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Kubrow Feedback [Megathread]


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Ah lol, then maybe they could swap that with the unnecessary "success rate" from Sahasa's Dig ability and balance it around that instead, rather than making it a whole new mod. It'd be a win-win situation, although I'd still like to keep the thieving monkey sahasa idea in addition to Dig :P

I like the way you think (>^-^<)

Though it just occurred to me that if there were energy orbs everywhere, there could be nonstop radial javelins (°v°)

This is great omg so wonderful yeess

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I like the way you think (>^-^<)

Though it just occurred to me that if there were energy orbs everywhere, there could be nonstop radial javelins (°v°)

This is great omg so wonderful yeess

Waiiiiit a minute, Sahasa's Dig actually digs energy orbs for your whole team? Oh man.


I guess they'd have to balance it with a special cooldown for the certain type of digged yet not picked-up items I guess, just to keep it clean :x lol

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Waiiiiit a minute, Sahasa's Dig actually digs energy orbs for your whole team? Oh man.


I guess they'd have to balance it with a special cooldown for the certain type of digged yet not picked-up items I guess, just to keep it clean :x lol

Wouldn't want a game so messy the players would start lagging now would we (>u<)
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But I hope DE would come up with something which you don't need dna stabilizers or at least bring down the price

Well, technically they have brought down the prize when they halved DNA decay rate, since you only need to apply a DNA regenerator every four instead of every two days now.


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-if this was already suggested, then kudos to the OP-

Now, regarding kubrows and their classifications, I've been having quite an issue figuring out the colour scheme.

Yes, I am extremely aware of the rare and common colours of the kubrows. I'm also very aware of the constant changes in how rare and common these patterns and colours may be, as they recently seem to change often (via the wiki provided). Although, it pains me that whenever I go to look at any one of my many kubrows that I don't know approximately what colour they are.

Here's where it started: My first kubrow, who appeared to have the main colour of grey with brown leg stripes, was doing awesome. This was all fine and dandy ... until the colour fix attacked. The "fix" made it seem like her colours were instead black and brown...which I continue to second guess to this day.

PROBLEM: I've been having a very heartbreaking experience every time I go to check on my other kubrow pups and adults. I usually cannot decipher between white and grey, grey and black, grey and blue, cream and yellow, etc, etc,... This may be to the varying hues and shades of the colours that the kubrows can be bred or randomly incubated to be. The general colours on a kubrow could be very hard to distinguish between the different intensities of said colour being shown.

A SOLUTION: Since this may not serve to be a major pain in the backside to fix, I can put forward that either next to the temperament or within the section where you can create genetic imprints, there be a brief description. (The imprint tab may be the most suitable option for it, IMO).

The description can be simply this: Main colour, pattern colour, and any tint colours that may follow after that. [it could also include the gender, as I (as well as others) may forget over time.]

This, in my opinion, would be much more convenient for players buying and selling imprints, since they'd be sure of the colours without having to rely on their own judgment and "guesstimates".

I feel that if this small adjustment was made it would clear up a lot of frustration and confusion players are having because of the wide array of (wonderfully) extravagant colours these animals are gifted with.

Thank you for your time and I hope you put my suggestion into consideration (^-^❀)

Well, to condense my suggestion, I'm basically just asking for a consideration in displaying an accurate, yet brief, description of the kubrows' colours and patterns. This would help for imprint selling or just conveniently displaying the right colours of the kubrow, since some are hard to decipher.


Woop woop.

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All I know that even if kubrow could pick items up that addition would not really hurt the Carrier BECAUSE:(MUSIC BEGINS)

Kubrow ...cannot really .....pick up ....more then one itemmmmmmmmm

and Carrier.......sucks in all itemmmmmmmmmmmm

1v1 ........cannot really compete......with darkhole ........that does it all at onceeeeeee

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At first I thought the Kubrow would be cool.  But its health decresses even when you are off line, and the DNA stabilizers cost 100,000, and they heal so little.  So I kind of found the Kubrow very pointless, too expensive to keep around.  So I put it in staises and I don't think I will ever be useing it.  It makes no since have it.  Unless it can one shot Lv.60's


I hope it don't become a required thing to have, because I think I would stop playing the game compleatly then.  This is suposed to be a game, not a job.  Keeping the Kubrow feels like a job to me.  except this Job don't pay.

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If kubrows are supposed to be dogs, then why cant we do something we naturally do with dogs. Train them, give us the choice on which type they become. Personally I have a sahasha and 2 sunikas, both are the types I didnt want, while sents you can pick which one you want by its BP, so why not give us a special quest where we can go to 1 of 4 mission types and depending on which one we go to, it trains the kubrow to be the type we want. Removing a bit of the huge RNG wall kubrows are behind in as well as they type is arguably the most important aspect of a kubrow.

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If kubrows are supposed to be dogs, then why cant we do something we naturally do with dogs. Train them, give us the choice on which type they become. Personally I have a sahasha and 2 sunikas, both are the types I didnt want, while sents you can pick which one you want by its BP, so why not give us a special quest where we can go to 1 of 4 mission types and depending on which one we go to, it trains the kubrow to be the type we want. Removing a bit of the huge RNG wall kubrows are behind in as well as they type is arguably the most important aspect of a kubrow.

