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Sechura And Heiracon Are No More


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Soon there will be 100% tribute ratings on every rail in the game,

combined with the recent X4 nerf of the XP gained from DS nodes.

I dont see myself playing this game much longer...

Wait, because DS are a bit screwy right now you are literally considering quitting warframe completely?

Its not even a huge aspect of the game in literally anyway.

Slow down there turbo.


Being a tad over dramatic don't you think?

even if the 100% tax on all rails happen (and it wont) its really neither here nor there.

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And thats exactly what I call 'short-minded slave's way of thinking'.

Next time when you will need credits and your beloved 'attackers' will be not in the mood to allow you to have it, what would you do?

Go to Sechura? Nope, taxed.

Hieracon? Nope, taxed to the skies.


If I need credits, I go to Void. It's better credits than Pluto, while also dropping prime parts.

And by the way, you can sell those prime parts for plat and buy more void keys, with a little luck you'll have a never ending chain and extra plat on the side for whatever you want.


You can always go do some leveling in DSs and stay till a void key is won as well.

Dark Sectors is for XP/Resources.

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And thats exactly what I call 'short-minded slave's way of thinking'.

Next time when you will need credits and your beloved 'attackers' will be not in the mood to allow you to have it, what would you do?

Go to Sechura? Nope, taxed.

Hieracon? Nope, taxed to the skies.

tone it down.


also who doesn't love too help the "bad guy",rivalries is what makes this rails thing interesting.look at how many pages and how many people are on this post thanks too it.

i say long live ice.

Edited by LostCody
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DDoS is a red herring. Rails are dropping because the determinant of their control is now the outcome of PvP gameplay, which is totally imbalanced and which a large proportion of the player base has no interest in.


While I enjoy playing DS conflicts myself sometimes, I wish the PvP gameplay were just for fun and that rail damage were calculated based on how many missions are completed for each side. This would allow the voice of the community to speak the clearest and not bias the outcome toward the team that has the most people abusing the current optimal loadout.

Edited by holdenagincourt
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Dark Sectors... meh. Insult to the game they are called after. Should have stayed with "Badlands". Because that's what they are: Bad.


Haven't played a single PvP match yet and seems like I will never do so. I might would have supported some of the alliances if the thing would have stayed an indirect PvP mode the way it is initially been... but now I can't be lured in anymore.


Also I don't want to play high taxed solar rails... Defeats the purpose of going there in the first place.

Edited by MeduSalem
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I'm apologize for starting the flamewar. I never meant to at all. I just wanted to point out something and it turned into this. The thread was deleted before I could read it earlier this morning. Here's thanks to the Mod who restored it. 


First of all, my opinions on the Dark Sectors remain neutral. It's PvP, what do you really expect?

A way for players to challenge each other in armed combat or indirect conflicts via Solar rails. 


The Dark Sectors are just media for PvP. No harm done, right? 


DE can do whatever the hell they want with the game. It's theirs to alter.


You guys are playing for free. You don't pay monthly to maintain an account. DE works through the night to keep their playerbase pleased. 


If some of the content doesn't make you happy, fine. Just don't touch it. If you're really frustrated with the content, might I suggest going out and enjoy the sun for once. 


Dark Sectors give a twist in the usual PvE gameplay, turning it into PvP. At first I thought it was kickass and how it was cool to play against others without Conclaves or Dojo Duels. But disconnecting hosts really spoil the fun. They may have good reasons why they d/c(e.g. crash, loss of connection, family member died, has to poop), it still is a drag on the potential of Dark Sector conflicts. 


The Dark Sectors themselves are forms of representing yourselves and everyone else who's with you. You take a solar rail, hold it, make a name for yourself, profit(maybe?). 


What SC did for a very long time was good. They managed to hold a solar rail for so long with 0% Credit and resource tax. I personally enjoyed playing there for a while. 


What others do in their rails such as 50+% credit tax is not dishonorable or shameful, it's just what happens. They took a rail and now they can do whatever the hell they want with it. It's up to the playerbase to decide whether or not to play in those Dark Sectors. 


