepts.

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I frankly think the opposite, there should be a tier above the design council that makes decision, like, pros, maybe people who know what there doing could get together in Ontario, call themselves digital extremes or something and make the game awesome, because they'd be awesome.......no?


But seriously, the design council was awesome, and I really wanted to be a part of it (admittedly) but as of right now it self quite insignificant, I'm all for a full rework, involving both DC's interaction with the game and the community's interaction with the DC.

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The final decision should be left with the Design council~

I say this due to the fact that there are many variables outside~

voting outside the Design Council can have its flaws~

there are users with Alt accounts that would mass vote if given the chance~

and those that would create Alt accounts just for that~

I hope you understand where I'm coming from~

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I do believe that they should be given what they were promised and have more input into the game than non-DC players.

We are never asked about anything. The last thing that I recall was possible abilities for Valkyr, which was mid U10, if I recall.



EDIT: No, wait, I think the new Infested Ancient sounds were a little more recent. Maybe a month or two ago, though.... But, to be honest, I'm kind of disappointed. I don't know why, but I thought that being a member of the Design Council meant being more involved in the game.

Edited by Zachles
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In my opinion, any final decision shouldn't be in the hand of any group of players; majority or not.

This. I am in the DC, but while I appreciate being given the chance to vote on some things most of the people there are founders and their choices can be just as biased or badly made as anyone else's.

Mind you there was a lot of vocal disagreement with what ended up being the winning enemy entries within the DC.

I can see why we're not involved more though. There are a lot of people in design council that really shouldn't be making decisions that impact the game.

This is pretty much it. Either everyone or nobody votes, especially on crucial things like what happened with the enemy contest, where it should not be a thing a small group of people with their own opinions should decide.

Edited by RahuStalker
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We are never asked about anything. The last thing that I recall was possible abilities for Valkyr, which was mid U10, if I recall.



EDIT: No, wait, I think the new Infested Ancient sounds were a little more recent. Maybe a month or two ago, though.... But, to be honest, I'm kind of disappointed. I don't know why, but I thought that being a member of the Design Council meant being more involved in the game.

I can see why we're not involved more though. There are a lot of people in design council that really shouldn't be making decisions that impact the game.

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I couldn't care either way. The community has submitted lots of stuff. There's also lots of going back and forth involved with dwindling the amount of submissions on things down. The DC then probably thins out the available things that the community handed them, and then for DE to make final decisions.


So basically Community (big part since they deal with submissions/creations/and voting) -> DC (Design Council, they thin out the available submissions/creations left from the community) -> DE (Digital Extremes Team, They make the actual final say/last minute changes to any submission/creation)


I don't see a problem with it. Most of DC were from the founder's pack. Now that it is gone, DE Moderators or staff team, hand picks who ever made the most contribution to the forums/gaming community, get to be on the DC. How often they do this, I'm not sure.

The reason I don't see much of a problem is that, as a growing community, we are a pretty big group. Now the DC is kind of a big group as well, but it's a lot smaller when compared to the rest of the community (we all like to bicker and argue whose right and wrong, afterall). DC probably debate as well, but I'm sure it's less.... how do I say this..... crude? rageful? slightly more calm? And then finally DE.... we can't always trust them, but I give props for them for trying and managing as they have.

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As a founder myself, I can wholeheartedly say I do not support the polling of founders for content or gameplay decisions. Just being some people spent a lot of money on the game does not mean they are able to make informed decisions which better the welfare of the game. There have been numerous DC votes that have been hijacked by the vocal majority that simply like pretty pictures or stupid puns. Game design should not be a democracy. DE should have an idea of what belongs in the game and what does not and I feel, in some cases, they do not filter what you DC has authority over well enough and it leads to plenty of good idea being thrown out. In my opinion, the DC should simply have their comments viewed and considered more regularly. I don't think the majority of DC members are capable of game development decisions. 

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Nope this is not a post against founders,etc this is a simple question. Should the "last vote" left only to the design council? Personally I think not(I'm talking about community events only)

In a growing community the decision should not be left to only a few players.do you guys agree with that or we should just keep it that way?


No, it shouldn't be left to the design council for the final vote. Yeah, I like being on it. But voting on a community contest isn't what I had in mind. Critiquing and giving opinions on dev designs and concepts and such, yeah. But if the community submits submissions, then the community should both select and vote on those selections. Sure, that means any submission is a popularity contest judged by the number of upvotes, but so what? So I hope that's the way selections are handled for any other community contests like this, and along with that there should be a stricter adherence to the guidelines.

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I like the Design Council idea, but I don't trust their decisions. I'm sorry, but currently my impression of the DC is that they are mostly made up of Founders, whom might not know what is best for the game. I do understand that DE is inviting players with active contributions to the forums into the DC, but they might not be well versed enough in game design to make the right decision too. I would like DE to take their votes and suggestions as suggestions. If a popular idea is a bad one, DE should reject it and not go ahead simply beacuse the DC voted on it. 

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I like the Design Council idea, but I don't trust their decisions. I'm sorry, but currently my impression of the DC is that they are mostly made up of Founders, whom might not know what is best for the game. I do understand that DE is inviting players with active contributions to the forums into the DC, but they might not be well versed enough in game design to make the right decision too. I would like DE to take their votes and suggestions as suggestions. If a popular idea is a bad one, DE should reject it and not go ahead simply beacuse the DC voted on it. 

The only thing they end up voting one are sounds and what wins contests and with the talent of the Warframe fans and of the top contest contenders would be great for the game.

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Game design should not be a democracy.


I completely agree.


In my experience, the more individuals that are involved in the decision making process in the creative fields, the worse off the end product. Design coherence is inversely proportional to the amount of people that directly or indirectly influence the final vision. Worse is when it is influenced by people who might not have a firm grasp on the process or are unable to remove personal opinions from the mix.


We should be a well of ideas, but not in any way involved with final decisions that influence the direction of the game.

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I like the Design Council idea, but I don't trust their decisions. I'm sorry, but currently my impression of the DC is that they are mostly made up of Founders, whom might not know what is best for the game. I do understand that DE is inviting players with active contributions to the forums into the DC, but they might not be well versed enough in game design to make the right decision too. I would like DE to take their votes and suggestions as suggestions. If a popular idea is a bad one, DE should reject it and not go ahead simply beacuse the DC voted on it. 

I agree with this. But as we all know, (speaking as a Founder) if players don't get their suggestions converted into gameplay sh*t will hit the fan. Sadly.

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The final vote allways the devs because they work with the game and they can decide with their actual power what can do. They can decide that also if this game turn into single-multi or players given chance to make maps, mods, models etc. The council created for a plus layer filled with peoples who had enough money to help the game involving then this mean they should have also ability to vote or make chances and not what the devs want all the time. 


First layer is when the community want changes and make suggestions and talk about lot of threads and then the DC decide about the picked themes which will benefit more and which less. Then the Devs make a poll which is almost all the time their "wants" but i am not member so this point is not sure and you can correct me with this. My opinion as usual buyer is everyone need a chance if interested in involving. Would be better to make a list which things old time suggests and what the future wants and then become plannable how the devs will add on.

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