It really is frustrating that the colour, pattern, and temperament of the kubrows are solely based on chance.

Generally people need to keep farming for kubrow eggs just to find the temperaments they actually want; or buy, with plat ofc, imprints from other players looking for what they desire.

It's kind of a waste how much time we use trying to find and take care of the kubrows we didnt exactly hope on getting.

It's practically all chance.

All about belief in your hope~

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It really is frustrating that the colour, pattern, and temperament of the kubrows are solely based on chance.

Generally people need to keep farming for kubrow eggs just to find the temperaments they actually want; or buy, with plat ofc, imprints from other players looking for what they desire.

It's kind of a waste how much time we use trying to find and take care of the kubrows we didnt exactly hope on getting.

It's practically all chance.

All about belief in your hope~

It's even more frustrating when your breeding attempts fail. For example, I tried breeding a not so pretty lotus kubrow with a rather pretty normal kubrow. What I ended up with was essentially two of the pretty kubrow but w/ the lotus one's ugly colors. The lotus pattern didn't pass down at all. I knew it was a gamble, but... this is a bit too much. I'd rather have a larger degree of control over breed, color, and design than what we have now.

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I keep having my kubrow insta-death with no bleedout. Sometimes without any enemies or hazards. It seems to happen when i get too far away from it. Its really unfair.

Depending on what rank it is and whether you have loyal companion on it that may tend to happen quite often.

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By default, Kubrows only have 3 seconds bleedout, so it might seem as insta-death if you don't notice the moment it goes down. And another thing: I took my level 27 Sahasa with me to Ruk. It had about as much health/shields as my Banshee, but because it goes full contact, it's down in a single blow. Void lasers can do this, too.

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It really is frustrating that the colour, pattern, and temperament of the kubrows are solely based on chance.

Generally people need to keep farming for kubrow eggs just to find the temperaments they actually want; or buy, with plat ofc, imprints from other players looking for what they desire.

It's kind of a waste how much time we use trying to find and take care of the kubrows we didnt exactly hope on getting.

It's practically all chance.

All about belief in your hope~


Use two prints from different animals that have the same temp and you will get that temp to come out.

It has never failed me, some people say that this is just luck but i have done it since i stopped random hatching and i always get the temp i want.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I've been mostly pleased with the Kubrow, but I have a few requests:


1) It needs to be visually clear to all players when and where a Kubrow is downed, even if it belongs to an ally.


2) Make Kubrow/Sentinal health and shields visible to ally on the HUD when they have it expanded to show other players. I'd love to use Blessing to heal ally Kubrows but I just can't tell when its needed.


3) Replace or rework Sunika's Unleashed ability. I really like my Sunika but it bothers me that one of his skills is entirely useless outside of capture missions and even in capture missions only useful for one brief moment. One possibility is to add a secondary, weaker effect that can be used anywhere. But it would probably be less clunky to just scrap the ability and start fresh.

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Why aren't we able to give them orders?!

Welp, I can't conjure up any other reason other than the fact that there may not be too many buttons for that, ie. for controller players. Those who use keyboards may have trouble too; a human's fingers can only reach so far xP


Of course, unless they had a key much like the gear key, that may call for some ease.


But judging from how we aren't able to command our sentinels and the use of their fine abilities, I don't have any belief that this would be implemented in the near future. 

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Welp, I can't conjure up any other reason other than the fact that there may not be too many buttons for that, ie. for controller players. Those who use keyboards may have trouble too; a human's fingers can only reach so far xP


Of course, unless they had a key much like the gear key, that may call for some ease.


But judging from how we aren't able to command our sentinels and the use of their fine abilities, I don't have any belief that this would be implemented in the near future. 

Complete control not much but simple stuff can be implemented such as using the X button (on PC-default keys) when not near a terminal to command them.


That said, pre-mission combat stances can also be added. I fear the Kubrows were slightly rushed in this aspect :s


Let's not blame console players please :)


*fixed spelling issue

Edited by noveltyhero
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I want cross-breeding. It'd be cool to mate say a Huras with a Raksa and get a cross-breed that could replenish shields AND cloak you.


Also only being able to make 2 genetic imprints from a kubrow makes no sense. I mean biologically that would mean that any one kubrow could only have one kubrow child or that any 2 could have only 2 kubrow children. This means their population is completely incapable of growth, and since not all children will survive, this means that their population would steadily diminish until they go extinct.

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Also I would love to be able to put down or trade away my duplicate kubrows. I have 2 sunikas. I want to get rid of one of them without it taking 10 days to starve it. Besides, that's just inhumane.

Judging from how (feedback thread yes yes) they haven't made any notion of different methods for disposing of unwanted kubrows recently, you may be stuck with the two for a bit.

Although, it would be nice for you to rank them completely and create imprints for the future, since that requires time, and time is needed for the devs to figure everything out ^-^

Plus imprinting would be absolutely fantastic if they're of rare colours and patterns.

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