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Rank 0 Players


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So sometime ago i remember there was an addition to the game where rank 0 players could not get matchmaking with higher level player. But everytime i play i see rank 0 player pop up everywhere fom eart to sometimes even pluto where did that no rank 0 player with higher level players restriction gone? Could it get back because its realy anoeyng to play missions where all the team dont know what they are doing especialy in survival and interception and get downed every 4 secconds and end the mission after 5 minutes or  5 waves could there be atleast options for match making like there is the minimum ping limit there could be minimum rank or something like that  

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So sometime ago i remember there was an addition to the game where rank 0 players could not get matchmaking with higher level player. But everytime i play i see rank 0 player pop up everywhere fom eart to sometimes even pluto where did that no rank 0 player with higher level players restriction gone? Could it get back because its realy anoeyng to play missions where all the team dont know what they are doing especialy in survival and interception and get downed every 4 secconds and end the mission after 5 minutes or  5 waves could there be atleast options for match making like there is the minimum ping limit there could be minimum rank or something like that  


I believe they only implemented that on Mercury, everywhere else rank 0 can play with anyone. 

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So sometime ago i remember there was an addition to the game where rank 0 players could not get matchmaking with higher level player. But everytime i play i see rank 0 player pop up everywhere fom eart to sometimes even pluto where did that no rank 0 player with higher level players restriction gone? Could it get back because its realy anoeyng to play missions where all the team dont know what they are doing especialy in survival and interception and get downed every 4 secconds and end the mission after 5 minutes or  5 waves could there be atleast options for match making like there is the minimum ping limit there could be minimum rank or something like that  

"ime 2mlg 4 teh nubz, dee dont maek me plai wit de scrubz"


Also, the mission setups are relatively simple. Why are you whining, again? If you're really so skilled, carry your team.

Edited by MorteTacere
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Teach, Coach, Mentor.


Being a go-to guy for newb questions is the only thing left for me to do. Plz, lemme keep it.

I sort of wish they implement a more concrete in-game system for it. I would sure like to help others as well. I have almost never run into any rank 0's anywhere. I think the lowest I've seen lately is Mastery rank 2 or 3.

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I sort of wish they implement a more concrete in-game system for it. I would sure like to help others as well. I have almost never run into any rank 0's anywhere. I think the lowest I've seen lately is Mastery rank 2 or 3.


And by then they are like teenagers. They know all. :D

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I sort of wish they implement a more concrete in-game system for it. I would sure like to help others as well. I have almost never run into any rank 0's anywhere. I think the lowest I've seen lately is Mastery rank 2 or 3.

Yes, a mentoring system would be indeed fun for high rank players and helpful for new players, i would mentor new players, i would like doing it.

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He did mention that rank 0 players were found on Pluto. I know that I was at least rank 3 before I even  got close to Pluto.


So would it be better to make sure players have to actually complete each planets chain of missions before they could

move onto the next instead of just getting taxied buy a higher leveled player?

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Me: Yo, why you press lifesupport so soon?
Rank0: To save you
Me: Thnx, but we were on 80% left.

Rank0: Yes.
Me: Did you know we get 30% from lifesupport?
Rank0:....F*cking n000b

This is a good conversation. Most of the time they do not respond at all.


Tho, one time, one did respond with: "Roger"
I still dont know if he was telling me his name, or if he understood, but he didnt press over 70% for the rest of the game. Best warframe-day of my life

Edited by Grimfrost
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Teach coach mentor? if your playing on planets like phobos and pluto your probably should know what you are doing right? your the allmighti rank 0 with your excalibur/loki/mag and your super weapons like the great mk-1 braton and lato and the legendary scana you go on to be the legend slashing throught enemies faces with your might. NO rank 0 player should not be allowed past venus there is nothing to mentor a player that doesnt want to learn from his mistakes that he keeps repeating ower and ower hoping everyone will cary him with joy across the solar system. It has been a suggestion many times to lock planes with mastery rank and it should be implemented one day becuse these player get used to being carried too much and they dont want to proggres themselfs in the end of the day hoping they will get everything for just standing around level 30 mission shooting some bullets that bounce off the enemies .

