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No More Content Updates, I Want Fixes.


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I've about had it with warframe. So far every time they update the game they end up breaking something else. I don't understand why it has to take them SO long( up to a year later) to finally fix the problem. It's great you want the game to hold up to your fan's expectations but please fix the problems sooner then later. My clan leader left the game because of these neglections to the problems in your game. I'm about to leave the game for the exact reason. I haven't yet cause I feel these problems might change but so far they haven't even been looked at. I can't count how many bug reports I have made on the forums to the point I stopped making them since no one seemed to care at all. I have a massive album on imgur filled with glitches and bugs that unless they present a big problem never really get fixed at all.



To review a few images I have in my album the 'walk run glitch' where if you run up a wall right next to another wall you can force your character into that wall trapping you. The 'console glitch' where at random the control console you are protecting will change it's orientation by turning some degrees to another direction. I thought a few of these would be fixed in update 13 but they never were. I doubt there will be many fixes in U14 as well since to the general public these glitches and bugs don't seem to happen alot if at all. I just want to play this game with as little amount of bugs and glitches. I understand it's beta but come on it's been more then a year since the release and some of them are older then that. I can guess though like every update there will be alot of hotfixes to correct the immediate problems such as crashes or login problems. I would love to hear of an update that is solely fixes. NO content just fixes and not a short list either I'm talking huge update.


I make this post in great hopes that the DE team takes these problems a bit more serious cause you are loosing fans by 'ignoring' these problems. I can't really say you ignore them more then you just don't ever see them nor consider them a problem. I really really want to stay faithful to this game's development and continue to support it. I see these problems for what they are and also hope by making this post that you do as well.


P.S. If anyone says this post should be anywhere else then you are not looking at these problems as all of warframe much like the description says. These problems have been over looked for far to long and there needs to be more light shown on them.

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P.S. If anyone says this post should be anywhere else then you are not looking at these problems as all of warframe much like the description says. These problems have been over looked for far to long and there needs to be more light shown on them.


Sounds like feedback, smells like feedback, even tastes like feedback.


In that case, this should be in General Feedback.

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Looked at your Imgur album, and I assure you that compenetration glitches can't all be fixed, models stretching because of gravity problems it's a problem existing since forever in whatever 3d game with gravity... for what concernes bugs in which walls disappear, they are yet working on it, and it seems to be a texture loading problem (dont alt+tab during your starting loading screen).

If you menace to leave just for these futile graphic bugs... you know what i mean.

Edited by Einde
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I love how everyone who thinks like this just happens to ignore the fact that every week there are bug fixes but n there was some content as well so it doesn't count.

Also, this.


The devs have also said that they just want to push content out to us as fast as possible so that we can "get our hands on it" and test it. I'd much rather it this way for a few bugs in return. 


And do you know one of the reasons why we don't have U14 yet, OP? Take a guess.


Because there are currently game breaking bugs that they need to fix with it.

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*Long post about employment diversity and that the same people who make content do not fix bugs.*

And a few of the bugs you mentioned don't seem to be fixable, because the "wall trapping" you mentioned AFAIK is possible with any game that you can wedge yourself in between two walls. Doesn't sound like a bug to me.

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Game is in beta. There will be bugs.



theres a point where thats no longer a valid excuse. Warframe has expended "its a beta" excuses and needs to start fixing some of the stuff that needs it. im not even talking about bugs. _Nugget did alot of work in this area already.

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the only one of those bugs you're showing that I've personally run into has been the invisible barrel thing, the Bethesda Longlegs Bug, and there was a door that wouldn't open. All of these, save the Longlegs Bug, have been one-time only.


There's not much I can say for or against this. the stretching bug happens in a LOT of games, even Bethesda's games after numerous fixes and patches to prevent them. I've taken to calling it the "Bethesda Longlegs Bug", because of it, and The only way to fix that is a complete overhaul of the entire physics engine, which means changing a large amount of the main engine as well, including some hardcoded things. You're not considering that an entire engine rework would basically set them back pre-alpha, if they did that, which could open up numerous more bugs.


Honestly, I would love to see a lot of fixes as well, had one unique glitch that's never happened to me before, and hasn't been addressed. Door wouldn't open, with me AND a friend next to it, I have a screenshot.




It's only happened once, EVER to me, and it's not shown up since. I would love to figure out how to CAUSE these bugs, so I can suggest a way to fix it, but, for now, I don't forsee a way to do so :(

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theres a point where thats no longer a valid excuse. Warframe has expended "its a beta" excuses and needs to start fixing some of the stuff that needs it. im not even talking about bugs. _Nugget did alot of work in this area already.

