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Quanta Worth Formas?



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I'm be stright up with ya brah, I already have a quanta and I have no intention of putting a forma into it, not because it's horrible, but because the weapon is already so damn good that I can bring it on ODDs and go to wave 20 with it. It's god damn powerful so I dont think it would be a waste to forma it at all.

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It does decent base damage and those cubes have a lot of utility. I'd say it's a prime candidate for forma.


Having said that, I'd put forma in anything you enjoy using :) People say the Miter isn't worth its weight in salt but mine's been forma-d three times, 'cause it's so fun!

Edited by Dualice
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Forma any weapon you enjoy using.  I've got two in mine Quanta, I might do one more.  And as much as people say the primary twin laser isn't that strong, it is also hit scan with what seems to be infinite range.  Sure you don't have zoom, but instant zapping people so far away is too much fun!  The only thing that could make the weapon more fun would be a skin to make the gun shaped like a shark. ;)

I'm almost tempted to forma Hikou now.  I just used them last night just for the heck of it and forgot how much fun they were.

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I'm be stright up with ya brah, I already have a quanta and I have no intention of putting a forma into it, not because it's horrible, but because the weapon is already so damn good that I can bring it on ODDs and go to wave 20 with it. It's god damn powerful so I dont think it would be a waste to forma it at all.


You can go to 20 with a Lato...

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Despite my initial impression, I find this weapon fun to use as well.

Things I like


- the 2x range of light saber class. though crippled by no aim, this weapon can really hit anything if you can target it without zooming. No more stuff like other short-ranged continuous weapons where we always have the "range anxiety".


- this weapon is fun to use.. Just run through the level and swing it around... (yes.. like a pokey type light saber).


I forgot how many times I forma-ed it.. (can't remember the original), but I easily modded it to do 2k corrosive + 2k blast with shred. It is very fun to use.


- the Shred basically allows you to ignore light covers and even "slice" through doors before they open. They work wonders for mobs approaching you in a line or through a small portal as well.


- Heavy Caliber for this weapon is actually VERY useful inclusive of its accuracy penalty. The problem with a weapon without aim is that aiming at very small/far objects is tricky, as you will either need a very high precision mouse or very good skill to "move slightly to one side) e.g. to hit an enemy behind cover. Though Shred does help to some extent, HC adds a little ... spread, which is low enough to still be accurate, but good enough to hit a general area near target point. The increased damage offered by HC and less attention required to aim definitely make it a better "auto" weapon. One more thing about HC is that it overcomes a problem with the cubes when using Split chamber. Without HC, the cubes will launch and immediately get "stuck' to each other directly in front of you. With HC, the loss in accuracy allows the cubes to be thrown the regular distance with a nice little spread.


- the alt fired cubes themselves offer optional AOE solution (which is rare in weapons atm). And I could be mistaken, but it seems that exploding them yourselves deal more damage than letting it be triggered by enemy or explode on timeout.


All in all, I think it definitely has the potential of a higher grade weapon, even if it does not meet the "end-game" grade yet.

Edited by smithf
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Currently maxing out my Quanta, I'm at 4 out of 6 planned forma.


The primary fire might not be super strong compared to other weapons, but it's still pretty powerful when it's maxed.


It's real value lies within the cubes though, those deal insane amounts of damage if used right.

For example, if you shoot the cubes above a group of Grineer and shoot it with your beam (always do that, the cubes do much more damage then) it tends to land headshots and do ridiculous damage up to 20000-40000 (varies on resistances and mods used).

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Personally, I have 35+ forma just sitting around, and I've heard of other players having even more. Forma-ing any weapon will make that weapon better and every weapon can be made high level worthy with enough forma, though the amounts vary. I have a three forma boltor prime thats been sitting in my arsenal collecting dust because I simply prefer to use other weapons at the moment. As to the Quanta specifically, mines still in the oven, but it looks great on paper, everyone I've seen using it loves it, and its not likely to be primed anytime soon, or ever, since its a Corpus made weapon. Therefore, as others have said, if you like using it, forma it. It'll only make it better and forma is easily replaceable. And take advantage of this events exp booster while it lasts. 

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Wow the warframe community is awesome! Thanks for your opinions. Like I said I will forma this weapon because I like exploding things up especially with mirage. Let this thread be a thread for those of you out there who has doubts about quanta or formas. Forma if you think you like it! ::D Cheeres

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