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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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KEEP IT SIMPLE: If PW buys out the company and tries to clear everything and set up grindwalls and such, we dont buy a lick and abandon ship. Period. This isn't a crazy thought, starve the beast and watch it die. Maybe then they'll understand.


ON THE OTHER HAND: If they are just trying to gain stock and make some money, let em, but creative rights and control remain with the DE.

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Why not just use deodorant?



They haven't sold out yet, and at the end of the day we can't expect them to not do what's best for them in the immediate future.  Show them you care about them and their game by using less idiotic comments.


Whatever....You try and hold down a fifth of vodka and try not to post idiotic comments ya goody two shoes.



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KEEP IT SIMPLE: If PW buys out the company and tries to clear everything and set up grindwalls and such, we dont buy a lick and abandon ship. Period. This isn't a crazy thought, starve the beast and watch it die. Maybe then they'll understand.


ON THE OTHER HAND: If they are just trying to gain stock and make some money, let em, but creative rights and control remain with the DE.

But it just distasteful for PWE to buy stocks in DE(L). Because PWE's next move might be to slowly eat away the game. 

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I'm still waiting for an official statement.


The public outcry is tremendous. This game may only be one of many in your catalog, but I call Warframe 'home'. I have spent way too much money on it to see it all go to waste like this.


I will say it again, don't sell out to them. It's not worth it.

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Well this is rather disheartening.


I'm not going to just jump ship or freak out immediately, but I'm warily keeping my eyes and ears on the alert for any bit of concrete info on this.  If PWE does end up ruining Warframe I'll be left with nothing worthwhile to play till Destiny comes out...


Guess that's more time to get some writing done nonetheless should the worst truly come to pass.

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The day Warframe died and the Lotus just stood there and watched...



The Lotus (Rebecca is just an emplyee)


Saying anything (which likely hasn't been confirmed) will cost her her job probably.


But the fact that this thread has been up for nearly 8 hours and not even a single confirmation pretty much spells the wors case scenario.



The fact that DE isn't responding is fueling the mass exodus that's likely in progress.

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someone make a big pic of warframes walking away from lotus who is reaching out with one hand and has a knife behind her back in the other

That was a feel full mind picture, wish i could replicate it in pixel for... heart shattering.

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All I see is shattered pieces

I can't keep it hidden like a secret

I can't look away!

From all this pain in a world we made!

Everyday you need a bulletproof vest

To save yourself from what you could never guess!

Am I safe today?

When I step outside in the wars we wage!

Our future's here and now,

Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!

Rise in revolution!

It's our time to change it all,

Rise in revolution!

Unite and fight, to make a better life!

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!


Tonight we rise


Tonight we rise!

Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane,

Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame,

Yesterday is gone!

Faster than the blast of a car bomb!

And when the scars heal, the pain passes,

As hope burns, we rise from the ashes!

Darkness fades away!

And the light shines on a brave new day!

Our future's here and now,

Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!

Rise in revolution!

It's our time to change it all,

Rise in revolution!

Unite and fight to make a better life!

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!


Tonight we rise


Tonight we rise!

In a world gone mad,

In a place so sad!

Sometimes it's crazy

To fight for what you believe!

But you can't give up,

If you wanna keep what you love!

(Keep what you love)

Keep what you love

(Keep what you love)

Keep what you love

Never give up, no!!!


Rise in revolution


Rise in revolution

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call!


Like we're alive

Tonight we rise


Make a better life

Tonight we rise!

Rise, rise, rise in revolution

Rise, rise, rise in revolution




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