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Alad V Gone Nuts.


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Hi. So at the end of Breeding Grounds event we get a message from Alad V, and what, he is thanking us?

I understand that his infested army is now only containing the strongest ones but i think he has gone mad with power.

i think he is going Vay Hek with infested, thinks that his army is unstoppable and will destroy us.

(huh Vay Hek? whats that? you are going to kill us all and throw Lotus in to the sun? yea too bad you ran from the fight you coward). Same goes for Alad V. I bet he will be really pi$$ed off when we kill new $% *&^%$ (you know what creature im speaking about)


And then a Valkyr or few will come and will tear him apart.

Edited by S0ulre4per
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he thanked us because the more we fought the infested, the better adapted to us they became, hence the higher difficulty the more often you re-ran the event


so we basically trained his monsters for him, and he apparently saved a batch here and there to breed more and then let them rip through whatever they might find

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Also... he's speaking of himself and the infested of "us" now.

Guess his  mind is one with the hive now. Been waiting for this.


I still hope he goes for a revenge on the corpus board.

I really want something like the gradivus dilemma (lore wise, not grind wise.).


Because I think that these "Tenno vs x" events are pretty boring - better than nothing, yes, but "Tenno and x or y vs x or y" is better.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Alad hasn't gone nuts.  He's always been nuts.  "Lets chop up the space ninjas and use their parts to make frankenkitty.  There's no way that's going to bring down swift retribution from the ancient murder gods!"


And I'll be nothing short of disappointed if he doesn't make an infested super-zanuka which promptly eats him, punishing him for his hubris while simultaneously reinforcing the dangers of toying with such forces to begin with.  Plus, infested super zanuka would be a much better boss fight then Alad again

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he thanked us because the more we fought the infested, the better adapted to us they became, hence the higher difficulty the more often you re-ran the event


so we basically trained his monsters for him, and he apparently saved a batch here and there to breed more and then let them rip through whatever they might find


I for one am terrified of that, because level 9999 infested are no joke.

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