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Question To The Commnity : Do Auto Win Teams Exist


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LEt's say 4 players who are decently skilled pick one frame  for a mission.


Depending of the mission which frames do you think are a guaranteed win / high survivability / Dream team?


Example : for Defense imo

: Nyx + Frost + Rhino +Vauban


What about you guys?

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Really, it doesn't matter which Frames they pick, it all comes down to the player. Even if a bunch of players pick "god-tier" frames, it doesn't matter if the players themselves are total sh*te.


Apologies if I completely misunderstood the point of your post, good sir.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Really, it doesn't matter which Frames they pick, it all comes down to the player. Even if a bunch of players pick "god-tier" frames, it doesn't matter if they're total sh*te.


Apologies if I completely misunderstood the point of your post, good sir.

no problem 


but here's i'm assuming they all know how to play the game correctly , no beginner mistakes likea ctivating life support too early , no Rushing alone in a horde of enemies and so on.

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There are a lot of combos that can work really well if you have good players


My favorite for survival, though, would probably be Nova/Trin/Loki/Nekros.  Banshee or Ember could replace Trin


For defense just remove Nekros and add Frost.


But I like switching it up a lot and there are some less-played frames that work surprisingly well together.

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negative power strength???

it's the new nova meta, where you speed up enemies instead of slowing em down (using overextended and avoiding blind rage and intensify), it actually make mission faster, but a little harder, not a big deal if you are a decent player or you have the nice combos of frames (loki vauban)


anyway, i'd say that loki+vauban is the best dream team...and it's actually like this since... since always

the other 2 can be anything °^°


as anybody else is saying, anything can be done with anything, it's just matter of skill...but you literally wrote to pretend the 4 people to be "decently skilled" and not pro veterans xD

Edited by Regar
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For non-endless modes, then literally any 4 frames and any weapon setup should work fine.


For endless modes I'd say:


Survival: Nekros (Life Support yo), Loki (Radial Disarm for Corpus/Grineer. Decoy for Infested), Booben (Vortex/Bastille for skeet shooting), Trinity (Energy Vampire + Blessing)


Defense: Loki (Radial Disarm for Corpus/Grineer. Decoy for Infested), Booben (Vortex/Bastille for skeet shooting), Trinity (Energy Vampire + Blessing), Nova (Minimum Power Strength MP to make enemies move into the CC quicker. 200% damage boost from MP to scale higher and AMD for nukage)


Intercept: 4x Rhino - 1 on each point using Stomp to CC while they take everything out with guns.


Those teams should get pretty high levels in endless modes. The Energy Vampire from Trinity also allows better usage of 4x Corrosive Projection to remove armour from the Grineer to make damage last a lot longer.

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Defense/Survival dream team would be a Vortex Vauban, Radial Disarm Loki, 1,2,3 invisibility stacked Loki and a 2,3,4 all-around Nekros.


Vortex + Radial Disarm = pwn 99% of the game, no fucks given.


Nekros = farm frame and OH SHI- Terrorize / SoTD if something goes wrong. You don't need to spam desecrate all day, don't be greedy. Give Nekros a good build and just desecrate the big groups of bodies two or three times. Work with the people shootin


Put the Invisibility Loki to work doing whatever needs to be done. Run capsules, find stuck mobs, get into a weird position and help kill fliers or troublesome enemies. Put the other Loki to work if he needs help. Vauban stays on Vortex. Nekros covers Vauban, desecrates, and stays alert for problems. Only invisibility Loki revives. Everyone else keeps fighting or tries to survive.

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no Rushing alone in a horde of enemies and so on.

that's usually me in Survival, everyone else stays in the few tiles (if any) with decent Enemy Spawns, and i usually run to the back corners of the map to grab Support Pods.


but it's fairly easy to avoid taking Damage, so whatever. pretty easy to zip over, grab the Pods, and then zip back.

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Really, it doesn't matter which Frames they pick, it all comes down to the player. Even if a bunch of players pick "god-tier" frames, it doesn't matter if the players themselves are total sh*te.


Apologies if I completely misunderstood the point of your post, good sir.

'auto win' groups consist of Veteran Players which can make just about anything work.

their Equipment isn't all that important.

Pretty much this.

I get 3 of my clan members with me and we can literally go forever.


Depending on the mission I think all three of you are very wrong. The OP's example is defense, so I would assume he means endless type missions in this post (let's leave out the regular missions that take 2 minutes to speed run with solo frame X). So under your guys assumption, the frame composition has no bearing on runs as long as the players are veteran? That makes absolutely no sense. In your logic, 4 veteran ash players can do a defense higher than 4 casual playing people who bring an actual composition? 


I'll agree, being a veteran pulls a lot of weight in your success, but the composition you run for a mission affects the outcome greatly.


To the OP: It depends on the mission type as well as the faction. If you're playing against infested you pretty much bring a Vauban and you can face-roll your way to victory, it's pretty auto-win. The other two factions take a little more thought. At least for defense I would say Frost is a must. This is mainly because, although people would like to think that running a loki disarm+nyx combo would be viable, with such a composition there are many chances that in-between a disarm an enemy sneaks in right after and gets a shot off. For those of you who have gone far enough to realize the "one shot" factor, this is a pretty big issue. So in that aspect I would not call this "auto-win". For corpus, mag is 100% auto-win if done correctly. Combine this with two classes of your choosing. If you want it to be really auto win you could combine the two and make a loki disarm,frost globe, Vauban, mag and you pretty much can't lose. Again - this is the simplest auto-win composition, there are others that will work but they have their flaws in comparison. Grineer is tougher. It can be done, but no frame scales infinitely like Mag's damage, so the only way to auto-win (without skill, which is sort of what the quoted people were getting at) is to play the same defensive boring composition I mentioned before. Just stack all defensive frames and you can't lose (essentially winning, I suppose). I don't advise to play defensively as it will make your mission run forever and you'll never really meet a challenge, though.


Survival is another story:P

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Depending on the mission I think all three of you are very wrong. The OP's example is defense, so I would assume he means endless type missions in this post (let's leave out the regular missions that take 2 minutes to speed run with solo frame X). So under your guys assumption, the frame composition has no bearing on runs as long as the players are veteran? That makes absolutely no sense. In your logic, 4 veteran ash players can do a defense higher than 4 casual playing people who bring an actual composition? 

that's exactly what's being said. Veterans that know what they're doing may choose to use whatever and simply leave when they're bored.



high Level Defense Objectives have HUGE amounts of Heath, so there's a lot of buffer if someone goes wrong at some point during the Mission.



now, if you're talking about easymode, then certain frames are required. but Veterans shouldn't care about easymode, the Mission will be completed without significant issue regardless of what's being used.

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