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Dark Sector & Warframe Both Have A 66 Meta-Critic Score.


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Most of the trading ingame is done with real world money.  Even if you had to hunt rare cards to sell for platinum, that platinum had to come from somewhere.  The game's as close to P2W as any other game.


The first part is correct, but I don't understand why you need platinum at the fist place. Even supposing you need it for slots (and I conced you this, it's prabably the closest thing to force you spending money), they don't affect what things you can earn, but how much of them you can hold.


DE has been really smart on that, but saying it's P2W for it it's just injust.

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Fanboys have been trying to skew the term P2W to not include their favorite game for as long as the term has existed.  The boosters and slots, especially the slots, are the things that cement WF firmly in the P2W category, especially considering the Mastery Rank system.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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The way I differentiate a pay 2 win game is as follows:


There are people in the real world who have to go to jobs. They'll have less time to spend actually playing the game but still want to play the game. Then there are others who may have extra time. More than others to spend on the game.


Whenever somebody purchases platinum. They're investing money which has been earned with time at wherever it is they've been working.

Whenever somebody sells an item in trade chat. they've spent hours farming for that item. They've invested time into the game which has earned them money.


The line I feel is drawn in free2play games when that money can be used to not just there to speed up the progress but provide stat increases that can dramatically make the person who invested money which means they are infinitely stronger than the person who didn't. The person who doesn't invest a cent will never be able to reach the same level as somebody who has paid with real money. This is where the line is drawn.


There are other times when I feel this is inappropriate. Now I will agree. The time wall they have in this game has little reason to be there. I will not defend that. I'll admit it's pretty awful.




That said. Item shop has to be there.

This game is free2play and servers cost them money. Unlike TF2. There are many cases and it has been proven many times that a purely cosmetic item shop can't actually work. It doesn't give enough revenue to be sustainable.


Having a job of my own and little time to play, I can understand that logic.  I purchased the frames I used because the grind was too much for me.  A game is "Pay to Win" when the superior gear is always found in the cash shop.  Even if the item is tradeable, it had to be purchased from the cash shop too.  This game's on the fence between a good f2p system and p2w.  On one hand, clearly the best weapons in the game are the prime items.  They can only be found in the Void, meaning a player can only get them ingame.  However, chances are people will want platinum, real world money, for any of these items because the alternative (hunting for them) takes a long, long time.   Not to mention any other items I want to use I would need to either wait for a long time before getting or I pay for with real money.


Let's take Dojo research for example.  To get a lab started, you need Forma.  You could get lucky finding a blueprint in the Void, which in turn needs rare resources to make, and then you wait for the forma to finish being built, or you can buy it outright.


That's just to get the lab going.  You then need to research the item you want, which might need forma in its blueprint (Ignis, for example).  So you need to find another forma blueprint.  You also need to forma your warframes in order to equip the best mods to make them even better, so even more blueprints.  All these attempts to get forma blueprints need keys, so  you need to run defense missions or survival missions in order to get a chance at a key.  Then you run defense/survival missions to get a chance at the blueprint.  The grind wall is gigantic in this game.  I think one of the reasons Rhino is such a popular frame is not just because it's so balanced- it's one of the first frames a new player can get without having to buy it.



And I say all this knowing there are a lot of worse systems out there.  I'm reminded of one game that had an item that boosted your equipment's stats even further, but it was random and only obtained from the cash shop.  I think the equivalent of this would be if polarized slots gave stats, and there was a special forma only found in the marketplace that can randomize these stats to something you'd want.  And those stats weren't trivial either.  Let's just say hitting 58 billion damage without the mirage bug or any boosts from Volt, Rhino, etc. would be considered low compared to what these items did.

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Fanboys have been trying to skew the term P2W to not include their favorite game for as long as the term has existed.  The boosters and slots, especially the slots, are the things that cement WF firmly in the P2W category, especially considering the Mastery Rank system.


The statement I made goes for every game. If you're going to slap around the term "Fanboy" as if it's a business card.

Then don't. You're negating someones point of views based on an assumption and that kind of attitude is rude; downright disrespectful and does nothing to validate your point of view.

Edited by Sutherland
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To me, the scores are usually quite accurate.

If you think deeply, the score is actually quite right in this case too.


Let's think about what can we do in WF be4 U14:

1. Kill mobs and level up

2. Kill mobs and farm

3. Play as part of events (sometimes)

4. Get disturbed by bugs (still now)

5. Play PvP with no balance for no reward. (wasn't a thing when Beta came)

6. Explore lore through codex (wasn't a thing when Beta came)

7. Kill mobs for DS (wasn't a thing when Beta came)

8. Wander around Dojo (wasn't a thing when Beta came)


We also had (be4 U14):

1. Neutral to bad new player experience...

2. Unbalanced stuff (improving)

3. No story line (examples of farming games that have a storyline include D3, Defiance, POE...etc.)


It IS a GREAT game and it IS very FUN to play this but there are MANY scoring criteria, though this game NEVER was a P2W game lol.


There's a reason for DE to say U14 was their most ambitious update, it brought us:

1. Storyline

2. PvP with reward (still balancing)

3. A more immersive environment (Ships, living companions)

4. Better new player experience

5. More bugs


Critics might only played the game for a very short time but they actually understand the whole thing quite well, though not exactly accurate (cuz some say it's P2W when it isn't).

They give scores not just according to "fun level", but also "amounts of content", "functionality"...etc.

