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Are People Really So Eager To Take Offense...


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Went into a recent alert mission. It popped up on Mercury, so it was available to new players.  When we got in I noticed that one of the team was a rank 1 player so I said


A newbie! Hi newbie :D


Note the "big grin" emoticon, almost universally understood to indicate high happiness and playfulness. I was sincerely happy to see that a new player had gotten a chance to participate in an alert mission. The reward was a 10-pack of fusion cores, so I'm sure they could really have used it too.


Then one of the other (non newbie) team members said something confusing related to male anatomy. Then we host-migrated...The rank 1 player had dropped out.


What is wrong with people. :(

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I don't call them newbies. If I see someone that low of rank I usually say: "Welcome to Warframe! How are you liking it so far?"


And yes, some beginner players do take offense to being called newbie. It's not exactly the nicest thing to say and comes off as really quite condescending.

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Note the "big grin" emoticon, almost universally understood to indicate high happiness and playfulness. I was sincerely happy to see that a new player had gotten a chance to participate in an alert mission. The reward was a 10-pack of fusion cores, so I'm sure they could really have used it too.


Then one of the other (non newbie) team members said something confusing related to male anatomy. Then we host-migrated...The rank 1 player had dropped out.


What is wrong with people. :(

Unfortunately, the ':D' in this instance can go either way, depending on what was said before it and how people interpret it.

Edited by Naith
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Momaw: Hi you little ignorant piece of useless sh-

Newbie: D: I'm outa here *Disconnects*


IN Momaw's MIND:

Momaw: Hi you cute little fragile thing!

Newbie: **** you! *Disconnects*

Are you trying to say that in both minds, the new player gets the shaft?

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"Newbie" is actually alot nicer than "noob", if you ask me. A newbie is just a newcomer/apprentice, but not forever -

he learns and grow up. A noob never grow up, he just stays like that. I wouldn't have a problem if someone call me a newbie

(if I start a new game...) :D We were all once.

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I don't call them newbies. If I see someone that low of rank I usually say: "Welcome to Warframe! How are you liking it so far?"


And yes, some beginner players do take offense to being called newbie. It's not exactly the nicest thing to say and comes off as really quite condescending.

I can see why that would sound condescending. I think it just depends on the person. I would take it as being fun and playful, while some would take it as being mean.
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"Newbie" is actually alot nicer than "noob", if you ask me. A newbie is just a newcomer/apprentice, but not forever -

he learns and grow up. A noob never grow up, he just stays like that. I wouldn't have a problem if someone call me a newbie

(if I start a new game...) :D We were all once.

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Saying "Hi, Newbie" with a grin emoticon isn't the way to approach people, in game or real life. You could have easily just said "Hi, *name of player*" because at least then you aren't talking to them in what seems like a condecending tone.


Edit: I've been ninja'd on this point at least twice over. My bad.

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probably just be me, but if I'm new to a game / playing with a friend who is new to it, and someone says "A newbie! Hi newbie :D" directed at me and or my friend... I would not see it as a being playfull, I would see it more as like "lol newbie! You're so usefull! :D" the face would only add insult to the injury.

Anyway Letter13 pretty much hit the nail on the head IMO when it comes to interacting with fresh blood.

Edited by RIOTx
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People take things different ways. A long time ago. I once had a high school project that I had to work on with two other classmates. Me and another male classmate that was a buddy of mine went to the third team members house who was a female. Her mom opened the door looked at us, began screaming, then crying and then shut the door. A few seconds later (with me and my buddy seriously debating whether we should call the police or do something) our third classmate comes out. After we asked her what was wrong, she explains that her mom had assumed that were there to ruin her "virtue" and whisk her away from her family. She got all that from just two guys knocking on the door from her daughters high school asking to work on a school project and I doubt we were the first school project group she had to work with.


The takeaway from this I guess is that just do your best to be welcoming, but understand people get offended for reasons you can't anticipate. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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I spend a lot of time leveling and re-leveling stuff on Mercury (Lares and Apollodorus, of course) and see a lot of new players. Shiny new Excalibers with their Mk1 hardware and 200/200 stats. Yes, new folks!


Normally, I don't say much to them. My reasoning is they have enough to do without worrying about responding to me. It wasn't that long ago I was in their place and I recall what it feels like. If they are interested in talking (and it's kinda hard to do when neck-deep in angry grineer) I'll certainly respond, but mostly we're all there to level and just get down to business.

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Or, you could just do what we were all taught growing up: Address people by their name. Everyone knows its polite to address someone by their name, so don't be surprised when they get angry if you refer to them by something that isn't their name, or even worse, a term that can be seen as derogatory.


Its like walking up to someone in the street and saying "Hey, b*tch, wheres the nearest public toilet?"


Personally, I don't address people, I just start talking and generally they catch the drift im speaking to them. Names/terms to address people are too much work, even if it makes me come off as intimidating.


Relating to the actual thread, I have no idea why people are so touchy. They just are. I don't understand why people get to upset over the internet really, because we all have a keyboard and a screen-name to hide behind. If anyone gets upset over something said to them on the internet, they either need to report it, if its that bad, or seek out therapy.

Edited by ArgonTheFox
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