None of these bugs are game breaking. None of these bugs are really severe. None of these bugs take away from the overall polish of the game to the point where someone would actually complain or stop playing. (Other than someone completely overreacting)


The ONLY game breaking bugs I can think of right now are the game crashes. None of those have been mentioned here. You can't seriously say that a few ragdoll glitches have any credibility to be "game breaking". They're no more than a slight annoyance at best. And, if you have a sense of humour, they're just funny.


Every single patch that we get fixes bugs. Every single one. DE know what they are doing. Just because they aren't fixing the precise bug that you do not like, does not forfeit their work. They'll clearly tackle the highest priority issues first, and as the game comes together more and more, they will find time to work on the smaller details.

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Kubrow Team does not represent the full development effort, it's just one of the first 'new' things in a bit so it does have a lot of us excited, but we understand it's not for everyone.


Simultaneous development is occurring on (but not limited to by any means, just examples):


- Complete navigation/UI overhaul (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/253837-lets-meet-pablo-and-dorian/).

- New 'New Player Experience' to address longstanding issues with our NPE.

- Quest System fundamentals - the understanding here is that this will allow for systemic quests with more meaningful gameplay (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249863-thank-you-for-watching-devstream-31/).

- New Mission Types polishing and testing (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249909-hive-sabotage-design-and-overview/).

- Dark Sector conflict Revamp/Improvements.

- Reworking Valkyr's Hysteria


And plenty more! There is definitely a lot to be worked on, and a lot of compelling feedback on things like Mods 2.0, Ammo 2.0 and more! We definitely still have our work cut out for us.




Simultaneous development is occurring on (but not limited to by any means, just examples):




Simultaneous development

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I as a member of this game for over a year felt it was with in my rights to state my thoughts and opinions about the development of this game. I understand full well IT'S BETA. I know it takes time and I know content is everything for any game. I am not flaming I am not attacking. I am clearly stating what I feel about these various problems. You all can hate on me for what ever you think about this post but the fact remains I made a point to talk about this and I don't regret it.

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The last two updates have been all fixes. No content. And people raged.


And every single update that had content has also been filled to the brim with fixes as well. Do you not see the huge list of fixes that tend to accompany updates? Yeah, there are even more fixes that need to be done. There will always be more fixes. But don't sit there and say all DE does is fling content without going back and fixing what might've broke.


Yes, there are some problems still arising from old errors, but they DO fix what they are able to immediately, and some of these problems are far more deep seeted in scripts and programs that can easily break of tampered with even further. Those can take time. Lots of time.

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I as a member of this game for over a year felt it was with in my rights to state my thoughts and opinions about the development of this game. I understand full well IT'S BETA. I know it takes time and I know content is everything for any game. I am not flaming I am not attacking. I am clearly stating what I feel about these various problems. You all can hate on me for what ever you think about this post but the fact remains I made a point to talk about this and I don't regret it.


No, you made an uninformed complaint post and got called out on it.

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But yes, this has been on my mind too and this is why I am not really looking forward to content myself, but fixes. There are multiple calls for fixes, but I suppose DE's model is big stuff first, small stuff later. It is a rather curious thing, though, that old bugs remain. I suppose the whole forums would have to be on fire about the bugs before they get fixed.

Edited by Einde
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When people start taking the game to a personal level their reviews aren't justifiable anymore.


"RNG sucks"

Quit reading into the game so much where all you do is accuse RNG to ruin gameplay. Is the game still horrible if you didn't need to farm? What if you didn't need to farm would the game still be fun?

So you're baseing your hate on just a program as a RNG and this justifies why you hate the game.

You hate chance. Not the game.


"Bugs prevent me from playing!"

If the bugs do prevent playing, DE will fix it (i.e Ceres chocolate rain. hehe. Chocolate rain.)

If it's minor issues that don't take away from gameplay then it's easily ignorable/non repeatable.



There's too much hate within the WF forums. I prefer to just play and enjoy. Screw hate. I'm going to eat some cookies now.

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I as a member of this game for over a year felt it was with in my rights to state my thoughts and opinions about the development of this game. I understand full well IT'S BETA. I know it takes time and I know content is everything for any game. I am not flaming I am not attacking. I am clearly stating what I feel about these various problems. You all can hate on me for what ever you think about this post but the fact remains I made a point to talk about this and I don't regret it.

As a warframe player, it's your right to state your opinion whether you were here at the first or joined later. Don't be surprised by these people - they hate on everyone who disagrees with them. Good and valid post, and never regret speaking your mind as long as it is done with respect and decency towards others!

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