That's why some people might think the scores aren't accurate because they often only take "fun level" and "graphics" as criteria.


If you really want to know is it fun to play the game, look for players' comments, for a full picture, look at the scores.

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In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the *new*. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.


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The only thing I could see wrong with this game is the lack of an endgame. I simply run voids for fun, now that I have all of my gear and all the frames I want. There really isnt a reason for me to play besides my kawaii kubrow and how @(*()$ fun the game is. It is so funny when you find a bug in void and suddenly your friend says he sees all of your mirage copies all around the map flailing their serro copies and spazzing out. 

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Pay to win is a metaphor.  Pay to win means paying for an advantage in the game.  Whether the game is PvE or PvP is irrelevant.  WF has PvP anyway.

Although its up for discussion if paying actual giving you a 'fair ammount' of advantage over non-paying peeps.


Yes, you can acquire some mods or gear alot faster, but if you take the time=money=time aspect, people spending enough time can basicly get to the same level of gear/mods/stuff as you did buy buying plat.


I would call this a P4F, pay 4 fun, the 'you can get stuff faster then others, but on the long run be equal as others'.

There are (afaik) no weapons or frames exclusive for plat-buyers, no gain of advantage on that side (where P2W is often having seperate weapons/frames/gear wich exclusive can be bought with real money).


So on that part, i say its a fairly balanced system, specialy since you can trade plat with people. So those willing to pay for plat can actualy buy from those who farm alot, rotating the platinum around the community and making a (imho) balanced system.


Its unlike games as Firefall, where you can get a huge advantage over others, the LGV, the new 2 man-vehicle, the massive exp bonus, more craft slots, dispite the time=money=time aspect.


Many PVP FPS MMO's have a huge aspect of P2W, considerable stronger weapons, better gear, more revives or goodies, it actualy makes you alot stronger then any non-paying player. The MOBA's are kinda the same, more spent money = more strenght ingame.

Edited by SinergyX
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I never worry about silly little scores.

Those type of scores give the Latest Call of Duty 80% + and the FIFA`s even higher %. Both of which suck epic balls in my opinion.

Play the game and like or dislike the game. Forget these reviewers and ~scores~ that mean nothing.

Oh and if I had to give Warframe a score - for me personally its at least 90% with the potential to be a 95%+ game. Fix the bugs and keep doing what you are doing devs! This game is a hell of a lot of fun when it is working :P

Edited by c.BOLTSON
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Although its up for discussion if paying actual giving you a 'fair ammount' of advantage over non-paying peeps.


Yes, you can acquire some mods or gear alot faster, but if you take the time=money=time aspect, people spending enough time can basicly get to the same level of gear/mods/stuff as you did buy buying plat.

There is a massive grindwall and RNG that people can pay for the advantage of getting around. You cannot get slots without plat. P2W.

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There is a massive grindwall and RNG that people can pay for the advantage of getting around. You cannot get slots without plat. P2W.

Really, inventory slots you call P2W?


And btw, as i said, you can trade platinum. So if a free player loots a prime part, he can sell for plat and buy his slot.


Logic, failed.

Edited by SinergyX
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There is a massive grindwall and RNG that people can pay for the advantage of getting around. You cannot get slots without plat. P2W.


You can't seem to realize what the term "Pay to win" means, do you?


In P2W games you gain unfair advantage in terms of power compared to people who don't pay anything. Please, do tell me what kind of power do paying users get in Warframe?


They can have more Warframes to choose from, more weapons to choose from? A free player can just pick the best weapons and stick with those.


You can pay to skip content, yes, you skip actually playing the game. Free players get mods etc while doing your "massive grindwall", whereas a paying player might pay platinum to get these mods from said free players.


And voila, free players can buy your P2W inventory slots.


Warframe is far from P2W, it's pay for convenience and flashy customization.

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If Warframe would be a finished game in the current state then 66% would be quite right.


There's so much wasted potential on many of the gameplay aspects currently, unbalanced stuff, bugs and glitches that honestly it wouldn't deserve more than that because it's far from polished.


Don't really want to comment on the P2W debate though... but looking at some stuff retrospectively, especial with the messed up droptables every time new content got added... I can't help but feel that the game at least has pay 4 convenience and is very strong on that one because sometimes the grindwalls are ridiculous.

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If Warframe would be a finished game in the current state then 66% would be quite right.


There's so much wasted potential on many of the gameplay aspects currently, unbalanced stuff, bugs and glitches that honestly it wouldn't deserve more than that because it's far from polished.


Don't really want to comment on the P2W debate though... but looking at some stuff retrospectively, especial with the messed up droptables every time new content got added... I can't help but feel that the game at least has pay 4 convenience and is very strong on that one because sometimes the grindwalls are ridiculous.

I'd take P4C anyday over P2W.

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I'd take P4C anyday over P2W.




I'm already considering buying Hydroid from the market because I've had it with the ridiculous paper chase for Beacons. I only need one more part... the Systems... So I don't want to give DE that satisfaction. If all fails I won't get him until he ends up in the friggin Tenno Lab.


But currently the ugliest piece of sh*t they released are the Kubrows anyways... Especially the Breeding is a friggin nightmare and is designed to be the greatest Platinum sink to date if you don't want the ugliest Bastard Mongrel possible you'll store in the fridge forever. I'm pretty disgusted about how that turned out.

Edited by MeduSalem
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