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Starting Another Account To Replay U14 Experience.



Basically, with all the back and forth regarding RNG, weapon damages, frame abilities etc etc, I wanted to have one account just for mostly solo, and joining other teams to round off certain test conditions I want to cover - say, some Alerts, but not power leveling frames and guns for example - with no swapping mods and BP's with others, no clan weapons unless I somehow get my own Dojo running, no selling items for extra Plat, etc etc.


Basically I want to MetaGame myself back up the mountain, and this is ESPECIALLY interesting to me, now that U14 is coming out, and many changes and a new player experience is due, and I wanted to keep a running log of how the experience develops, such as, when did my first Serration drop, or a tally of RNG BP's drops if I go after a particular frame from boss runs.


Is this an actual problem? I have only found a single post in forums, and no devs/admins actually posted there.


Could someone point me to other posts if they have come across this.


Thank you.



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im debating weather I should make an Alt account or Forma some "starter" weapons and my Excal and play it as a "noob" again.


actually I do have an alt account so i might just jump on him XD

Edited by Senketsu_
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I can see how some people could game the system. With 5 accounts, you could run a Forma alert multiple times and use that to build a Dojo much faster for example, or get extra mods to sell, or materials to speed construction.


In order not to gimp myself too much in either accounts, I would also be doing the catalyst/forma/etc Alerts on both, or any similar thing that comes up when both accounts are missing it, and having two accounts logging in/out in close time proximity on the same IP is what worries me the most. I don't want to make anyone think I'm farming "extra stuff" to game the system.


Anyway, when U14 rolls around I'll do it, and I guess I'll take it from there. I don't intend to have "cross trading" with other accounts purely to maintain the integrity of the testing, but there will still be a stage, say 6 months from now, where it will make sense to also trade with it as an extra form of metagame.




I have come across some not-so-good posts from admins, so I guess I'll hold off for the time being.

I can technically do some tests with a single frame and tracking drops, but as you understand, that's would be a LOT of tracking.

Edited by DSpite
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i believe that DE's policy on alt accounts is that you can have one, but dont use it maliciously, or bot you accounts may get banned

Pretty much this.


You're welcome to use alternate accounts as long as you don't use them for bypassing in-game or forum restrictions (such as using alts to farm for event mods, this is a no-no and may have all your accounts that do this get banned, or bypassing forum suspensions).


I'm going to make an alternate account to try out the new tutorial myself.

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Man it hurts so much so been still waiting on PC to PS4 copy and try to restart on ps4 the thing that you're going to find is we had it a lot easier getting mods with them all being random back in the day.


Yeah it was a pain but it meant low level players could keep doing missions of their level and skill and keep gaining new mods. Nowadays new player have to farm one npc for X mod.

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I'm going to make an alternate account to try out the new tutorial myself.

Reported and enjoy your Ban!

lol jk, but in all seriousness... are we allowed to trade some of our plat with our alt? (I'm probably going to have an alt, but I kinda want the saturated colors... cause i want to look pretty)

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Basically, with all the back and forth regarding RNG, weapon damages, frame abilities etc etc, I wanted to have one account just for mostly solo, and joining other teams to round off certain test conditions I want to cover - say, some Alerts, but not power leveling frames and guns for example - with no swapping mods and BP's with others, no clan weapons unless I somehow get my own Dojo running, no selling items for extra Plat, etc etc.


Basically I want to MetaGame myself back up the mountain, and this is ESPECIALLY interesting to me, now that U14 is coming out, and many changes and a new player experience is due, and I wanted to keep a running log of how the experience develops, such as, when did my first Serration drop, or a tally of RNG BP's drops if I go after a particular frame from boss runs.


Is this an actual problem? I have only found a single post in forums, and no devs/admins actually posted there.


Could someone point me to other posts if they have come across this.


Thank you.


If its of any help, i did this once, and recorded most of the missions.




I was trying to prove that the newbie experience is not so hard as they say. In one day of playing i got past Eurasia - Earth (Back then, some players claimed that Eurasia was some kind of impossible wall for newbies) I did everything without trading (MR0 can't trade) on 9:05 you can see all the mods i have, and In the final part of the video you can see my Derp Account stats, total play time, total missions, etc.


