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When people can't admit that certain instances of the game are meant for players if a certain rank and skill level. 


Why is it so hard for people to understand that? 


That when someone asks you to leave or that you can't join a T4S at rank 3, or 4. You shouldn't be upset because it MAKES SENSE that you shouldn't be able to do that. There is a reason all these nodes are in place and sectioned off in levels.


I seriously ask, why don't people understand this, and why when I explain this to the new players of the game, older players get highly upset and not only argue the opposite, but then start to attack me personally (lol). Do you even know what you're arguing or are you just trying to be rebels without a cause?


It's weird. Stop it.

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do that in real life, dude, and you will miss, no, not even miss, walls will hit you, your walls between yourself and the real world


understand ? :-))))


that would also be my answer in the other thread about being "fast" :-)


and slowly i have the feeling that i would waste my time in 90 % of all threads here


so, my mind comes to a lill conclusion, do the gaming industry get the money from the parents of the kids or from hardworking real people ?


nah, not worth to think about :-) we are in gaming-wonderland with its own rules and lots of useless d**g* and lill kids =))))))))))))


im glad that i love true teamwork, this keeps the world running and round :-)

Edited by 7ENN0
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Because unlike you, they don't care about your key, they don't care that their wasting your precious time on farming that key, and all they care about is getting some quick XP, Credits, and rewards.



I hope they add Mastery rank locks so 1-5 can't join T4s. >.>

Edited by Feallike
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this is why i am becoming more and more elitist the more i play with lowbie ranks




i do not feel DE does a good job information lowbie players of the differences between void tiers.....neither do they differentiate difficulty of planetary nodes beyond levels (which doesnt say much as all because different enemy types + level makes a huge difference)


iono....but i run into this plenty of times and i let newbies piggy back so they realize how intense t3 and t4 is


i like it when they crash and burn.....i dont care if i lose a revive.....letting them learn from experience is much more worth arguing over text for me



granted this isnt for everyone since keys do take a lot of time to farm

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do that in real life, dude, and you will miss, no, not even miss, walls will hit you, your walls between yourself and the real world


understand ? :-))))


that would also be my answer in the other thread about being "fast" :-)


Then go find that thread and don't post a offtopic post on some..... why am i even trying. x.x

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completly with you on this. i get hate for asking to be pm-ed with conclave rating of current setup but hey i am not going to take any mk1's to a t3 let alone a t4 anything even if it means the part that you want is there as a reward! It's not going to happen!!!


seriously when you hover over someone's name you should be able to get a pop up with their current conclave rating.

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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I hope they add Mastery rank locks so 1-5 can't join T4s. >.>

^ i would love this.....



the only issue is that they would have to change the loot tables and rearrange prime items....they would have to consult between community and among other DE members about which weapons are appropriate for which tier....etc

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Because unlike you, they don't care about your key, they don't care that their wasting your precious time on farming that key, and all they care about is getting some quick XP, Credits, and rewards.



I hope they add Mastery rank locks so 1-5 can't join T4s. >.>

Exactly my point.. Like it wastes YOUR time.. 

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Because unlike you, they don't care about your key, they don't care that their wasting your precious time on farming that key, and all they care about is getting some quick XP, Credits, and rewards.



I hope they add Mastery rank locks so 1-5 can't join T4s. >.>



You have no idea refreshing it is to finally hear someone with sense. Thought I was going crazy.

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MR0 players with Rhino prime and snipetron vandals exist, MR is not a skill measurement.


Usually try and ask what is the strategy and check the gear they have, how many formas, what mods do they use, why they use them, why a specific frame, have they done the mission before, how it went,......

If they seem mediocre, ask them to leave, if they insult, report them immediately.


I never faced that problem, i never got any low MR players, maybe it's because i say "no noobs or newbies allowed" after the hosting stuff.

My problem is high Mastery rank players that can't handle a T2 game, let alone a T4, altough it's rare.

