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The Frame That You Use All Its Skills


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you can definitely use all of banshees skills now at once, if ur willing to drop the max power strength potential of sonar


she basically has 3 crowd control skills for different situations and a damage buff whats not to like 

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the ones i don't use.

ash - shuriken

banshee - silence

ember - fireball, fireblast

excalibur - superjump, radial jav

frost - freeze, ice wave

hydroid - don't really use him at all..can't say

loki - possibly radial disarm depending on build

mag - bullet attractor (but it is kinda fun)

nekros - but he only has one skill?...no but really SotD

nova - nullstar, antimatter drop

nyx - psychic bolts

oberon - don't use him, can't say, looks like S#&$ sry.

rhino - none (using all)

saryn - venom, contagion

trinity - well of life, link

valkyr - used all, but paralysis is by far the worst

vauban - bounce

volt - shock/overload

zephyr - same as oberon

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