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Laggiest Game You've Had?


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Silliest amount of lag I had was when for some reason my game connected me to a player/host in Russia.


Since matchmaking is constrained to the region, it meant that a Russian player had selected "North America - East" as their region.


It's scenarios like that which make me wish that region is automatically selected based on Geolocated IP or by the language you have the game set to.

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Silliest amount of lag I had was when for some reason my game connected me to a player/host in Russia.


Since matchmaking is constrained to the region, it meant that a Russian player had selected "North America - East" as their region.


It's scenarios like that which make me wish that region is automatically selected based on Geolocated IP or by the language you have the game set to.

true but the problem would be that south america and all the other less populated servers would be left out in the dust with no one to play with. =(

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Sometimes I wonder why there are no "Host" buttons when you wanna play with randoms.

Like, 3-4 out of 5 cases are always with some player who's internet connection just cannot handle it. 

I know my own connection is pretty awesome and there are no latency for players that join (I know this from friends who plays with me) and if I could bring that lag-free experience to other players, who are trying to join a public game, then that would be awesome too!

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before 5 minutes a 20 min infested-farming ends spontaneoulsy with a host migration, after the migration 2 was left, i think everybody know what happened ...




this and other network-issues are a excessive slap in my face, it would be nice if somebody at DE can stop this ongoing madness, its too much, devs, faar more then too much



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the laggiest match i ever had....


it was so laggy, that the 3 Clients, my being one of them, all simultaneously D/C'ed.

i know this because the other two D/C'ed just a moment before i did. i only had enough time to see the disconnected messages in Chat before i was myself D/C'ed.


a match so laggy that everyone D/C's. i think i win. :>

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Sometimes the lag in this game can get pretty insane, but this recent one of mine topped all previous ones:


So what's silliest amount of lag you've had?


Three games ago.


Three Mirages with Quantas.


Oh my God.

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I once had a mobile defense match on Phobos with soooo much lag that nobody of the 4 people could see each other throughout the whole damn mission and it took like 20 minutes to realize when we were all standing on the extraction point. We couldn't even see the enemies during the defense phases. The only thing we could do was spaming abilities and weapons blindly and hope for the best.




Silliest amount of lag I had was when for some reason my game connected me to a player/host in Russia.


Since matchmaking is constrained to the region, it meant that a Russian player had selected "North America - East" as their region.


It's scenarios like that which make me wish that region is automatically selected based on Geolocated IP or by the language you have the game set to.


Selecting the region by language is not a good idea for any software product. There are quite a few countries all over the world using for example English as their native language and there are people using language settings that don't match their native language as well, for example myself. I don't speak English natively but it's a habit of mine to use software products in English just because most translations suck nowadays.


Geolocated by IP would be preferable.


That said there should be more Regions to choose from in the first place. I live in Middle Europe and I often get paired with Russian players.


I don't have anything against Russian people, but there's just a major barrier between languages using Latin letters and languages using Cyrillic letters. Most of those players either can't or refuse to write in English (don't know if all Cyrillic keyboards have Latin letters by default) and I obviously don't speak Russian nor am I able to read any of those letters.


On top of that the geographical distance in Middle/West Europe (all Latin) and East Europe (mostly Cyrillic) might not be that far... but the huge number of servers in between creates a massive lag between Middle/West Europe and Eastern Europe which becomes pretty ugly very fast.


So my feedback on that would be for DE to at least a seperate region for East Europe because of the cultural differences as well as the massive lag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

laggiest match ever mobline def 2:30 min counter each scond took 4 seconds and had 8 prism flying as my mirrors whee in nearly enervy mdef room xD


but yea some really need to get there own region.


als a european region player it really suffer if out of the nothing you join a game either speak english and either have the pc or internet to handle it a russian is host....


you lagg that danm hard 


oh and one time i landed by a vietnam in match oh moly was that a lagg

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laggiest game is when my friend in japan tried to host an ODD for me and a friend on the east coast of US.. it took 3 minutes to open doors to get out of spawn and when we got to the pod the doors for the infested to come out were all locked. so it was interesting..

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