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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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Limbo, I only caught a glimpse of him and thought "I want to be that!!!"

He looks Like a magician/ archduke (In my opinion anyway)

Please tell me where to get him when he comes out.

The only problem I've had with any of the frames so far is that I personally think they are all awesome but everyone else is completely cynical about the Developers working hard to bring them wonderful new content.

I can only speculate about his powers but I know Limbo is going to have an awesome set.

It would be really cool if he had a special "Elegant" animation where he would remove his hat and stand at a half bow and he would walk as if he commanded respect from even the most unruly of hooligans.

Limbo will beat respect right into the enemy, and by that he will gain yours i'm sure.

Please anyone who is actually excited feel free to comment and tell me what you think of him.

Vortexed with Megathread in General Discussion.

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Do you want them to type funny words into google translate instead?


Sorry, but I prefer to read books

Look, if all the community wants to do is to shoot things then I would suggest is to try sporting clays instead ...

That's a whole lot more fun in actually using a gun and honing real world skills


The issue is that Warframe is not just a FPS ... it is also an RPG which mandates immersion

Now, if all I want is eezee-breezee reading, I pick up a comic book

If I want something with heft to it, I go to the library


Warframe has so much untapped and unmet potential as a story that it is just painful to watch opportunity squandered

So, yes ... give us a real treat, not just more "pop and hop"

Edited by ElHefe
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We know what he looks like, his name and have a vague idea of what his abilities are. His abilities might not be what we think they are, they might justify his name and his appearance.


I don't think people where considering the name to be... "unfitting"

People had a problem with the fact that it was name suggested during a devstream / a spontaneously chosen name.

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Well, i must say that...


Limbo represents the end of warframe for me.

When i saw Hydroid i thougth... "uhm a pirate tenno (i don´t like pirates, but, fine, well), a bit out of theme... Space ninjas, pseudonazi-clones, über-capistalist, disney-pixar-aliens: ok, it´s a pìrate, at least it´s a kind of warrior".

When I saw Mirage I thougth... "wtf! a clown, a f*****g clown. Ok, a lot of pleople likes harlequins, ok it´s out of the warframe thematic integrity (at least in my mind, i concede that), but it´s only one frame, it´s... tolerable".


I was hoping for this uptade to make something of warframe: a game for adults. i was mistaken, it´s my fault. I was whising for lore, scfi lore. I see syndicates and it feels like something that would improve the game, not only the repetitive gameplay, THE GAME ITSELF. I was hoping for a plot, for a chance to play the game and say: "now it has a universe, a background, from that great explotable basics that warframe initiali had"; but no. WE HAD LIMBO instead. A circus mage. Out of any consistency, he reminds me that this is a kids game and i´m not a kid. Again it´s my fault, the videogame industry it´s bussines and they have their target costumers.


Ok, i´m out of this product. I only need to say this because i used to like the early warframe concepts and now i feel frustraded with the unused posibilities of the ruined (and unseen) lore.


Grineers were one of the best enemy concepts i saw in years in videogames, despite the plane use of the evil clones, their desing was excellent and i must congratulate their designer/s. But now warframe is lost in a circus filled with lots of clowns, mages, pirates, trains and children.

Have a nice day with the kids DE.

See you SOON.

You dont like the Warframe anymore, so you just quit? Ok, dont have a problem with that, happens. But the reason is because its not "mature enough anymore"? Because of the concept of a few Warframes? You Sir, are either a TROLL or VERY STUPID AND COINCEITED, chose.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Sorry, but I prefer to read books

Look, if all the community wants to do is to shoot things then I would suggest is to try sporting clays instead ...

That's a whole lot more fun in actually using a gun and honing real world skills


The issue is that Warframe is not just a FPS ... it is also an RPG which mandates immersion

Now, if all I want is eezee-breezee reading, I pick up a comic book

If I want something with heft to it, I go to the library


Warframe has so much untapped and unmet potential as a story that it is just painful to watch opportunity squandered

So, yes ... give us a real treat, not just more "pop and hop"


So, do you mean "I think my experience would be improved if the new warframe was named after a monster from Greek mythology"?  Not knowing anything about the frame I think a name like that would be way cooler too, but just picking a name out of a myth doesn't make the experience any more deep.


I agree that they should always give frames the coolest possible sounding names.  Limbo clearly has too many camp connotations.

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I don't think people where considering the name to be... "unfitting"
People had a problem with the fact that it was name suggested during a devstream / a spontaneously chosen name.

For all we know they may have already had selected but didn't want to reveal it, so when someone said it on the stream they realized they could pretended that they were using that name on the spot as a placeholder (I actually found it sort of odd that they zeroed in on that specific name, it was almost as if they were looking for that name in particular...)


Basically we have no way of knowing if Limbo was named spontaneously or not. I would hazard a guess that even if no one on the stream, said Limbo he'd still wind up with the name he has now.


Basically people are saying they don't like him because they think that he might have been named on the spot? 


To which I reply: Who cares what he's named as long as it's fitting?

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