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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Hey everyone - currently awaiting official comment/info on this topic.

I'd learned to not take a denial in these matters at face value and frankly I'm not owed enough insight into your company's finances to have anything but face value to work with.


That said, best of luck.

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I woke up this morning, checked my daily 'sites and email, and then saw this topic.


DE, don't do this. You do this, the game is signing its' death certificate. I'm gone if this goes through.


So if it does.. Thanks for the year. Enjoyed all of it, even the grind.

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On subject of spending ridiculous amounts of money, I have spent quite a lot too and I have heard from several that I am being stupid to spend that much on a single game, but I didn't care because I am having fun with the game and because I do want DE and this strange sci-fi game of theirs to succeed.


I bought the Founders package because I believed in DE and the game and I have bought every prime access since because I do still believe in DE and Warframe.


Am I asking for a medal? No. Am I asking for recognition? No, I spent the money because I love Warframe.

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dude............those are clearly place holders, no one in their right mind would sell anything for 250,000 platnium......i dont even want to know how much real money that is




but those are definitly place holders


I know they are. But what that post was alluding to is that PWE might actually bring in those insane prices. The point of that post went completely over your head.

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DE -


I honestly cannot tell you  in good conscience who to side with in this conflict. If you side with PWE, your profit may expand, but the Tenno will die. If you side with your player base, their influence will expand, but you will lose a large sum of profit.


I believe the Lotus said something along these lines, did she not? And we all saw who emerged from that conflict.

Damn, you just made me realize that this is like the real life version of Gradvius gone horribly wrong. We're not storming Themisto to save Valkyr this time, we're watching her get butchered right before our eyes.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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