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What If Sliding Was Removed From Warframe


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From my experience, most people don't do this. Often is easy to keep up with part or leave them in dust constantly sliding. it's usually one person doing this. Rarely see it used in alerts and not so often in popular missions.


in other words, it's not an issue. So it's not an issue to keep up with others(Though I use rush). There are always people that have these bad experiences. Then there are those that never do. It's Like there are two worlds.


However I do see the slide strike often.



If you have that much of a problem with it, play solo. If you can't play solo, deal with it or use MagLev. If you can't do either of those, well then you're not a very flexible person in a game where adaptation is key. If I want to get a detailed look at all the maps, like when I'm trying to make sure Wiki page stuff is still valid, I play solo (and that's ONLY for detailed looking at the maps. Other than that I rarely look at the tiles themselves anyway. I'm too busy killing things to pay attention to that). During public matches, Not many people copter, anyway. because that means you've built your melee for speed with no power. Quickening, Fury, and Berserker may be wonderful for getting distance, but when you're only doing 50-200 DPS, it's worthless for anything that isn't running away. So, think of it like this... 


The first person you know is gonna die is the person who's coptering through the entire level and leaving enemies because he can't kill them. Also, no one said you have to pick them up when they die, either. 


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it's like you guys are having a completely different conversation than i am


of course i can make willful choices in the game like playing solo, or not using a power/weapon/buggy melee mechanic, but THAT IS NOT GOOD GAME DESIGN


saying that well if you dont like the way something is, you can just choose to close yer eyes or use a different gun/frame etc, is poor logic


if warframe had a gun that killed every enemy in the mission with one click, certainly i could argue that the weapon is going to have a negative effect on the game play experience, but then someone could just come along and say "if you dont like it, then dont use it", exactly what is being accomplished here?


if Super Mario Bros on the nintendo had a function where if you pressed the right button sequence you jumped thru the lvl and landed near the end, and you could spam this function endlessly, how exactly would that benefit the game playing experience?


the OP of this thread was probably just trying to be funny, but of course i dont know, but the bottom line is that coptering has a negative correlation on the gameplay experience in Warframe, and that is a bad thing, DE has thus far chosen to leave it becuz they believe it is positive emergent gameplay due to community reaction (even though the community is largely split, AND even if DE changed it, as long the change was for the game's better long-term health, the community would get over it)


copter-ing reduces the incentive to use the mobility-focused mods, reduces the incentive to use heavy weapons, reduces the incentive to play faster frames (since frame movspd is no longer a factor while coptering), and reduces the incentive to use any of the mobility focused frame powers, it also encourages players to bypass complex level design (with obstacles and cover), by just flying over everything, it also reduces the need completely for the sprint and stamina mechanic that we already have ingame (which has seen NO love for a LONG time)


'coptering' is buggy/broken and has been ever since it's inception, DE made the smart choice and got rid of wave-dashing which was just as bad, and had all the same silly arguments for it, but they made the right choice there, IMHO they caved on coptering to try to play some kind of middle-ground BS


if DE really cared about the long-term health of the game and to present a polished/professional looking product, they would remove/rework coptering and make running/sprinting/vaulting/parkour more viabled


I don't think removing sliding is an issue. The main issue is coptering around levels at insane speeds. Something that should have been fixed ages ago, but has not yet been.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this person understands

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it is hard to believe ppl actually say stuff like this with a straight face


im not forced to use it? when every other tenno in the mission is flying through the tiles im just supposed to sprint 5-6 tiles behind them? srsly?


the level designers are completely fine with a majority of the playerbase literally never seeing the tiles they designed because they're a blur as they copter across the largest tiles in the game with one slash?


I know what Steve said, and i saw the stream, that does not change the fact that what he said was stupid/wrong/ridiculous and a bad decision


some SMALL acceleration to the sliding melee attack makes sense, otherwise it wouldn't be very functional in combat, but the way it currently is ingame is ridiculously stupid, if you use a fast weapon, its virtually impossible to use a melee slide attack in close quarters combat in the air or on the ground as it will sling you across the map out of control, its stupid, slower weapons actually work better in close quarters combat, but of course they have hardly any acceleration as well (thus 'gimping' the slower melee weapon users movement spds, making them unable to keep up with the rest of the cell in missions)

or u could just learn to copter and keep up

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As a person who suffers from delayed reaction times, I feel that sliding should be removed.

Often I will sit as if i have become a deer and the level itself is now a giant headlight.


I really don't think anyone can behave like that for long.  Learning to go fast in warframe is one of the few fun things left.


The 'never seeing tileset" excuse gets old.

Its more "we've seen this place for a long time now, no need to look at the window dressing every time."

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some SMALL acceleration to the sliding melee attack makes sense, otherwise it wouldn't be very functional in combat, but the way it currently is ingame is ridiculously stupid, if you use a fast weapon, its virtually impossible to use a melee slide attack in close quarters combat in the air or on the ground as it will sling you across the map out of control, its stupid, slower weapons actually work better in close quarters combat, but of course they have hardly any acceleration as well (thus 'gimping' the slower melee weapon users movement spds, making them unable to keep up with the rest of the cell in missions)

Please stop asking to nerf everyone's fun based own your lack of skill with a specific feature or personal preference. I, for instance, had some difficulty at the beggining, but now  I find it very easy and fun to slide and hit a group of enemies far away in a split second. Makes you fell more ninja.


