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Hotfix 14.0.5


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i demand refund on scramble plat if you guys are removing it permanently

Only with resetting your Kubrow's color to default, imprints included. That'll be fair.

How about that?


Also, for all refund beggars here: does DE forced you to use this option, or you're willingly use your platinum to gamble, got unsatisfying results, and now you're asking for refund?

Try this trick with real-world lottery.


And one more thing: this option was removed due to overwhelming feedback, because it was too PerfectWorld-y.

Edited by Khranitel
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All I see is "Refund plox" And "Kubrow Egg drop rate" Has getting something amazing ever been "Easy"? 


And yeah I do find the whole scramble thing was a bit upsetting. But then again kinda cool in a sense. Cause I mean, it would more or less ensure a "Unique" Kubrow. Meaning not every single one will be running around with the Lotus Symbol on their head -.-


But yeah, if scrambles are removed I think everyone is vouching for refunds. Which I have wasted about 30-50 plat. Honestly don't know. So woooo for the Warframe community!

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I'm really not sure about egg farming. After 30+ runs with NO egg, I ended up buying two kits and rushing both just so I had something to tinker with. Now i've got two pups, and did another literally FORTY runs on Earth Extermination, killing every single Kubrow den I could find, I still have yet to find a naturally occurring egg.

Are they seriously that rare? or is there currently a bug. I'd like to know, because I don't want to spend 8 hours farming something that is literally unachievable.

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  • We have disabled the Kubrow Genetic Scrambler while we consider feedback on it.
  • Removed Arc Traps from Mercury missions.
  • Arc Traps no longer target pets.
  • Kubrow Breeding now only uses dominant traits (no surprises recessive genes anymore)!
  • Performance Improvements for Mirage + Hall of Mirrors and Angstrum, Ogris, Penta, and Mutalist Quanta, and Stug.


  • Fixed Clients NOT unlocking nodes when completing missions.
  • Fixed many bosses being Level 1 when they should be much higher (Lephantis, Sargas, etc).
  • Fixed issues with double clicking in UI not working correctly, players were having to click up to 3 or 4 times for desired changes.
  • Fixed cases of Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors Friendly Fire caused by temporary radiation induced faction change.
  • Fixed rolling over the invite button when squad member leaves causing the buttons to show up improperly.
  • Fixed issues with Kubrows can not going into ‘Pre-Death’ aka a Revive-able state.
  • Fixed an issue with long player names causing an unwanted line break on the Mission Complete screen.


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Gotcha.. if DE refunds people for the scramble, I'm gonna want my money back the next time I go to a bar and say "surprise me" and then they do, I drink it and end up sick because they gave me what I asked for.



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Because that would take the fun out of it, besides the idea of the gene pool was a really great concept.

I don't see how that takes the fun out of it. I have plenty of fun being able to constantly change my frame's and sentinel's patterns and colours without paying 10 platinum every time. I'm sure everybody else does too.

Edited by TheBasking
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No no no.

this is one of those times DE should stick with their own instincts. The new UI looks horrible in update 14.0.5 


The UI for equipping mods seems reduced ( I could be wrong)


the mod UI is now super small again with so much empty space on-screen.


can we have a scale slider please for the Mod UI?


I knew all the false barking about the warframe being in the way and all that would result in some bad choices. Well here we are.


All those unnecessary changes went in... But the warframe still appears back-facing camera when you enter the Arsenal from the quick menu. Whaa??

Edited by RawGritz
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Because that would take the fun out of it, besides the idea of the gene pool was a really great concept.


However, very poorly implemented.

A simple infinite scrambler with an actual preview of the end result would have been a very fair mechanic. You see it and buy it if you like it.

I also don't want a set number of combinations to try. BUT i want a fair (non poker machine) way of choosing.

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However, very poorly implemented.

A simple infinite scrambler with an actual preview of the end result would have been a very fair mechanic. You see it and buy it if you like it.

I also don't want a set number of combinations to try. BUT i want a fair (non poker machine) way of choosing.

thats actually a incredibly good idea. scratch what i was saying.

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fix the loyalty system now please. that is the ONE thing everyone wants. so fix that. let us interact with them to get like 20% each time up to 3 times a day and maybe every mission we complete with them still alive at the end gives another %

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