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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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I have a feeling this was not meant to be seen yet. The scale of all the elements on the page is wrong, you can see the edges of the background, and excal's foot is floating in space.


Everything looks right at around 2x scale.

All looks fine to me, your settings specifically perhaps.

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Is it really meant to look like this?



There are so many things wrong with it. When I scale it up to 2x everything looks right:



Also I think that LoD settings were way too strict when they rendered the excal animation. You can see the geometry and texture changing as he moves.


I am running the current x64 dev build of chrome. That should be part of any standard testing regimen.

Edited by egregiousRac
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The surprise is Great Prime!


#surprise {

  1. z-index3000;
  2. width2px;
  3. height2px;
  4. backgroundurl(../images/grateprime.png) center top no-repeat;
  5. top10px;
  6. positionabsolute;
  7. left98%;
  8. background-size100%;
    -moz-animationgrateRotate 5s linear infinite;
    -o-animationgrateRotate 5s linear infinite;
  11. -webkit-animationgrateRotate 5s linear infinite;
    animationgrateRotate 5s linear infinite;

Also, the way it looks right now makes is seem like they are going to be making the site a little HTML powered archwing game!

Edited by Reidmaster
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I hope to god they learned their lesson and do not have Archwings use a mod like Serration for it's progression. 


Mods that give cool new effects and stuff are fine, Mods necessary to progress are not.



As scott said, save your fusion cores

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Archwing Teaser Site

Does this mean it's only a week away? Less than a week?


A countdown to a countdown? Who knows!


Site Update 0 (Friday)
From site source code:

        <div id="skrollr-body" >            <div id="background" class="rotate"></div>            <!-- ENABLE 50 LIVES START UUDDLRLR-->            <div id="surprise"></div>            <!-- ENABLE 50 LIVES ENDS UUDDLRLR-->            <canvas id="playground"></canvas>            <h1 class="dayOne">The Countdown begins</h1>            <div id="excalLooking">
     50 Lives? Surprise? We must investigate!
     Perhaps try the key combo Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right?
 - Pressing "W" makes a boost like effect





Gamescom Concept Art Goodies (courtesy of Valhazred!) - Big Image Warning, in spoilers







Old content

I was in a dying dream. I saw a bright spot blurring and weaving toward me. I felt a tug toward it from the metal clasps on my suit. It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings. Its Void Shield shimmered blue, strained under the enemy beams. I felt a sudden tug of acceleration. I closed my eyes and held onto it like a child. 


- Mag Prime Codex Entry
















does it make you happy you can merge all the posts and make it your own? all those +1 make you feel better?





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