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[Dark Sectors Pvp] Early Feedback - Updated 26/07/2014


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Thanks for the detailed report! I'm beginning my day as we speak and I'm going to be sure to test and recreate these myself just to be safe.

Lol more power to you man, after I test this remaing stuff I doubt I'll play again until it gets looked at because I had an horrible time fighting people with cheap tactics and the game mode is heavily in defenders favor.

But then again my mirage and fang primes get done today maybe ill test them and post here as well

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Here is some additional feedback:


In terms of players, rails should be mastery rank locked per planet, so pluto would require mastery rank 6 or so, even if its a flat lock across all rails there should be one because playing with MR0 players is just horrible.






There should be more reminders to go after the objective. It felt like BF4 all over again, killing players does not win you the game, destroying the objective does.



Team Information

There should be information on the side which says the level they are in the game (not MR), so we know how far each of us have progressed.



Teammate downed

When a teammate is downed he should flash on the side, so his death is not missed. Sometimes I genuinely don't see them but generally I keep an eye out for teammates unless they don't listen to me (e.g. trying to spawn camp enemies >.<)






Leveling should be faster if you have joined in Phase 2 or higher, you should get a 50% boost until you match team's average if you are in Phase 2 or a 100% boost if you are in Phase 3, keep in mind it is only until you reach your teams average not for the whole game.


Phase 2 needs some work, as OP stated. IMHO Phase 2 room should get a rework so that each generator is on a different ground with different obstacles.


Turrets feel way too strong early game especially the rocket one, its fire rate should be lessened.


Heavy Gunners are too strong late game as are the heavy MOAs.

Personally I would prefer to have these enemies marginally weakened but have more of them so the levels feel less empty.


Really in gameplay the main issue lies with Phase 2 as it takes less time than the other two.




Level Design


When you are outside it would be cool to see spaceships fighting each other and the attackers rail firing at the defenders and vice versa. As you progress through the game itself the tilesets become more and more fragile, by that I mean you hear more explosions outside and shooting (no screenshake please).


Additionally I feel like more variety would be good and certain things randomly happening, especially outside I mean I know it's space and it is empty but for an "invasion" it is too empty. How about spaceships crashing too?


The levels do need verticality as well as variety, I played around 5-7 games today and all the tiles were the same which is quite a shame. I understand very little resources are put into PVP but maybe that's why you should consider the community making tilesets more (I would like to design some PVP stuff).



I'll edit this if I forgot something,

Thanks! :D

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EDIT: Updated for 23/7/2014!

Added further information and clarity to Ash.

Added articles for Banshee, Frost, Mirage, Oberon,Trinity, Vauban, and Zephyr.

Added AOE (Melee) Weapons category and separated the Weapons feedback section in general for further clarity.

Added the UI Feedback section.


I also cleaned up the OP a bit and reorganized the Warframe & Abilities Section to be in alphabetical order. Keep it all coming everyone!

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Okay i tried a few things out today so far, my Mirage gets done and 40 minutes and I have to level my new fang primes so that will come later.





Shock- Does okay damage but is not a replacement for shuriken and is worth equipping.


Speed- Was kinda cool but since you need a rush mod and a couple other mods for it to be really useful I wouldnt say its worth taking at the moment.


Overload- terribble


Electric shield- Definitely useful bit doesnt stop penta grenades or melee of course. Didnt get to see if it stopped Shuriken.


Penta is very strong throughout the mode and gets crazy at high levels


Angrstrum- Was that useful to me even when i had it at level 20 bubt it defintely can kill people pretty well but you probably should just stick with Penta if you want aoe.


Marelok- Very strong, can pretty much one hit everything after mulitshot and hornet strike activate which can be kinda early. 


Bo Prime- Good melee and can knockdown but you are better off using Jat Kittang since its knockdown radius is bigger and its stance has a finsiher. Bo prime is great for coptering around and slide attacks 


Also guns with ammo problems like machine pistols are unusable since there is no way to replenish the ammo, mutation mods cant keep up.



I also agree that people who join late should be boosted since without it they pretty much feed the enemy team

Edited by theclinton
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-snip the rest-


I also agree that people who join late should be boosted since without it they pretty much feed the enemy team

I'd like to rebuke that and say this depends entirely on a couple factors. How late is a BIG discerning factor here. I've joined multiple matches in the second room already and was able to catch up simply because I have a (very in my opinion) well put together build. Specifically only a couple of mods per weapon and the majority on my frame. It really can depend on how well you function as that warframe, A Valkyr with full duration hysteria can ruin people, but a frost or vauban that plays smart can easily juke the slash and snowglobe/bastillee and kill all of her momentum. That is just the easy example of stopping a cheap tactic.




