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Will There Be Somesort Of Banned Weapon List On The Up Coming Solar Rail Pvp?


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Then what happens if a player only has the op weapons like Soma, Boltor Prime, Brakk, etc that are all "banned". Would they not be able to use any weapon? That would be a bit odd.


I feel like we should try out DE's system and come up with iterative changes based on that. Banning seems a bit extreme, given the amount of time it takes to obtain weapons in this game and how the number of weapons you can have at any given time is limited by your number of weapon slots.

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The way they explained it on Dev 29 and I'm surprised OP missed this, everything starts out unranked, does not matter what your carrying, as you get more xp more things start to come online and it is also dependent on what order you have your mods as to when they come online. The only flaw I see to this is that some weapons even in their vanilla stage will be pretty powerful out of the box, like the Boltor Prime as an example.

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I'll probably use a grakata.

Scare the living hell out of someone when a hail of bullets comes near them.

Then a grenade hits my face :(

I will use my Soma with 216 bullets, they will wonder when I will run out all the damn time

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invis isnt going to be an issue i dont think, why?, because AI dont shoot when your invis, but if they shoot at someone else and you in the way it still hits you, you will take damage, a player will spray where the person is roughly and a loki or ash modded for max duration doesnt have a great deal of durability, we dont play like AI, we shoot at where the hail of bullets are coming from or the running blur, we wont just stand there and let them run up and melee us


of course this may be not how it will be, but people will adapt to the different flow of gameplay, it will be area denial in order to control the invis guys, and when someone fires, while invis, out in the open they will probably be nailed to the wall 

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Perfect reasoning to have a separate damage system so we don't have to restrict anything or balance existing damage.


i disagree. new / upcoming clans shouldnt just be on par automatically with people whove invested countless time and resources into their loadouts. 


there are plenty of clans and alliances to join that already have a fighting chance. removing the power weve worked so hard for just because some players arwnt as strong as others... 


does the govt divide assets equally among citizens simply because others have more and some have less? no. the fairness is this: you have an equal opportunity to be as op as anyone else in game. oh you didnt start the game as equally op as long term players? tell me more abput how the world of game development revolves around you and/orfirst time players. it doesnt? noooo... ur kidding. 

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I expect to see everyone using Ogris. 

way too slow. 

Twin Viper Wraith to go. i dominated multiple Conclave Sessions with only those weapons. They are extremly fast and deal a high amount of damage. Enough to kill nearly all Warframes with a quick burst. 

I had a few problems with Rhinos and Trinitys. 

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Sigh...might as well create a banned frame list too.


PvP and Warframe do not really go together.


I dont know why this is so hard to grasp... some ppl can go over 30 seconds of 99% invincibility/total immunity, others can go 30 seconds of invisibility with a rocket launcher/sniper/maxed out Primary or Secondary and some cant... this is not pvp. This is shooting fish in a barrel.


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I only hope that they don't make the mistake of fiddling with re-balancing weapons for PVE when PVP people inevitably complain.  I have seen too many nice PVE games destroyed or restrained from ever being properly developed by their minority-but-exceedingy-vocal PVP audience.

I fear such all such re-balancing.


My PvP brother Tenno, please remember that you are playing a (small) sub-section of a co-op game, and not a "PvP and PvE game".

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