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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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I know but that just opens SO many possiblities owo Would be totally awesome if we turn completely invisible or something when we switch planes

From how he explained it you don't turn invisible, since he was still being shot at.

Not sure what he could do other than what was explained, but I'm sure they did a good job.

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From how he explained it you don't turn invisible, since he was still being shot at.

Not sure what he could do other than what was explained, but I'm sure they did a good job.


Then again, we only heard about one power owo except this goes for all of them.

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Then again, we only heard about one power owo except this goes for all of them.

Since his ultimate puts a field around him and basically puts him into god mode while it's active (unless an enemy walks into the field), I could see using Narrow minded just so no enemy could get inside.

Until new abilities are shown though, all I can do is speculate.

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Since his ultimate puts a field around him and basically puts him into god mode while it's active (unless an enemy walks into the field), I could see using Narrow minded just so no enemy could get inside.

Until new abilities are shown though, all I can do is speculate.


I'm really excited about his powers though, makes you wonder how much awesomeness there really is in this Limbo guy owo What his others powers may be and stuff.

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Limbo is a ridiculous name, I sincerely hope it's not final.


And I also hope his design doesn't look like a robe, longcoat, overcoat, jacket or similar (It's like the designers are obsessed with covering the behinds of male warframes, my god. It has to STOP)

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DE I hope that introduce Limbo in a similar fashion as Mirage, I really enjoyed the lore behind that quest (I know I'm not alone in that) it gave her a sense of personality and it made me care about her.


Devstream said there would be a quest so hopefully it will be of that quality.  (and hopefully they'll let us read/listen to the dialogue from completed quests through the Codex.  I'd really like to go over what Lotus said again while not fighting for my life.)


And I also hope his design doesn't look like a robe, longcoat, overcoat, jacket or similar (It's like the designers are obsessed with covering the behinds of male warframes, my god. It has to STOP)


By my count 4 out of 10 guys cover there backside.  Frost, Volt, Oberon and Hydroid.  They are outnumbered by the 6 that don't, Excalibur, Rhino, Ash, Vauban, Nekros and Loki.  I really expect a tailed coat on this guy though considering the talk of having a (magician's) hat.

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Okay then, just... Something that looks like it's natural to sit on. Except Excal and Ash, all other have weird geometrical shapes for butts. That's a serious issue that needs to be adressed, stat. #bottomframe2k15


But yeah this guy will probably have a robe and wizard hat. My hopes aren't very high, but his abilities sound interesting.

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