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Ok The Stalker Just Seems To Be A Troll Now


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 He only seems to spawn for me well im on a Frame thats Unrank-to-15 and his Dispell seems to be Aura now as well.

I want to see his Mod set up for being a rouge Frame because he seems to always spawn in on me well im solo at 30 ranks higher then me and srugs my weapon, skills, and meele attacks off as if some one sneezed on him, whats the piont of giving me skills and other attacks if there not going to work on him? He is after me not the group reduse the damage group member do to him and Give back a fighting chance to the one hes after. and do something about him teleporting inside of me give me back my personal space. 


then again i dont know why im posting this. some of you will see me ask to see his mod set up and be like  he dont have mods ( i know this im being sarcastic )

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He was gone for me for about several major updates, back when we did not have phobos, and then he showed up yesterday when I went on a solo mission. Where I was just trying to unlock my last planet with my new gear, then Lotus change the mission to ext, the easiest for me, then the punk runs up and one shots me with a kuani.

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Always bring the best melee weapon you have while leveling up other weapons or a frame. You can easily kill him with a maxed channeling build weapon, like a modded Dragon Nikana or Dakra Prime. The moment he spawns, just melee the S#&$ outta him until he drops dead.

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The stalker and all other assassin units are why I always have a max ranked reflection mod.  Let these guys wound themselves with the initial attack then I lay into them.  The best battle is always with harvester because he's not a one-shotting PoS OP bad @$$ or a group of super Grineer, and he moves around a lot and puts up a good fight.  I won't win just reflecting all his attacks, so I gotta hit him when he has openings.  It's almost like facing off against Metal Gear Rising's robo-dog boss.  Kind of wish facing off against the Stalker was like fighting Jetstream Sam.  Less cheap twitch shooting, more bad &#! dueling.

Edited by Littleman88
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Stalker one shotted me the other day. I'm not sure if I have ever beaten him in the past, but it used to feel like I had a chance. It could be a challenging bit of excitement, but I agree, it seems recently he was changed to be nothing but a troll. Nothing fun about that. Better balance and AI that has the Stalker actually stalk, rather than just being right in your face and killing you before you can do anything would be a welcome change.

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He claims he's avenging the boss you killed. Kills your low leveled Warframe that didn't do it.

He breaks the fourth wall, knows the player behind it. You think those light flickers are random?They're just someone else having revenge taken against them...

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The stalker and all other assassin units are why I always have a max ranked reflection mod.  Let these guys wound themselves with the initial attack then I lay into them.  The best battle is always with harvester because he's not a one-shotting PoS OP bad @$$ or a group of super Grineer, and he moves around a lot and puts up a good fight.  I won't win just reflecting all his attacks, so I gotta hit him when he has openings.  It's almost like facing off against Metal Gear Rising's robo-dog boss.  Kind of wish facing off against the Stalker was like fighting Jetstream Sam.  Less cheap twitch shooting, more bad @$$ dueling.

Jetstream Sam only has his sword for as a weapon.

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The stalker and all other assassin units are why I always have a max ranked reflection mod.  Let these guys wound themselves with the initial attack then I lay into them.  The best battle is always with harvester because he's not a one-shotting PoS OP bad @$$ or a group of super Grineer, and he moves around a lot and puts up a good fight.  I won't win just reflecting all his attacks, so I gotta hit him when he has openings.  It's almost like facing off against Metal Gear Rising's robo-dog boss.  Kind of wish facing off against the Stalker was like fighting Jetstream Sam.  Less cheap twitch shooting, more bad @$$ dueling.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Stalker, G3, Zanuka, those jerks are all like that.  You get marked and roll with your best frames and weapons for like a hundred missions, but then as soon as you switch to the lower level frames and gear, that's when they decide to attack.  



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I had been planning to pound the Stalker with one of Nyx's absorb. 


So of course the moment he actually arrives, it's when I had no power whatsoever. 


don`t. he dispels the S#&$ out of Absorb... Got a face full of one (1) arrow, because i couldn`t do jack against him with my rank low weapons...

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This is why I always bring that one weapon that's completely jacked in damage. I wait for that moment when he appears then I just completely demolish that @$$ of his in 1 hit.


He gon' LEARN today!

Edited by Trowicia
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Stalker is the worst example of "hard-to-balance" against all the player levels and setups, yet seen in this game.

In the time ive played WF (since march last year)


1) he started out really OP,

2) then they nerfed him, to "wayy to easy"

3) then they buffed him to OP status again

4) nerf again.

5) and now they buffed him again..


so yeah, he is apparently pretty hard to balance..

but i would much rather hes a badass OP devil, than a santa styled nub.

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Stalker is the worst example of "hard-to-balance" against all the player levels and setups, yet seen in this game.

In the time ive played WF (since march last year)


1) he started out really OP,

2) then they nerfed him, to "wayy to easy"

3) then they buffed him to OP status again

4) nerf again.

5) and now they buffed him again..


so yeah, he is apparently pretty hard to balance..

but i would much rather hes a badass OP devil, than a santa styled nub.

the problem is the balance itself. You want him to be slightly challenging, not a total pushover that pops up every now and then, like a cardboard cutout in a firing range.


But you don't want him to be so stupidly strong that he does nothing but annoy people; he would get in the way, he wouldn't be fun, he'd put people off playing while marked, playing solo or even killing bosses.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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I'm quite happy where the stalker is right now, you have to be on your toes when fighting him. It's actually made me nervous when he shows up, cause I'm not sure if I'll be able to beat him or not. Now, when he uses absorb, and 3 of your 4 teammates go down cause they are too stupid to stop attacking, leaving you with a lvl 15 Loki and no Invis, then yeah, that's not fun, but all in all, he's fun to face

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This is why I always bring that one weapon that's completely jacked in damage. I wait for that moment when he appears then I just completely demolish that @$$ of his in 1 hit.


He gon' LEARN today!

Yep.  If I'm leveling primary, I'm bringing maxed out Marelok and Dakra Prime.  Secondary?  Soma or Bolter Prime for primary.  I've been burned too many times running solo with a low ranked frame or weapon.  I'll drop a Specter next time as well.

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