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Are We Really The Good Guys?


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We all know the story. We have woken from cryo sleep, and being the guardians of the solar system, we are once again called upon to defend it from the bad guys that threaten it.


But what if the Corpus and Grineer aren't really the bad guys? What if Lotus is the bad guy, and the Tenno are just her pawns?


If you don't know already, the Tenno were created by the Orokin to be supersoldiers in the war against the Sentients (taken from Excalibur's codex entry). We also know that Lotus was around during the war, as she mentions flashbacks about guiding a Tenno in a Mirage frame that was fighting the Sentients (talked about during quest for Mirage).


Because Lotus is there for every Warframe, maybe she was an AI that was created to help us. But what if Lotus got corrupted? In the series Red vs Blue (by Rooster Teeth), there are AI that were made to help the soldiers, but some went psycho and would take over the user and control them, using them to kill others.


After winning the war against the Sentients, all the Tenno supposedly decided to murder their Orokin masters that were celebrating their victory (Stalker's codex entry). But what if the Tenno really didn't do it? What if it was the corrupt Lotus AI that took over the frames, using them to kill the Orokin. And when the Tenno came to and realized what had happened, they locked themselves in cryo pods to prevent the Lotus AI from taking over again and killing more peolpe.


Years later, the Lotus has probably found a way to open these cryo pods. Because of how long the Tenno have been in cryo sleep, they have forgotten everything. So Lotus tells them that there is a new enemy: the Grineer and Corpus. Because the Tenno don't know anything other than what is being told to them right now, they go along and follow Lotus.


Now the Grineer and Corpus are hunting the Tenno, not because they are being evil, but because they are trying to stop them from wiping out their race. Sure there are some evil people within the Corpus and Grineer (Alad V, Captain Vor, etc), but in general they really aren't the bad ones. It's the Lotus that is the bad guy, and the Tenno that are the threat.


What are your thoughts on it?

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oh... sorry wrong thread


but on topic tho.

its up to you to determine if the tenno are good or bad.. its honestly how your general opinion is

Edited by DiBBz
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The Grineer enslaves people, the Red Veil confirms that, and the Corpus are probably keeping prices on every day stuff so high that people barely can afford them. We may not be beacons of moral perfection, but the the people we slaughter with glee and laughter aren't much better.

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Here's straight from the faction description for the tenno:


"The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth."


We're anything we want to be!

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Here's straight from the faction description for the tenno:


"The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth."


We're anything we want to be!

They told me I could be anything...


So I became a threshcone.

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It's not black and white. We are here to keep a balance. That means doing both good and bad. It's all perspective. Something people could learn here...


Balance is apparently a never-ending war between the grineer and the corpus that we do our best to keep going

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We, the Tenno are a force of balance.

If on faction gains an advantage over the other, it is our goal to even the odds again.

Should one faction defeat the other, it will be our task to eliminate the victors.

We have done so before and we will do so again.

Edited by -ExT-Schalimah
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... "Good"? Seriously? Why do so many people cling onto concepts such as "good" and "bad" to define the Tenno? They're neither the "good" nor the "bad" guys. They're just here to maintain "balance". I mean come on, Lotus is always filling our ears with this word! Balance here, balance there... Broken record style. We just keep any "faction" from getting any decisive advantage over the others.


As for the Codex entries, I prefer to wait for a real base in terms of lore. I mean, take the Stalker's entry for instance. It's just HIS point of view on what supposedly happened. How can we know he's not the one lying or trying to manipulate us? Wouldn't be a first.^^

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