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I just did damnit. We can't cite anything,

Previous page of this thread, i linked a wiki page.

But even that isn't needed, if you have the codex entries and half a brain you can figure it out.

Edited by Shifted
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Previous page of this thread, i linked a wiki page.

But even that isn't needed, if you have the codex entries and half a brain you can figure it out.


That was my fault I saw this went to page 2 when I came back from reddit and went straight to 2.. I'll read that. Thank you.

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Sooo, here we got Hayden Tenno. (Dark sector) [Resembles a buffed up Excalibur]


Note that Dark Sector takes place near the end of the Cold War.

Now we have Cryopods, to preserve warriors, found hundreds/thousands of years later. 

Lotus finds Hayden, and realizes who he is. 

Clones clones clones

And, yeah, there you go.

Also, for the dude who is complaining about citing sources:



And the last bit is just my predictions, but of course I hope you know cloning is a thing, just look at G3!


I'm not complaining, and Dark Sector is a shell of a game, built on comprimise due to the orginal concept being too near to Dead Space so, should we even consider it? And yes I..tragically beat my face through that game. The controls, were much to be desired.

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he chickens away before we do that :D

Well, he took his sweet time to kneel down and puff away, so why not use that time to cut off his limbs to prevent him coming back to stalk us?


Is that not simple logic?

Edited by Renegade343
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I'm not complaining, and Dark Sector is a shell of a game, built on comprimise due to the orginal concept being too near to Dead Space so, should we even consider it? And yes I..tragically beat my face through that game. The controls, were much to be desired.


If we count tooltips as lore, then Dark Sector is canon based off the proto excal description.

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Okay I read that article.


Excaliber was the product of sending a tenno in a warframe into the void to get super powers.


But, Stalker was around before then.


And he wore a warframe. it says he's the first.. Doesn't mean the first frame. Just means the first bro strong enough to fight back.



Edited by DirkDeadeye
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Okay I read that article.


Excaliber was the product of sending a tenno in a warframe into the void to get super powers.


But, Stalker was around before then.


And he wore a warframe.



I think the Stalker's Warframe was either procured by killing a Tenno, or he made it himself. The former seems a bit more plausible. 

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I just did damnit. I did it too soon, but I'm not gonna come up front with "See how hole filled this lore is" without any engagement? We can't cite anything, and the lore is so wishy-washy none of us can make a souce cited response.


And Stalker isn't a Tenno, he's an Orokin tasked with protecting the Tenno. Who was like "you guys are $&*^s, ima pull an anakin skywalker on you"


This is a baseless assumption which just leads to more confusion. He called himself a "Guardian."(Some people say Low Guardian, but the word "low" wasn't capitalized in his codex entry.)


I'll just give a short breakdown of what the Tenno are to see where this confusion is coming from:


Ages ago, the Orokin were an advanced group of beings(either human or transhuman) that led the Solar System that we reside in. Then the Sentients come in, and turn much of their technology against them and start war.


Unable to use their own technology, the Orokin turn to the Void, and toss in ships loaded with children who then come back with unworldly powers. These "twisted few" later have their own custom suits fitted or grafted around them to help channel their powers, and are then sent with low-tech weapons(IE, blade and gun) to combat the Sentients.


The Orokin turn the tide of the war with the Tenno, and as mentioned in Stalker's entry, they are celebrated in this large ceremony. Stalker is present and is somehow aware of the Tenno's intentions, and the Tenno turn on the Orokin(either everybody present in the stadium or the important figures awarding them) and later the Orokin as a whole fall apart, over the years creating new human factions, the largest being the Grineer and Corpus.


Between the Orokin's fall and the present, the Tenno for some reason went into cryogenic suspension and at different times wake up with amnesia, guided only by the Lotus who greets every awoken Tenno.


EDIT: Stalker seems to have never gone into cryo, and has obtained or modified a warframe of his own, and now hunts the Tenno for "sins" they commit because of their past.

Edited by Ionus
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But he was present during the rebellion and, might've been the reason why the tenno flew off into the void to get superpowers..




The Tenno had powers before their rebellion against the Orokin. They were literally created from the influence of the Void.

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The Tenno had powers before their rebellion against the Orokin. They were literally created from the influence of the Void.


I thought they were created from the pseudo immunity to the techocyte virus in order to become killing machines, who then flew off to get super powers.

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Excaliber was the product of sending a tenno in a warframe into the void to get super powers.


Excalibur lore says "we took the twisted few that returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit for their affliction"


As far as we know, tenno came first and warframes were built after their void exposure.

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Excalibur lore says "we took the twisted few that returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit for their affliction"


As far as we know, tenno came first and warframes were built after their void exposure.



By that logic stalker comes first. :/

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We're just running in circles at this point.


>This happened.

>No it didn't.

>Yes it did.

>No it didn't.

>Yes it did.

>Prove it.


>That doesn't prove it.

>Yes it does.

>No it doesn't.


And so on.

The Argument Clinic in a nutshell. 

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We're just running in circles at this point.


>This happened.

>No it didn't.

>Yes it did.

>No it didn't.

>Yes it did.

>Prove it.


>That doesn't prove it.

>Yes it does.

>No it doesn't.


And so on.


mmhm. I made that clear a bunch of posts ago. No timeline, nebulous codex entries depending on a comprmised game from years past.


The funny part is, that reaches deep into the games foundation. Lore is bad for games. Unless it's an aside..

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By that logic stalker comes first. :/


Wait what? Tenno were built by orokin to fight their war with the sentients, that we know. They were created by sending people into the void and then putting warframes on them when they came back. Stalker was some sort of orokin foot soldier who witnessed the tenno kill the orokin, and then dedicated his life to destroying them. If anything, the stalker lore is the most clear lore in the game right now.


Edit: codex entry citing that can be found here http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stalker

Edited by vaugahn
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I thought they were created from the pseudo immunity to the techocyte virus in order to become killing machines, who then flew off to get super powers.

Tenno gained their powers when they were children. It is unknown how the technocyte comes in or its use. It could possibly have been used to create the neural interface of the warframes themselves.

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