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What Is The Point Of 5P Trades?


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So patience is a synonym for being cheap... Lol at the thought of wasting hours trying to low ball people instead of instead of adding an reasonable offer and going on about your day

I wanted critical delay and I didn't want to do the stupid key thing in the derelicts so I offered 50p and and got offers immediately

I should've offered 5p for it then spammed trade chat for a few days while I'm waiting on the dojo with the window open doing exactly nothing...


in no way does having patience make you cheap, it took me 30 second to know I wasnt paying 1200p for the cicero set, and it took me about 2 min to get it for 20p.  your laziness cost you 50p or however much you paid, take 10 seconds post what you want in the trading thread and go play the game, if someone gets back to you great if not do the same thing in between rounds.  Youll get everything you want at your price with PATIENCE

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Its not just that, cheap doesn't always equal good. This bottom feeder attitude is what's wrong with people now and days.

Not talking about you specifically just speaking in general


You are wrong. Very wrong. That would make sense in real life, but this is a video game. Cheap just equals cheap.

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in no way does having patience make you cheap, it took me 30 second to know I wasnt paying 1200p for the cicero set, and it took me about 2 min to get it for 20p.  your laziness cost you 50p or however much you paid, take 10 seconds post what you want in the trading thread and go play the game, if someone gets back to you great if not do the same thing in between rounds.  Youll get everything you want at your price with PATIENCE

Not lazy at all brah. I play warframe to play warframe, not waste time low balling for meaningless trades.

I'm trying to perfect shooting grineer in the face in every possible way and this takes me away from that

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Not lazy at all brah. I play warframe to play warframe, not waste time low balling for meaningless trades.

I'm trying to perfect shooting grineer in the face in every possible way and this takes me away from that


If you're a troll, then congrats. You've successfully created a troll thread. If you're not, I feel sorry for you because you obviously lack basic understanding of how things work.

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Your thread makes you sound snobby, so I'm curious to see how much Plat you have at the moment.

Post a current screenshot showing how much plat you have.

I'm at the office but i have around 1300. Unless there's some way to do this remotely from ps4

Not snobby at all. I'm just saying that everyone undercutting each other isn't a good thing

Edited by (PS4)youngn0121
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I'm at the office but i have around 1300. Unless there's some way to do this remotely from ps4

Not snobby at all. I'm just saying that everyone undercutting each other isn't a good thing


There in lies the problem - it's not undercutting. The market has deemed that 5 plat for a given item is an acceptable price by both the seller and consumer. Let's go back to your example of Critical Delay. I could try and sell that for 50 plat, sure, but I'd be throwing away probably hours sitting around trying to find someone dumb enough or desperate enough to accept a price like that. And above all, I have 24 copies of that mod. To me as the seller, that mod is worthless - and therefore selling it at a 'meager' 5 plat is instantly a massive profit. 

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I'm at the office but i have around 1300. Unless there's some way to do this remotely from ps4

Not snobby at all. I'm just saying that everyone undercutting each other isn't a good thing

You have 1300 plat that you've never even thought about putting back into the community? And I suggest you look at http://wftrading.net

Those are averaged prices for all tradeable items, you'll see that some items just aren't worth a lot, no undercutting involved.

Edited by vaugahn
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You have 1300 plat that you've never even thought about putting back into the community? And I suggest you look at http://wftrading.net

Those are averaged prices for all tradeable items, you'll see that some items just aren't worth a lot, no undercutting involved.

I honestly wish it was similar to borderlands where I could join a newbie game and dump most mods on the ground for them to pick up

I guess trades like this work for some people. I don't get it but I'm not going to knock it

Edited by (PS4)youngn0121
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I'm at the office but i have around 1300. Unless there's some way to do this remotely from ps4

Not snobby at all. I'm just saying that everyone undercutting each other isn't a good thing


With the high amount of people selling the same thing , of course people will undercut to get the sale.  The only time the seller has a chance of actually dictating the selling price is on newly released Primes/Mods.  After they are farmed to death and everybody is trying to make a profit, the prices plummet.


In regards to selling stuff for 5p, my motto is 'if its collecting dust in my inventory, its worth 0p'.

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When there is a high supply of an item in a MMORPG the or any online game with items that can be traded or sold it will go down.


This happens in TF2 trading as well and even during Steam Summer sale. The team switch token for the winning team went up in price A LOT when that team was winning. So when the Demand didn't meet with the supply the price went up a lot.


If DE makes the Void items harder to get(Not sure how they would do that) all they would do is punish the new players. The old players still got a good back catalog of items.


But I won't pay a lot of Platinum for a Void item if it's on T2 or T1. All though I've tried to get it myself but sometimes the RNG Gods just doesn't want me to have it. So I fork out 5 or less Plat for the item. I certainly wouldn't pay 10 or 20 plat for that.

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I honestly wish it was similar to borderlands where I could join a newbie game and dump most mods on the ground for them to pick up

I guess trades like this work for some people. I don't get it but I'm not going to knock it

Well you made an entire thread "knocking" it so...

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