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I just passed my first 'test', and my clanmates had already taken me to Pluto briefly.  Believe it or not, some of us beginners appreciate being shown little tips and tricks - and try to contribute as best we can in our newbie status with the peashooters and butter knives.  We're not all scrubs.

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I just passed my first 'test', and my clanmates had already taken me to Pluto briefly.  Believe it or not, some of us beginners appreciate being shown little tips and tricks - and try to contribute as best we can in our newbie status with the peashooters and butter knives.  We're not all scrubs.

See? Seeeeeeeeeeeee? Seriously, why did they put such a desirable newb frame all the way out there.

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Maybe instead of locking the missions/planets by rank, it could be that rank 0-3 can't join random groups for higher missions/planets instead?

I run with assorted rank players from the clan I'm with, when they take me, they know they are taking a player potentially very less capable than themselves. I'm rank 7 now (but I wasn't when we started running missions), and I don't always end up on my butt needing revives - sometimes I follow along as support for the more capable players (hey, accidents happen).


Point is, they take me knowingly.

Edited by AhkNemet
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My only issue is doing the event and being tossed into a game with 3 rank 0s (yes this happened) and getting absolutely crushed when they couldn't last longer than 10 seconds. Then they complain that they where not getting any damage done and I'm trying to babysit them. Normally I like helping the padawans out, but having to explain why their bratons were hitting ones and why they cant stand in poison 20 times is annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

mastery rank doesnt equate to skill or performance however, my alt account i deliberatly made a self hardmode for fun, i remain at MR0 and use the tools/weapons available to me at that rank, your frames performance, your weapons performance are not affected by mastery levels, ive fully unlocked the solar map, i have powerful multiforma'd weapons, only use Excal and Vauban as frames, etc etc.


basically we shouldnt hold much value in MR levels (thats too much like the gearscore elitism WOW had a while back), they are after all only a guage of how many frames/weapons we have bothered to level.


But your right in that if a player chose to go into a pluto/ceres mission and they cant contribute and constantly eat floor, personally id just let them die, if they are doing ok then fair play, let them get on with it.


We are at least lucky that many missions and team setups we can get away with having 1 good player and 3 weak ones, this is probably why so many players show up in places they shouldnt really be in.  (ill bet most of them are hunting essential weapon/frame mods)

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I actually very rarely see any rank 0's past Venus, and only very rarely see them anywhere past that.. In my honest opinion, mastery rank locking planets would be a mistake, because some of the resources you need to build weapons and frames (with which you achieve Mastery rank points) will be blocked and impossible to get.. If anyone has a problem with playing with rank 0's, you always have the "Abort Mission" button. You can leave at any second you want to with almost no penalty. And if you're that good, just play on your own, do the mission on your own, and just afk at the ending, not very difficult. There's a million other ways to deal with rank 0's or low ranks in general, and all of them do not include locking them away from planets or players etc. This is how I deal with it: Trolling? Abort. Confused? Help. Little knowledge? Teach. Simple. I even took 2 rank 0's and carried them around, getting a bunch of resources, letting them have fun in difficult missions. A lot of players want to jump into intense action with a challenge. Higher ranked players can do that for them. There's no need for unnecessary restrictions to block off some of the fun that low ranks could have.

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I actually very rarely see any rank 0's past Venus, and only very rarely see them anywhere past that.. In my honest opinion, mastery rank locking planets would be a mistake, because some of the resources you need to build weapons and frames (with which you achieve Mastery rank points) will be blocked and impossible to get.. If anyone has a problem with playing with rank 0's, you always have the "Abort Mission" button. You can leave at any second you want to with almost no penalty. And if you're that good, just play on your own, do the mission on your own, and just afk at the ending, not very difficult. There's a million other ways to deal with rank 0's or low ranks in general, and all of them do not include locking them away from planets or players etc. This is how I deal with it: Trolling? Abort. Confused? Help. Little knowledge? Teach. Simple. I even took 2 rank 0's and carried them around, getting a bunch of resources, letting them have fun in difficult missions. A lot of players want to jump into intense action with a challenge. Higher ranked players can do that for them. There's no need for unnecessary restrictions to block off some of the fun that low ranks could have.

Completely agree with you

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