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Corrupted Vor Vs Stalker... Who Would Win?


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That could be awesome.


I mean Stalker is the best troll in the game, killing you in just a few seconds (if you are alone of course). Dispel, teleport, dread, despair can kill you quickly. If that's not enough, "Arsorb" can end any battle.






But Vor (corrupted) is for a long Battle (even if you are in a party), also he can "block attacks" and with "Golden eruption" can bother Stalker if he is close enough. His strength is in their intelligence.






Also i know Stalker fight only against Tenno and Corrupter Vor is only in the Void. But... exist any chance of see them fight?? in the next short movie (like "Rebirth")??




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I'd say Vor wins. He teleport-spams a lot more often than Stalker, can only be damaged on his weak spot, unlike Stalker, and he has a lot more health, armor and shields. Even if the Stalker knew to hit him in the belly, he'd still not have enough firepower to kill Vor before Vor could dish out enough damage to kill him.

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Stalker has absorb? 0_o


Overall my money would be on Corrupted Vor. Stalker is a larger threat to a Tenno, but Vor just has more utility, health, and can only be damaged in that one spot.


This has me thinking of boss/assassin fights now. Who could we put against Grustrag Three?

Edited by Dualice
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As far as I know, stalker stops when he dispells. So just spam a dispellable ability and let your sentinel do the rest.

I would put my money on Vor.


Doesn't dispel also do damage each time he uses it?



My vote goes to stalker.  Corrupted or not, Vor won't stop attacking Stalker in Absorb and he'll be one-shotted for sure when Stalker finishes.



We officially just turned into Screw Attack's Death Battle. Up next we have G3 vs Lephantis!




Lephantis.  This isn't a contest, it's a one-sided fight between Superman and a handicapped child.


Better question- Sargas Ruk vs. Lech Kril.  The harvester, Jackal, Zanuka, and Alad V vs. the hyena pack.

Edited by Aramanth
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Besides Vor now being an immortal spirit and Stalker being a fleeing coward I'd say... Vor would win.


Probably because Vor is much more durable and has only one spot that takes damage ontop of steadily teleporting around. Stalky would instead take damage on all bodyparts and would have a hard time avoiding all the Nervos Vor spits out...


That said if the Stalker would know about the weakspot and aim for it with the Despair/Charged Dread then he might stand a chance but only if his AI isn't too dumb standing in Vor's AoE crap all the time. So since there are so many assumptions to Stalkers AI I'd say the Stalker's AI is too dumb to take on Vor or at least in a major disadvantage for Stalker and he'd therefore lose.


But still I'd pay Plat to see that fight.



We officially just turned into Screw Attack's Death Battle. Up next we have G3 vs Lephantis!


I guess the G3 would lose because their AI is pretty dumb as well. They wouldn't know to shoot only the pink parts. Pretty much the same problem as Stalker vs Corrupted Vor.


Also Leekter would be completely useless during the fight other than fending off the hords of Infested spawning into the boss arena because he couldn't hit Lephantis with his Manticore.


So the only two doing something would be Shik Tal and Vem Tabook, but still they would have to know what to aim for, which is a major disadvantage for their restricted AI.


They also suffer the same major problems as nearly all enemies in the game... they try to facetank everything rather than being agile and that's their doom because they would stand there and keep on taking hits from Lephantis until they are dead. They'd probably not even see Phase 2.



Better question- Sargas Ruk vs. Lech Kril.  The harvester, Jackal, Zanuka, and Alad V vs. the hyena pack.


Isn't there a big thread somewhere about the Ruk vs Kril thing? Can't find it somehow... maybe it's been moved to the archives already.


But I'd probably say Ruk would win because he's got more special spots over the course you've to hit than Kril giving him an advantage over the single spot of Kril. Ruk would eventually hit Kril in the one spot and after several times Kril's pretty much done for while Kril would have to hit Ruk very specifically and it's changing over the course which means Kril would have to be much luckier than Ruk.




Also if Harvester, Jackal, Alad&Zanuka and the Hyena Pack are thrown into an arena King of the Hill style... all equally leveled... I'd say Jackal because the others are too dumb to aim for his legs and without he will use his MG, Stomp and what's the worst: his nuke strike that instakills nearly everything.


But I guess the first that would die off is the Harvester followed by the Hyena Pack and then when Alad V with Zanuka is left the Jackal will eventually have enough luck to hit Alad and hit Zanuka during the vulnerable phase. ^^


I'd pretty much rank Jackal the most dangerous boss in the whole game and probably able to win against EVERY other boss out there just because of his lethal nuke strike ontop of his invulnerable phase.

Edited by MeduSalem
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"Long battle, even if you are in a party"


Y'know, just sayin, recently I killed Corrupted Vor in under 20 seconds.  I really don't know what it is that makes him so damn tough sometimes.  But uh, my vote goes to the Stalker, gameplay segregation aside, he's just overall a lot more mobile, has absorb, and some powerful weapons.


We officially just turned into Screw Attack's Death Battle.


No we didn't, because we're still intelligent!

Edited by UFOLoche
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Stalker has absorb? 0_o


Overall my money would be on Corrupted Vor. Stalker is a larger threat to a Tenno, but Vor just has more utility, health, and can only be damaged in that one spot.


This has me thinking of boss/assassin fights now. Who could we put against Grustrag Three?

G3 vs Sargas Ruk! A battle even the Grineer Kweens would wanna see :D

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