I have still have this alt account, of course i don't use it for any malicious reasons, such as getting event mods or using it to increase my clan's score in event leaderboards. I am probably going to use this account to enjoy the Vor's Prize as well, i want to experience how its like to do this mission as a newbie.

Edited by RexSol
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I can see how some people could game the system. With 5 accounts, you could run a Forma alert multiple times and use that to build a Dojo much faster for example, or get extra mods to sell, or materials to speed construction.


In order not to gimp myself too much in either accounts, I would also be doing the catalyst/forma/etc Alerts on both, or any similar thing that comes up when both accounts are missing it, and having two accounts logging in/out in close time proximity on the same IP is what worries me the most. I don't want to make anyone think I'm farming "extra stuff" to game the system.


Its rather challenging to run multiple accounts simultaneously on the same system. Requires a unique install and windows account to do so. 


OT: I created a new account around U13 to go through the new tutorial/storyline etc. Set it up as the 'challenge account' with no trading or plat, although I did run myself through a few out-of-reach alerts. I actually asked about creating a new account, and the response I got was:


Hey Darzk,

We urge our users to create and maintain 1 account as it can cause issues with purchases, contest winnings and promotional items but it will not cause your account to get banned!

Hope this clears it up!

by which I assume you're okay so long as you stay away from the contests, etc. You'd probably be okay transferring some plat to the account, but they probably don't want you buying plat on the new accounts log in discount and bringing it to the main account, etc. I would also not sell any event mods earned, as secondary accounts seem to be a way to exploit that system (make a bunch of alts, run through event, sell mods)

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Alright. I have been keeping an eye on this thread, and I guess I will do so after all.


Between my first post and this one I went all "Dark Sector" for a bit. I got Excalibur, took all the mods off, bought the Braton I had sold, gave him a Glaive and an unpotato unmodded Lex as backup and started back at mercury to level up the Braton, keeping an eye for what mods were dropping so i could use them.


The ability too restart "properly" is going to feel a lot more organic. I am logical enough to figure out what "crossing the line" means with dual accounts, and I have no intention of going there, this is purely for my own entertainment, seeing how U14 is such a big deal in term of new player experience. Thanks again for the feedback.


Time to level up an Excalibro!


Just for the record, when Alerts come up for things like Reactors or Catalysts I will be doing them on both. It seems a bit silly not to when they can't be traded, but I have no intention of obtaining event mods and similar things to make extra Plat and so on. I have already purchased two of the Prime packs as my way of saying "thanks for the fun game" to DE, I have everything more or less unlocked on my primary from playing waaaay to many hours per day, and have tons of spare plat, so I don't need to play silly buggers for 5 plat here and there and put my damn account at risk.


What new Excalibur finds, new Excalibur keeps :)


... if anyone here thinks a different starting frame would be a more unique challenge, speak now, and give reasons, before U14 is deployed, as I'll prob start it then.


Thanks to all the feedback again. See you all in U14.

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... if anyone here thinks a different starting frame would be a more unique challenge, speak now, and give reasons, before U14 is deployed, as I'll prob start it then.


Thanks to all the feedback again. See you all in U14.


Starting with Loki is definetly a little more challenging IMHO.  Without some of those corrupted mods its pretty hard to build him to last. Just my 2 cents.

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Reported and enjoy your Ban!

lol jk, but in all seriousness... are we allowed to trade some of our plat with our alt? (I'm probably going to have an alt, but I kinda want the saturated colors... cause i want to look pretty)

If you mean trade plat from your main account to your alt account, I really wouldn't see the issue, but who knows what the devs think? :P

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Starting with Loki is definetly a little more challenging IMHO.  Without some of those corrupted mods its pretty hard to build him to last. Just my 2 cents.



The most difficult starting frame is probably Loki - he really only shines with a corrupted build (Narrow Minded invis, or OE RD, and FE is pretty much a staple). Conversely, hes also the easiest of the starting frames to do the MR1 test with as you can use Decoy without failing it.

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The most difficult starting frame is probably Loki - he really only shines with a corrupted build (Narrow Minded invis, or OE RD, and FE is pretty much a staple). Conversely, hes also the easiest of the starting frames to do the MR1 test with as you can use Decoy without failing it.


Since I was going to keep to a very narrow amount of items, I'm not really sure id be able to get to any meaningful MR.

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