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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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After U14 I miss a very useful feature too much. It was the list of installed mods. It used to work great for the last inspected weapon type. It really helped finding currently important mod from the hundreds of others.


BTW, I still wonder why there's no way to start mod fusion directly from the installed modes table? You usually want to patch up the mod installed in your gun or something, you see it right in from of you, but you always have to go to different UI (now the even different part of the ship) and search for this mod to start fusion. Previously, there was "Mods" button which was bringing me to mods screen. Not very great, but now it became even further.


Other interface bugs:

- warframe is still blocking the view in mod browser


Shrinking the table to 6 columns will really help.


- too much perspective is applied to mod UIs (stuff upgrade and mod browser). It's really hard to read.


Just compare it with the shop screen, which is clear and beauty, yet it has the fancy floating effect.



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Not sure if this is a bug, but shotguns & explosive weapons don't seem to be able to damage boss weakpoints. I am also getting frozen in the Liset after missions, being unable to use buttons or move. Also, Orokin Towers appear as Grineer ships in void cutscenes (only when not hosting match).

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Have to force close the enitre game cuase it freezes on the arsenal part. CAN NOT CHANGE JACK SQUAT. Fix it guys. Starting to get annoying. I am postivie I'm not the only one that this is happening to.



The Arsenal menu is still freezing frequently when attempting to change weapon/warframe, forcing me to Alt-F4 out of the game. Attempting to switch gear without doing anything else will always cause this to happen, but it's certainly not the only condition under which it happens.



So i go to the arsenal to change my loadout and when i try to change my warframe/weapons i get stuck on the equip screen.


It's still happening. I haven't been able to change gear in almost two days, so I'll bring this up every hotfix until it gets sorted.



Possibly related: Since the update, most missions I join I lag so bad I disconnect partway through, and most people can't join my session. This used to be a rare occurrence, now it happens on ~80% of missions. I also take 5-6 times longer to load into a mission than anyone else, something that wasn't the case pre-U14.

Edited by Spacetimer
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You can't access the Arsenal when you are in a loby.


Edit: Game freezes for a couple of seconds when a lvl up happens during a mission. ( No matter if warframe or a weapon gets to the next lvl)

Edited by samatomke
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Adding a display bug:


Soma with a forest camo skin messes up the weapon stats section, with the skin text overlapping in the middle of all the stats.


seems to be true of all skins. at least, tested on the sobek. also when changing from a weapon with the skin, the new weapon comparison stats also have the skin text overlapping.



Edited by harly
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It's still happening. I haven't been able to change gear in almost two days, so I'll bring this up every hotfix until it gets sorted.

For such freezes/hangs, please send a support ticket with your EE.log (\%localappdata%\Warframe) so we can look for Script Errors. Support.warframe.com. 

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I am getting stuck everytime i invite a friend after i have done a mission which causes me to get stuck and freezes me. cant do anything besides talking in chat. 


this bug is pretty anoying cant play with others if this keeps up.

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There is something causing it to almost be impossible to get into our dojos we keep getting "Session Unavailable" every time we try to enter, Please fix this soon we have Silva and Aegis in the dojo and it will be done soon

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4 hotfix have gone. Still My bug is not fix. its reallyy bad. im having problems inviting due to it.

THE BUG> When i bring up chatbox ifi click any area of chatbox i also click through chatbox. so if im in starchat if i click some place in chatbox i click a planet too plz help me this is my 3rd time i say this

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1. Alert notifications are extremely had to read due to  light coming in front window of Liset.



2. Can no longer check extractor progress or health without clicking on planet. This adds 8 additional clicks to check extractors.


3. On occasion it is not possible to change loadout while in nav menu waiting for squad formation. When you click on Arsenal the game hangs and stays in nav menu. To change loadout you have to exit squad formation, change loadout, then reform squad.


4. Nightmare missions are not rewarding Nightmare mods upon completion.

Edited by SteavewithanA
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I can no longer get into void missions after this hotfix. Unsure if this happens with other keys yet.  5/5 times I was invited to a group, then suddenly was "kicked". No notifications. I was just not in the squad anymore wondering what happned. 2 times the mission notification menu (the constant warp/beep sound when someone starts the countdown) lagged out before I was ejected from the squad.


Likewise, my Kubrow is still stuck as a pup after being alive for 36+ hours.

Edited by Balter
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I can no longer get into void missions after this hotfix. Unsure if this happens with other keys yet.  5/5 times I was invited to a group, then suddenly was "kicked". No notifications. I was just not in the squad anymore wondering what happned. 2 times the mission notification menu (they constant warp/beep sound when someone starts the countdown) lagged out before I was ejected from the squad.


This sounds like the listed issue here? -Matchmaking: Key Lobbies: Specifically reported with ODE Keys, Mission Squad does not spawn in game even if squad is formed in ship UI.

Could you be reinvited to the key when the keyholder was in the actual mission as opposed to ship UI? 

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i have two issues one is Rhino Primes iron skin is no longer the rather beautiful Primed gold we have all come to love.

the second issue is on MD mission's when wielding the new Silva And Aegis the data mass package doesn't  sit in the warframes hand it sits n a weird awkward way. just keeping you posted on the things i find.




Edited by KageOgama
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I have no idea how to add pics so I'm adding the cap links (sorry!!). I joined my friend's squad and after waiting for half a minute I decided to join another friend's squad. Though halfway through it finally connected to the first friend's squad and  then the second's squad at the same time. The results were beautiful. I got some person I don't know in my ship, I lost my helm, and I was outside my ship. I took some pics before jumping. (I love how you guys didn't just like cut off whatever wasn't being shown in the window btw.) And I fell through the world and died like normal fall through maps. I couldn't cap the menu if I pressed escape, it was all grey and it showed "Name".


http://gyazo.com/dfd36e1ba1b4f0f478dbd0f196128a33 (Helmetless in spAAAAACE)


http://gyazo.com/751d2a9dae7fd781d427c286f05cd1b4 (Space stuffs)


http://gyazo.com/202754a2b5fcf00a35302b7abcae8aad (Pls get out of my ship)

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we are unable to improve the loyalty of the kubrows after they die in a mission

Re: Loyalty not going up now, checking server side but the current likelihood is that you used up the daily 'interactions' and the loyalty cannot be increased until interactions are reset (this should occur at same time as revive resets, trade resets, etc).

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Adding this one i reported in the bug section but can't find in your list:


* when the esc menu is up, clicking on a chat tab will click through to the buttons behind.

Most noticeable when clicking on end tabs and being asked if you really want to quit the game!



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Since the update it seems that the game has been giving the the DNS look up error message, I can't invite or receive invites, and the game crashes when fusioning a mod that would exceed the limits of a another weapon and must be removed. 

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