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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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I think the sword looks good. A bit too much corpus design like but its ok. Most off looking weapon for me is galatine. This thing is just... What the hell its that huge...didnt expected to swing a skyscraper after lookin at the blueprint.

But yeah. Big swords are big. The end.

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Lore aside, I really like the idea of the archwing. Along with the addition of the swimming elements. Sounds like a great way to add some serious mission variety.

Great potential for more complex sceanarios by stringing these alternate gameplay sections together in single missions.


I for one welcome variety.

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There are literally dozens of other references to make to the archwing besides Gundam. The only reason people keep thinking Gundam is because Gundam Wing was the most popular Gundam in America and the Wing Gundams wings look like the archwing.






Edited by TheGuyverOne
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from my power i predicting the future i see you have to use wings in a gimmick way flying through an enclosed skybox on a predetermined path/rail.you pick up life support like your in a cheap racing game.

lets hope its not that...........

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mhm..... Maybe you can tell by my name that I used to be a huge GW fan (The sequel FT somehow ruined it for me).

But the ony thing that reminds of the Wing mech is the pose....


The Archwing reminded me more of this:


The Cyborgs @1:08


Yup... there was also a time when Linkin Park did not suck.


mhm okay.. vid doesn't show...




Edited by WEREsandrock
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Gundam predates the shows you mentioned.

ALso, on the wiki, it says the show was intended to be a more kid friendly version of Gundam. :P

True, few Gundam shows predated Dragonar, but none of those gundams back then had functional wings in humanoid form.

Also, remember this was made during the 80s. Their idea of making this kid-friendly compared to Gundam was to reduce the number of deaths of supporting characters. Doesn't make it less fun to watch, though.

edit: Oh wait, I almost forgot Super Gundam existed, but then again, it's wings were pretty much decorations compared to the additional thrusters it gained.

Edited by eisenkaiser
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I must be the only person who saw it and thought 3D Movement Gear,


Please do not tell me you mean Attack on Titan. Not only does it not look anywhere near, but god dammit that anime / manga is over popular for a mediocre work. I can't go anywhere gaming today without seeing a reference, and it's not a mind blowing series, and the author himself already said he has no idea where to take the story(He himself admitted her never came up with what was in Erins basement, or how he became a Titan, hence he may do a really quick wrap up to the series.)

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Mag prime codex entry says it all. Archwing prime is a thing, I guess.


And we were all wondering at one point why Mag prime entry says she has "A plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it"


Just felt like pointing that out, seeing as nobody has noticed this and posted it as a thread.


Edit: Nevermind. Exactly 3 seconds after I posted this thread I noticed that someone did find this. Oh welp.

Edited by Sarmon
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Didn't they say that they are remaking Survival missions? Or was that just for the corpus ice planet? Because I am fairly certain they said for the whole system.


BECAUSE it doesn't make sense for 'life support' to fail on a planet with an atmosphere, unless said atmosphere is inside a sealed dome or something.


As for the super glowing? I can see it being some kind of extra life support or amplified shields for extra vehicular activity.


Or a Super Saiyan.

Edited by Kalenath
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Survival is getting a rework so we can just ignore all the LS things.


Tenno no longer need oxygen. ;/ I think the DE has thrown the Tenno need to breath idea out of the window with Archwings and the Survival rework.


Edit: or you are at 5 hp when in the archwing so you get oneshoted if you mess up, making the archwings super hard to use.

Edited by Feallike
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