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Hotfix 14.0.5


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Still hasn't fixed the Lotus/Ordis VO when you get the collar!


Also, there is still the major issue where randomly upon trying to join a party when selecting a mission, you'll be permanently stuck at the "Please Wait..." window, forcing players to "close" the game.

Edited by Espilonarge
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"Fixed crazy Kubrow colors when switching to an unused config in Arsenal."


Incidentally, those crazy colors were awesome. Could DE consider creating some kind of kubrow skin/genetic tweak that 'draws out' these colors? I'd pay for that!

That tiger pattern with the white and orange colors was pretty awesome!

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I don't see anything about the ridiculous damage with Mirage's mirrors when you use weapons like soma, amprex, etc.


Don't tell me that's intended. Do not tell me that a single Soma bullet dealing 40,000 damage is intended...


This. As a client I'm doing ridiculously high damage with Soma and Hall of Mirrors. Several red crits in a row of anything from 40k to 200k. Playing solo doesn't seem to produce this error. The damage is nice, but it spoils my fun!

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New bugs introduced:


- Game lags on Liset. Having irregular 40 fps instead of steady 60. Unknown, if tied to massive milky skybox with tumors.


- Infested not fixed at all. Using Ogris in Defense now (f.e. DS-Sinai ) will have you lose the mission at the End of Wave 1 instead of 2.

Fix the Volatile Infested! (This renders all DS-Defenses unplayable for me. I level my stuff there. Can't get over Wave 5)

This patch seem to have increased the damage those pesky, running gamebreakers deal!


- Equip Screen in Arsenal horribly glitched - It uses half the space it used to be. Take a look: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3859/14526302740_5cd808dedd_o.jpg


- Market -> Components. Duplicate Entries: "Salvage" and another one I forgot the name right now.



Old stuff not fixed, nor in patchnotes to read:


- (Spotted in 14.0.0) Fix Ancient Eximus too, they think they are Prosecutors - Toxic Ancients are immune to Poison DMG..

Took me a while to kill a Toxic Ancient with the Mire .

Like always, when something is done to the Prosecutors, it mirrors to Ancient Eximus. "Same code" issue? Cross-reference?

Had a similar problem found during 13.7.2 :



- (U14.0.0 leftover) Last equipped weapon on Sentinel isn't restored when having a Kubrow equipped before.

Should re-equip the last used sentinel-weapon when equipping a sentinel.


- *removed. my mistake*


I am not in the mood right now for listing more bugs. I am a bit angry. I want to play but can't


Oh here is one: My PC freezes for some seconds then the game continues.

Wasn't that fixed a couple of patches ago? It returned. I have a dual-core.

Edited by NoSpax
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Also, I really really wanna be able to customize the kubrow's fur! At least the colours, freely, then maybe changing the pattern could be a platinum feature or something. But if tenno have the technology to essentially clone these little bastards, and stabilize their sketchy DNA, wouldn't it make sense that we could alter their fur colours easily?


I agree with this 100%

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To all the people who want plat back for using the scrambler:



Why? It was your choice to use it. Just because they're removing it does not grant you the right to the money you spent freely on it back. You put forth however much money you did WILLINGLY, and it performed its function.


They do not have to give you back anything because it was your decision to use it.

Edited by Avicou
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  • We have disabled the Kubrow Genetic Scrambler while we consider feedback on it
  • Kubrow Breeding now only uses dominant traits (no surprises recessive genes anymore)!
  • Fixed certain mods not working as intended on Kubrows.Fixed issues with Kubrows can not going into ‘Pre-Death’ aka a Revive-able state.


*sheds a tear, and enjoys a silent victory*


Our words have been heard..

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To all the people who want plat back for using the scrambler:



Why? It was your choice to use it. Just because they're removing it does not grant you the right to the money you spent freely on it back. You put forth however much money you did WILLINGLY, and it performed its function.


They do not have to give you back anything because it was your decision to use it.

cus its being removed duh.

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The Kubrow mods not working as intended was not fixed 100% or they are not clearly explained. Scavenge mod for example.

And guys... are you working on Nightmare mode, right?...right?


Thanks for the other nice fixes and improvements.

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So, on this Scramble debate, the reason people are complaining, in part, is because they may have gotten stuck with a crappy pattern after multiple scrambles. That would be my only reason to complain about it. I assume at least some of the people would want to keep scrambling to try for something nice but instead they're just stuck with whatever their latest gamble before the removal got them.


Think of it this way, if you were at a casino and had been on a slot machine for a while, you'd get pissed too if, randomly, the casino closed for the day hours before you were ready to leave and, as RNG would have it, your next nickel would be the one to get you the jackpot.


I don't know that a full refund would be justified, but for the money I'd put into the system that got removed, I'd want SOME kind of reparation, like a choice 1 of several preset patters, for instance.

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