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Figured this was looong overdue,


Heyo! Name's Adrian, live in the wet part of Washington. Been playin' Warframe on my Pc since last year practically non-stop xD

I'm a gamer, lover of food and music, who sometime soon wants to start making his own game. But school and life comes first ^.^


The game is awesome and sooo very pretty, can't wait for Update 15 and up!

Hope to game with ya'll soon!


- Smiles



So pretty :3

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Hello fello tenno!

I go by many names, but most of them are derogatory. so if you want to be nice, just call me Jared :D as you can see by my username my gamertag is NIGHTELFMERC and i game on XB1. been playing warframe since day 1 on xbox, and i never thought id love it as much as i do. the community is amazing and the the DE staff seem Super!(thanks for asking) I love games so fervently, and though im reclusive, i love to talk to people about games and have discussions/debates about them. especially warframe!

I am blessed by the gods of gaming to be a part of this community and hope to see you all out on the field.

I love you all.


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Hi there everyone. WASSUP?


My name is, above obviously, but u can call me doc.

played warframe in my friend's account for like, 2 months, so Im not really new to this game actually...

anyways, Im from indonesia, born in the 90's, a student with average grades, and definitely a gamer, and blah blah blah.....


Enough with introductions.So I've decided to make an account for myself, and the devs seem to be going to be giving their best for days or weeks to make the greatest in Update 15, which is pretty much badass, like Gundam.

I'll see u guys later on ingame, if we ever meet, and happy early halloweens for everybody!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, all fellow tenno...


Name's P1TV1P3R... my real name is unpronounceable to a few, so i aint gonna go there...

Living in the north west of England does have its perks... if you prefer drizzle and rain over sunshine and beaming light rays...


Anyways... i joined the game when Nekros came out which was U10, i believe.


I have to say that I truly love the effort put into Warframe to make it so enjoyable for all tenno, new and experienced.

I really hope you magicians at DE continue to amaze its gamers with new content, hotfixes etc.


Keep up the brilliant work, DE. You never cease to amaze me with your dedication and hard work! :D

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Hello everyone!
I joined this amazing game at update 8, when a friend told me about it. I was unsure if I would be able to play the game at all- not only because of the amazing graphics, but mainly because I was quite bad at shooters. :D But I got used to the game's fast pace surprisingly fast and I'm still playing- at the moment I'm MR17 and have all the warframes except the prime ones and Limbo (wasn't able to even play the game since U15 because of crashes). The only sad thing about the game for me is that I didn't know about Warframe during the Closed Beta, so I couldn't participate...
I've played nearly 1000 hours for now and I'm deeply amazed not only by the game itself, but also by the creative Developers and amazing community!

Warframe inspired me a lot (I like drawing), and no doubt it will keep inspiring me for a long while ;) Good luck to everyone!



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Uh... hello there. First off, I have to say that I didn't know that I could actually introduce myself in this part of the forums (INTRODUCTIONS) when I started playing. Anyway, I'm Jack McRain, I'm a new player who started playing somewhere before Easter Holidays, or rather, when the U13 was about to be implemented. I'm a guy who usually play games just for fun or to pass time, I also had playing several other games before this one. I've had heard about this game even before I started playing, I only decided to play moslty because some of my old friends were playing it as well. 


Either way, when I'm not playing I'm doing one of these things: drawing, writting stories or working with 3D or 2D spftwares mostly for fun. Currently I don't post much things on a website called FurAffinity mostly because I don't go to that website that often anymore, but I still like drawing. Also, I'm not extactly like those guys who draw pretty much everything they see, I usually prefer to draw whattever comes to my mind and in this case are anthropomorphic animal characters, mostly because I love animals and the nature, drawing characters with armours was something that I never tried yet but I'm still good at drawing. Sometimes it's just a bit hard to have inspirations to draw or to write any story.


Anyway, I have to say that the Warframe is an awesome game with lots of new content. Keep up the good work guys. ^_^

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Hey all,


Been playing the game for about 6 months now and I love it more and more.  All the new functions and aspects of the game make it so varied and keep it fresh.  Watching the game develop has been great too.  So I'm introducing myself and using it to plug clan recruitment (lol).  Planning to be more active with the forums and following the DE more.  Friend me on Steam or Warframe to go fight!


And here's my plug: I'm an officer/recruiter for Deus Ex Tempus(Lightning).  We are a Mountain clan part of the Deus Ex Tempus family.  Actively recruiting new members who are interested in building the daughter clan to the DeT family.  New players welcome: I'm a good teacher.

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Hello everyone, dl'ing the game atm. I was browsing utube clips on recent mmo's gameplay and "bumped" into "Warframe Devstream - Episode 39", much likeness from me.

Looking at the suggestions i see a "Warframe Prime Time - Episode 48" and recalled having already watched a clip like this (prime time) and thinking "i gotta go back to episode 1 and learn the game", but never got to do it (never actually played the game i guess)...


Well now, i'm watching primetime ep1 (u really kept the weekly basis episodes?? congratz on that), and hope i "get" this game, been w8ing for too long for an open world fps multiplayer game.




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Hello everyone, dl'ing the game atm. I was browsing utube clips on recent mmo's gameplay and "bumped" into "Warframe Devstream - Episode 39", much likeness from me.

Looking at the suggestions i see a "Warframe Prime Time - Episode 48" and recalled having already watched a clip like this (prime time) and thinking "i gotta go back to episode 1 and learn the game", but never got to do it (never actually played the game i guess)...


Well now, i'm watching primetime ep1 (u really kept the weekly basis episodes?? congratz on that), and hope i "get" this game, been w8ing for too long for an open world fps multiplayer game.




I actually have no idea what the Prime Times are.  Were on 50 as of yesterday/today, correct?

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Level Designer at DE for some years now. (3d Artist before that)


Dabbling in voice acting (People listen to me scream in agony every day.... the "Capture Mission" Screaming target guy...LOL?)


In the mean time we are super duper busy hard at work churning out tons of new environment spaces for y'all. The gears never stop turning around here :)

Making brand new environments/levels/blocks for you guys!!

Love this project and so proud to see it blasting off into popularity. The fanbase is insane awesome, you guys are the best!!! *SpaceNinjaHugs*

If you have any requests for Level designs/environmental traversal/explorationy stuff, send me a PM or post in Level Feedback subsection!

Take care friends,



Hello everyone! I am your friendly neighbourhood SpaceGimp! I like chocolate and rainbows and gummy bears and the smell of cooking meat!


Right, now that's out of the way and done, good day to you!

I'm still somewhat new to this all and I haven't said a proper hello yet and that's why I'm here, doing my rounds, making acquaintances and all that palava.


Skree, the reason I quoted you was because the voice acting article caught my eye. I've always wanted to get into voice acting! I'm awesome with imitations such as Bane (The Dark Knight series), Herbert the Pervert and a few others but that's not my point. How did you get into V. Acting?

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I actually have no idea what the Prime Times are.  Were on 50 as of yesterday/today, correct?

Prime Time's featured on their YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBIdHvSAyoud-CNZOVKW2-w

It's essantially a talk show regarding the week's events, upcoming events and so on.


I've only just subscribed myself and have a LOT of catching up to do! Ha!

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