It's like going to a fish market buying the most expensive little fish when you can get the bigger ones cheaper. You can see that there is someone selling Herring here that are overpriced yet someone is selling Trout on the other end of the market for half the price. 


All this rests on the players' shoulders. Which is why we strive to maintain balance in the solar system that is forever bathed in chaos. 

Edited by Nijuroku
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You could be right, they eclipsed on their own because they lost their rails lol.


There was nobody left, who could loose. Eclipse disbanded and the staying rest gave their rails to everyone who attacked first - the main forces were long gone (a bit earlier the point where they set up their whole vault as BP for 1million each).

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Do you remember Sangeru at 100% tax? That one node out in the middle of nowhere that supposedly no one plays? The owner posted a screenshot of how much money was made on there. It was guuuud.


I'm curious, what can they do with the profits from here?  I know that it can be used for battle pay, but besides that, what else is gained?  I am truly asking because I don't know, I don't bother at all with dark sectors.

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I'm curious, what can they do with the profits from here?  I know that it can be used for battle pay, but besides that, what else is gained?  I am truly asking because I don't know, I don't bother at all with dark sectors.

I know I farm them when taxes are 15% or below. I ignore them when they arent. I still want a way to attempt to ninja past rails and not half to pay.
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Its worth pointing one thing out though. Seeing as I have little to no interest in who owns the rails or PvP but have found myself mixed up in a bit of this I decided to do a little reconnaissance and take the time to see if PvP is any better with the recent modifiers etc.


 Assur has been under attack for the last few hours and remains one of the last rails (as far as I know) that SC own. yet practically no one, not even the vast amount of players that apparently love their free rails are supporting them. Now it could be a coincidence but I found my self fighting off hoards players sporting rhinos with pentas and ogris's, solo and with not single tenno to help me out.

Needless to say I won very few battles by myself (surprisingly I won a decent amount considering the circumstances).


If you're going to complain about who owns the rails and taxes, then put your money where your mouth is and do something about it.

I ended up playing a single battle for the opposition because the absurd amount of battle pay they were offering (compared to SC's 0 cred reward) just barely managed to justify my time spent there.

Food for thought.


Edit: I would have continued to support SC despite getting no battle pay (woo free rails) if I had literally any help at all.

Let that marinate.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I'm curious, what can they do with the profits from here?  I know that it can be used for battle pay, but besides that, what else is gained?  I am truly asking because I don't know, I don't bother at all with dark sectors.

Thats the best part. Literally all they can do with battle pay is fund more rails and use it in the dojo.

In other words, owning a DS node right now and taxing it is literally pointless unless your ego needs inflating.

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Thats the best part. Literally all they can do with battle pay is fund more rails and use it in the dojo.

In other words, owning a DS node right now and taxing it is literally pointless unless your ego needs inflating.


Ugh I had hoped for a different answer.  Thank you for clarifying.  


I see then there are a whole lot of very insane politics going on for, well, naught. 

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Ugh I had hoped for a different answer.  Thank you for clarifying.  


I see then there are a whole lot of very insane politics going on for, well, naught. 

Pretty much. I get that people want cheap rails but the anger behind it is hilarious.

"W want free rails! But don't make us do anything about it!"


Its all about dem clan and alliance props.

Hopefully owning DS will actually have a use in the future, so it at least justifies some of the politics and grumbling.

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If you're going to complain about who owns the rails and taxes, then put your money where your mouth is and do something about it.

I ended up playing a single battle for the opposition because the absurd amount of battle pay they were offering (compared to SC's 0 cred reward) just barely managed to justify my time spent there.

Food for thought.


Didn't I tell you logic isn't welcomed here? Get out you.


I sound like a broken record. Well free ninjas? Where are you? Now that we have gotten past the point that they are a no show let's try finding the answer to another question.


Plenty of other rails have taxes, why is it when Eclipse or ICE tried deploying one there was a thread about it? Where were all the threads about all the other clans and alliances? Where was all the complaints? 


Again, this might sound weird to some people but exchanging land, taxes and politics and fighting for land is fun. Just like how PvP have their community, people that actually play DS have their own. And these two communities are going to be mixed together real soon. What then? And just like before, if you have no interest in it...don't play it!

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