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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I would be very surprised if this has not been mentioned and i think it should be fixed asap.


Upon accepting invite to squad game will load you into squad chat but the rest of the menu stays same and does not update.no way to tell who you are in squad with or any display updates in the main ui. Game thinks your in squad but appearance states otherwise.

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we need to be able to change our kubrow's fur color... that needs to happen!


Btw, what happens after my kubrow matures, I got the collar and I can take my kubrow to missions. Looks like end of the quest for me, and I still have "Howl of the Kubrow" quest going, but no hints... nothing


-Edit: Also... void keys aren't being used up... I can keep hosting void missions with only one key :\

Edited by double0gamer
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Unable to make Imprints


Whenever I click in Genetic Tools/Imprint a confirmation window popups, I accept to proceed but then nothing happens and none of my Genetic Code Templates are consumed. I don't even get an "error" or warning that im missing something. 


I have no idea how the bug was triggered. What I did before attempting to make an Imprint was to put my adult Kubrow in Stasis and then bring it back from Stasis. 


I crafted 4 Genetic Code Templates, bought one more Stasis Slot, relogged several times, unequipped/equiped my adult Kubrow but the problem persist.

Edited by --Q--Lebellium
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MISSIONS: rewards not given when mail is read in [communication.inbox]





the usual sound and blinking credit figures did not occur when i read the mail for my last 2 infestation exterminate missions.

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Serious problem with Alerts and Missions. 

I go into an alert mission for Vauban Systems in CERES "Pallas" node.

and the squad gets made automatically as usual, we see the ships flying to location and then we all get thrown out.

Back to our ships.


Here is where it Bugs Out.

The mission is no longer available on the planet or NAV HUD. - (yes there is still 30 minutes left for the alert to expire, so it did NOT expire)-

But when I completely shut down the game and then restart the game, the mission reappears on the planet and NAV HUD.


This keeps going on some loop.

Its really annoying.

Its bad enough that I feel some sort of disconnect with this new planet design and many times I miss alert, unlike before.

where the alerts and invasions where at front page and in my face letting me know whats happening.

that now this disappearing act of alerts when trying to do them is now happening in this new form starts to get a bit annoying..






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The first Dojo room the set as spawn point has every decorations sunk into the ground. The fix can be done by redecorate however there are some ground decors gone beneath the ground that can't be accessed.

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It's something normal when the host is leaving from a regular mission, the other players from the team receive something like "Connection to the host has been lost...." and then Mission Failed? And I got Mission Failed on several missions after I finished them...playin both solo and public

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MAJOR BUG: Interacting with Kubrows does not increase loyalty at all, I've tried interacting with my Kubrow for what has been at least 140 interactions and not once has my loyalty increased, it has only decreased from +100% to +20%. Please DE I implore you to fix this...

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Team panel basically useless


The only thing it successfully does is tell you the teammate's name.... when they show up.

The weapons dont properly show some times.

Switching keys for derelict mission has devolve to people calling out keys 17 times because it doesnt update properly or show correct keys.


Alerts disappear from SS map.


When you get out from a mission or teleport to a station the Alerts on the SS map disappear and you are not able to see them.

You need to logout to get them back or hop into another mission and hope they come back when you finish it.


Navigation button doesnt let you switch stations.


If you are using a station (loaded into mod station, for example) and you want to go to another by using the navigation button on the top left half of the time nothing happens. You just go back to the station you are using. If you back out of that station then that's when you get teleported to the one you chose.


And while making key UI elements overlap on the bottom right


Edited by Mak_Gohae
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One Bug for Kubrow goes to one animation which makes them far larger [or just mine is a bit small]








Second is for host migration that makes Kubrow Duplicate and make them run with you.


-Who let the dogs out?




Still, they are damn amazing, Adora is still alive and on full stats




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I Can't sell my weapons, every time I try, I get the message "Could not sell the item(s) at this time. Please try again later.". This didn't happen before U14

Yeah! It's a bug I REALLY hope they fix this soon...its really annoying for us that doesnt spent platinum on this game because we cant..And we only have 2 warframe slots and a few weapons slot... :(

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Mirages ball of sparkles (the one that has lots of lasers) uses lasers on friendly enemies (like during infestation or invasion). Only tested during infestation.

note: it doesn't damage them

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GOD Mode
Using Ash 4th ability, I got some weird glitch which practically put me in some sort of 'god mode' (no screenshot unfortunately). Anyhow, it happened half during the ability animation and after that:
- While I was seen and shot at, I wasn't receiving any damage, either direct or DoT. 
- I was floating just bit above ground but not following the floor levels (i.e. no clipping). I was still able to pick up stuff (ammo and mods) but only when the floor was close.
- I was unable to activate any power ("Power is in use" or something similar)


That bugged happened to me many times before u14, so I guess it isn't a direct consequence of it, they still need to fix that tough

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