Nobody needs to conform to one playstyle, diversity is good. You should find a party that agrees with you and have fun, easy enough.

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This is just a what if to know other players thoughts on this.

Personally, i think that it would be a little crappy


A million times no, the sliding and the parkour and all that stuff (and stances, etc.) are a great USP for the game, and they offer a little mini challenge to do stylishly.  I'm still learning how to do that stuff better, and combine things, and use the environment. 


Throwing shapes, learning to kill stuff in style, is part of the unique fun of WF for me.

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Let's remove warframes from warframe, remove secondary weapons too, take out 3 powers from each frame, also reduce the amount of melee weapons in half and get rid of the mods. While we're at it, let's remove the foundry, the dojo is useless so let's take that out too.

The starchart is not needed so another thing to take out. You know what?

Let's Just get rid of everything in the game and stare at the background images of the login screen until U15 comes and then take out all the new content too...


Seriously, this is a fast paced action game, you are supposed to be moving fast, sliding is a part of that. 


I... just.... can't...



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Let's remove warframes from warframe, remove secondary weapons too, take out 3 powers from each frame, also reduce the amount of melee weapons in half and get rid of the mods. While we're at it, let's remove the foundry, the dojo is useless so let's take that out too.

The starchart is not needed so another thing to take out. You know what?

Let's Just get rid of everything in the game and stare at the background images of the login screen until U15 comes and then take out all the new content too...



100% I agree with this.




+ remove warframe from steam, then remove warframe from internet. End of line.

Edited by ZackNeutron
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Because I view it as an exploit. 


It's not an exploit if the developers dont see it as one, it cant be an exploit or it wouldnt work so damn smoothly, and just because you have 4k posts and have played longer than most doesn't make your opinion or experiences more important than the vast majority of people who think its very fun.


There is a very important place for rushing, and thats when you have to repetitively do the same missions over and over again while grinding up as a newbie, without high speed maneuver's like coptering it would be too dull and newer players like me might have gotten bored and given up.


Dont hate the player, hate the game yo.

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It's not an exploit if the developers dont see it as one, it cant be an exploit or it wouldnt work so damn smoothly, and just because you have 4k posts and have played longer than most doesn't make your opinion or experiences more important than the vast majority of people who think its very fun.


There is a very important place for rushing, and thats when you have to repetitively do the same missions over and over again while grinding up as a newbie, without high speed maneuver's like coptering it would be too dull and newer players like me might have gotten bored and given up.


Dont hate the player, hate the game yo.

1. The devs don't' run what my personal opinions are.. I personally view it as an exploit and nothing could change my opinion on it.

2. Never have I stated or tried to imply that I matter more than any user. I was a rank 4 for nearly 5 months and at that time, I was surprised when I saw corpus units in a grineer ship. So don't try to play that card, because it isn't true and it won't work.

3. True, but think about the ones who rush ahead and leave new players behind dead while they are miles away doing the objective. *poof* there goes a revive for that new player. I got a personal experience to share here:

Quite a while ago, the friend who introduced me to WF asked me to go on a T3 capture with him. At the time, I kept on saying that I had a low ranked frame (used a forma on my ash) but he said that he'll carry me. Then he rushed on ahead, leaving me behind with a ton of enemies and I couldn't go as fast. Now he didn't use coptering ( I don't think it was as common back then) but this is an example of how rushing ruins the game


I don't hate players who use coptering. My clan mates use it a lot and I still view them as fantastic players and good people. What i do hate is how DE accepted this as a game play mechanic when questioned abut it and yet I have not seen any kind of true development work put into it to make more appealing. 


Edited by TheErebus
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1. The devs don't' run what my personal opinions are.. I personally view it as an exploit and nothing could change my opinion on it.

2. Never have I stated or tried to imply that I matter more than any user. I was a rank 4 for nearly 5 months and at that time, I was surprised when I saw corpus units in a grineer ship. So don't try to play that card, because it isn't true and it won't work.

3. True, but think about the ones who rush ahead and leave new players behind dead while they are miles away doing the objective. *poof* there goes a revive for that new player. I got a personal experience to share here:

Quite a while ago, the friend who introduced me to WF asked me to go on a T3 capture with him. At the time, I kept on saying that I had a low ranked frame (used a forma on my ash) but he said that he'll carry me. Then he rushed on ahead, leaving me behind with a ton of enemies and I couldn't go as fast. Now he didn't use coptering ( I don't think it was as common back then) but this is an example of how rushing ruins the game


I don't hate players who use coptering. My clan mates use it a lot and I still view them as fantastic players and good people. What i do hate is how DE accepted this as a game play mechanic when questioned abut it and yet I have not seen any kind of true development work put into it to make more appealing. 


You can call the sky green but your opinion doesn't matter there now does it? You want to see an exploit, K-style in gunz was an exploit. Melee spin attacking being fast is clearly by design. Rushing ruins the game for people who like to crawl around and kill every enemy, and aren't playing the appropriate mode for that, extermination. You getting trashed in content that was too high level for you and not being able to keep up was your own choice.

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