Counterplay for every situation. Don't pick a frame that's cheap but you can't play well, pick a frame you can play well, and build against the cheap. I prefer zephyr. I don't bring Tornado. Tornado isn't controllable. It's a variable. If I use it and nobody is around, wasted, if they show up late, only a single tornado. Tailwind however is controllable, it's mobility, it's good for escapes, it's good for engaging. Proper planning and focus of targets will help greatly against cheap tactics

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I'd like to rebuke that and say this depends entirely on a couple factors. How late is a BIG discerning factor here. I've joined multiple matches in the second room already and was able to catch up simply because I have a (very in my opinion) well put together build. Specifically only a couple of mods per weapon and the majority on my frame. It really can depend on how well you function as that warframe, A Valkyr with full duration hysteria can ruin people, but a frost or vauban that plays smart can easily juke the slash and snowglobe/bastillee and kill all of her momentum. That is just the easy example of stopping a cheap tactic.




Counterplay for every situation. Don't pick a frame that's cheap but you can't play well, pick a frame you can play well, and build against the cheap. I prefer zephyr. I don't bring Tornado. Tornado isn't controllable. It's a variable. If I use it and nobody is around, wasted, if they show up late, only a single tornado. Tailwind however is controllable, it's mobility, it's good for escapes, it's good for engaging. Proper planning and focus of targets will help greatly against cheap tactics


If everyone your fighting is already pretty leveled up and you arent using an frame with easily spammable cheap abilities then yes you are pretty much as good as dead. yes you have a chance to catch up some and be a little useful but overall a boost of some kind is needed for those who join late.

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As a relatively simple and temporary fix until the major issues are patched up and changes/tweaks are made, a late-game boost for people that join in the later sections of the mission are welcome. But like I said, temporary. Once we get everything right where it needs to be, this boost may or may not be needed anymore.

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Why not just add cool down timers to abilities as well.


Edit: Honestly PVP needs a seperate damage table for weapons to balance weapons and that explosives weapons need a HUGE ammo nerf and such. Like Ogris should have 5-10 Rockets and penta should have 10-15 grenades.

Edited by ShiroSlinky
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Objective difficulty between attackers and defenders needs to be addressed. Right now defending is far too easy and attacking is far too difficult.

I agree. someone suggested spawn timers for defenders since they have unlimited lives, But what would be a good respawn time or alternative?


I feel like around 1-2 minutes might be cool but would seem like forever probably.


Maybe give defenders 40 respawn tickets as well.

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problems i've found:


Joining games is horrible. Everyone has already scaled up and new players don't get lvl up upon entry. You could be in a match in the final part with everyone lvled up and you are lvl 1, completely ridiculous. And some matches have it where the friend/foe id isn't working.


And can we make up our mind on finishers? One game it works, the next it doesn't. We need to be able to finish off downed players. most of them end up being ridiculously over powered turrets that we can't kill and have to wait out to die otherwise we get shot in the back.


I really don't want to go over the warfame part cause we all know it at this point.


Maybe this mode should enforce conclaves as well. To prevent some of these "insta-win" builds from running amok.


And for the love of god can we please get an instruction manual to this stuff. Just when you think you understand how it works something contradicts it and you are back in the dark again.




And the mode is prone to crashing

Edited by PR1D3
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Just a heads up, I have a lot of other testing to do besides just the Dark Sectors PvP. Regardless, I try to get in at least 5 runs of a mission a day, although it all depends on how long each round lasts. That being said, I am still combing through this thread and the feedback section as a whole, and anything that matches up I will add (regardless if I personally tested it or not).

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problems i've found:


Joining games is horrible. Everyone has already scaled up and new players don't get lvl up upon entry. You could be in a match in the final part with everyone lvled up and you are lvl 1, completely ridiculous. And some matches have it where the friend/foe id isn't working.


And can we make up our mind on finishers? One game it works, the next it doesn't. We need to be able to finish off downed players. most of them end up being ridiculously over powered turrets that we can't kill and have to wait out to die otherwise we get shot in the back.


I really don't want to go over the warfame part cause we all know it at this point.


Maybe this mode should enforce conclaves as well. To prevent some of these "insta-win" builds from running amok.


And for the love of god can we please get an instruction manual to this stuff. Just when you think you understand how it works something contradicts it and you are back in the dark again.




And the mode is prone to crashing


Huh. This is weird. I joined in late game and ascended to Rank 27 extremely quickly. I guess that's just another bug, cause I didn't kill anything to do it :/

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Nyx Absorb is insta knockdown, unless you spam it.



Tempest Barrage: knocks down

Riptide: knocks down

Undertow: sinks turrets but not players (also invaluable)

Tenticle Swarm: Unknown


Akmagnus is a good early npc farming tool


Tenno are like Grineer with Corpus shields

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Nekros with Soul Punch is really strong too. A cheap long range knockback, to reject attackers, to catch out of position snipers or people out of their covering, to win 1v1 fights (with no Invincibile targets, of course).
The only drawback is it's hard to aim. Awesome for defense.

And what about Torid? It's great to get people out of covering, to prevent resurrections, to protect points of interest.
The drawback is it's hard to aim, get the reins of and it has low fire rate and reload speed.
Strong, but surely less OP than those sick explosives or top weapons.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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With the new patch i won 6 straight games using Mirage +Orthos Prime + Hall of mirrors literally only died twice out of all those games. Mirage is pretty unstoppable now that thier isnt power spam to counter it. Its fun for the person playing her but seeing how i havent been on the other side of it yet idk them feels. I did encounter another  mirage hall of mirror user but my melee beats guns in this case.

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