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MR0 players with Rhyno prime and snipetron vandals exist, MR is not a skill measurement.


Usually try and ask what is the strategy and check the gear they have, how many formas, what mods do they use, why they use them, why a specific frame, have they done the mission before, how it went,......

If they seem mediocre, ask them to leave, if they insult, report them immediately.


I never faced that problem oddly, i never got any low MR players, maybe it's because i say "no noobs or nebies allowed" after the hosting stuff.

My problem is high Mastery rank players that can't handle a T2 game, let alone a T4, altough it's rare.



Yea like don't get me wrong, there are some who get a grasp of the game early on and such.  but simply speaking while mastery rank is not a direct measurement of skill to many (to me it is).. you 1. Don't a good portion of mods (heck if you're lower MR you may not even know of most unless you studied wikia) your weapons definitely don't have the formas they should, and you wouldnt know how to build your weapons and loadout. It's just how it is.

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MR means nothing. Someone could have stopped their leveling at MR2 and still have a maxed out boltor prime and a fully kitted frame. All mastery rank indicates is how many weapons you've used, not skill. I reserve my judgement until I can see the gear someone has equipped.

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MR means nothing. Someone could have stopped their leveling at MR2 and still have a maxed out boltor prime and a fully kitted frame. All mastery rank indicates is how many weapons you've used, not skill. I reserve my judgement until I can see the gear someone has equipped.


MR2 with max out boltor prime and fully kitted frame = lots of piggy backing =P


i know it is just an example but it is highly unlikely



if i saw a low MR with good weaps....i would disapprove of how they got it....


also disapprove of the fact that they did not bother to try other weapons or frames prior to gaining powerful items....



but it is personal preference....which is what this topic kind of falls into....everyone has their own views and personal preferences



it makes me feel a bit more comfortable playing with higher ranks because:

1. i know they took the time to rank their stuff

2. i know they have a decent amount of mods

3. i know they have weapons and frames


granted there are plenty of times where i see rank 12-16 suck

Edited by sekushiiandee
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MR2 with max out boltor prime and fully kitted frame = lots of piggy backing =P


i know it is just an example but it is highly unlikely



if i saw a low MR with good weaps....i would disapprove of how they got it....


also disapprove of the fact that they did not bother to try other weapons or frames prior to gaining powerful items....



but it is personal preference....which is what this topic kind of falls into....everyone has their own views and personal preferences



it makes me feel a bit more comfortable playing with higher ranks because:

1. i know they took the time to rank their stuff

2. i know they have a decent amount of mods

3. i know they have weapons and frames


granted there are plenty of times where i see rank 12-16 suck


How do you know how they got their stuff? I've stayed at MR 8 for months now just because I can't be bothered to rank up and I'm satisfied with the gear I have. I've also met plenty of high MR folks who just rushed through leveling as many weapons as possible and have no maxed mods and no idea what they're doing/

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i've seen plenty of players (and even devs via livestreams) that have that blinking MR rank but haven't leveled up.

MR6 or less. 


MR is definitely *not* the end-all-be-all of judging player ability.

you could have enough mastery points to be 16 and just never bothered going above 2 if that's your wont.


i agree, however, that something does need to be implemented to more accurately gauge player loadouts.

conclave rating is also bogus as a C1200 ranking may be far more effective than someone with an 1800. it depends on how it was assembled.


at the end of the day, you're paying roulette when you run with PUGs.


i'd love to see DE implement something that allowed group members to preview other player loadouts. for a multitude of reasons. (not the least of which is to be able to more easily assist new tenno with direct advice instead of guessing)

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 You actually care about whether or not someone is at a particular Mastery Rank? But that hardly matters. It's more about what sort of builds they are capable of - which is largely RNG reliant. Some MR3's will have better stuff then some MR6's purely because they've managed to do better with drops.


 I find the idea that you expect to push this MR crap on others to the point of making a scolding thread about it kinda silly. It's your right to only want to play with people that fit whatever specific standard you set but don't go trying to push that idea on anyone else like it ought to be a standard. 


 Hell, compared to the people I call Clanmates I'm a very average skill level player and I'm good enough at the game where I can expect to safely backpack someone who accidentally ends up in over their head. I don't need such specific standards.

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When people can't admit that certain instances of the game are meant for players if a certain rank and skill level. 


Why is it so hard for people to understand that? 


That when someone asks you to leave or that you can't join a T4S at rank 3, or 4. You shouldn't be upset because it MAKES SENSE that you shouldn't be able to do that. There is a reason all these nodes are in place and sectioned off in levels.


I seriously ask, why don't people understand this, and why when I explain this to the new players of the game, older players get highly upset and not only argue the opposite, but then start to attack me personally (lol). Do you even know what you're arguing or are you just trying to be rebels without a cause?


It's weird. Stop it.


Would you like to hear someone say: "go away, you're not meant to play here"? The point is: it doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong, but don't expect people to like it.


That being said, there are some instances in which I agree that rookies cannot be accepted, simply because they wouldn't survive/contribute, and because they occupy one slot. Though I never found myself with rookies in the Void or in a Derelict... what I do is help them in the beginning, then leave them to face their fate if they don't pick up the pace.


And no, Void and Derelict should NOT be mastery-locked. I feel new players should bump their noses hard into that wall and understand in first person how tough those places are. They can come back when they're prepared, or insist in trying to break that wall with their nose. Enough to tell the good newb from the brainless player.


And one last thing, I wouldn't judge one by insisting in bringing a MK1 Braton, especially if said guy likes to mod underdogs hard like I do.

Edited by Vintovka
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To me it's more about the player and their gear, than it is about their MR rank.


When I first started the game with Excalibro (u8 or u9 days). I refused to get any of the other frames and just focused on Excal.. I formad him like 4-5 times, I had my Gram with like 3 forma on it (Oldschool pre-damage 2.0 Northwind+Stunning Force Charge Dmg Build), 3 Forma twin vipers, and hell if I can remember what my primary was then. The clan I first got with ran oldschool Xini, and voids, more than anything. So I was wrecking S#&$ even on T3D (When you were locked into 20 waves, not this new S#&$ where you can leave every 5)


I knew how to take advantage of cover, withdraw, use my CC, etc. Sure, sometimes I got overzealous and would need a revive, but it wasn't too serious.


I was only like MR3-4 running voids with no issue and while most of this was before the survival event, and therefore before void survival. I know I would have been able to carry my own weight.


Another note: This was before Corrupted Mods.


MR generally can somewhat define a players reach, but it really does boil down to their play-style, and what they have done with their gear.


Shiiit.. I remember when I left that clan at like MR4, and I started Warbreed.. At first it was hard to recruit higher rank players (Because back then MR said ALOT), but over time it happened. Now Warbreed is the #1 Storm clan in the game.


MR ain't nothing but a number, but I do wish more players would tackle missions, and in turn the game content, with a little more thought.

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So Im gonna first presume  youre talking aboute mastery level. When I was rank 2 I had a frost prime with 3 forma (which I woulndt have gotten if ithere were only people like you) and now one of my friends who recently hit rank 13 still has junk equipment. Mastery does not say everything you know. He  could be 17 and he still could die in the first 5 secs of a T1 surv.

If youre talking about warframe and weapon level then again: my friends whos rank 13 got excal again cause he liked it and then he was complaining why it took 34 slash dashesh him throught a heacy ginner on nGaya(Earth) before he killed it(first wave) and then I sayed to him lol only 4 I expected 8. Just becuase you dont want to doesnt mean they should be allower to join. Theres a difference you know

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This is also meant to be a co-op game.. Look out for them, and you never know, you might go down, and then the lowly MR comes out of nowhere and revives your @$$.. That's when you feel pretty bad for the prejudice. Besides, us stronger players should have no problem with a lil carrying.  If we can't do that much, what good are we?

Edited by Gurzil
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