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While this may be correct, if within a 10 second window of adding someone to a series of instances that came out-- lets say T5 hit the tables. 


First day of the update, you get a bunch of requests for invites as you have a key for survival.


If you had to choose between two MR4 and one MR12 or two MR12 and  one MR4 what would you pick?



whoever messaged me first lol


90% of the time i invite people just so the spawn rate is higher, I can carry to 30-40min so w.e

Edited by Echoa
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While this may be correct, if within a 10 second window of adding someone to a series of instances that came out-- lets say T5 hit the tables. 


First day of the update, you get a bunch of requests for invites as you have a key for survival.


If you had to choose between two MR4 and one MR12 or two MR12 and  one MR4 what would you pick?

Personally I look at the load out, but I don't cancel my mission base on that. For me, the first 3 that pm me is a good enough squad member just because they are highly motivated and they have good connection. This is not without its flaws tho. But if I really wanted to achieve something in T4, I advertise what I want.
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All of you who have stated that you would have to look first, exactly. Now back to T4, if you have a bunch of keys, or rather a key where you know how the mission goes and what it takes to clear up to your standard and you were spamming it for a day or whenever you have the time to play, do you want to sit there and inspect everyone you invite and go through the process of restarting the part/waiting for that person to leave?


Or set the req. right away so that people know already if they're under a certain level, you would rather have the latter.

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When people can't admit that certain instances of the game are meant for players if a certain rank and skill level. 


Why is it so hard for people to understand that? 


That when someone asks you to leave or that you can't join a T4S at rank 3, or 4. You shouldn't be upset because it MAKES SENSE that you shouldn't be able to do that. There is a reason all these nodes are in place and sectioned off in levels.


I seriously ask, why don't people understand this, and why when I explain this to the new players of the game, older players get highly upset and not only argue the opposite, but then start to attack me personally (lol). Do you even know what you're arguing or are you just trying to be rebels without a cause?


It's weird. Stop it.

I actually agree that you dont want to bring a brand new player into say a T4 survival. However I disagree that Mastery rank is the stat that we should use to measure a players worth. Mastery rank is largely meaningless because of how its gained (leveling up different weapons, warframes, and pieces of gear). A new player that spends some plat to buy a boltor prime, pumps everything she has into it with several forma and maxed out mods is just as viable as someone who is MR 16 with the same setup.


Mastery rank also doesnt inform us of how many forma a player has in their weapons/warframes or whether it has a catalyst/reactor in it. I shouldnt need to tell you that a Soma with 4+ forma and a catalyst is going to be vastly more powerful to a stock soma


At the end of the day the only thing MR matters for is whether you can use certain weapons or not. It is not a measure of personal power on a players weapons/warframe/sentinals/etc.

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All of you who have stated that you would have to look first, exactly. Now back to T4, if you have a bunch of keys, or rather a key where you know how the mission goes and what it takes to clear up to your standard and you were spamming it for a day or whenever you have the time to play, do you want to sit there and inspect everyone you invite and go through the process of restarting the part/waiting for that person to leave?


Or set the req. right away so that people know already if they're under a certain level, you would rather have the latter.


I don't know about most people, I only invite people to my key if I need their body count for it. Most of this game's content does not need any real prerequisites outside of just being able to do enough damage and decent CC to survive.


The only time any requirements are warranted is when you need something specific to go for more than 30 waves in T3/T4 defense or 60 minutes in T3/T4 survival.


None of the content outside of those two Void levels are even worth crying over about gear unless the person is unranked and doesn't have a clue about what the game is about. Of course, no one would let that person in.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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Platinum is the reason level gates will not appear in Warframe. The game revolves around time investment (grinding) and players buy, trade, and spend plat to bypass the grind, at least partially. Level gates, being unavoidable, lessen the incentive to trade cash for progress. Argue for better metrics and means to form groups to your liking, but forget about level gates ever being added.

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People are confusing Mastery Rank with being decent person. I can bet 2 Ammo Drums that worst players are around MR 10, as i had most issues with them.

Mastery Rank doesnt mean anything, and you cannot blame newbies for being newbies. And there is big difference between noobs and newbies.



Newbie makes mistakes because he/she isnt well informed about the game. Noob is complete idiot who disregards everyone so he can do what he wants and when he wants.

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All of you who have stated that you would have to look first, exactly. Now back to T4, if you have a bunch of keys, or rather a key where you know how the mission goes and what it takes to clear up to your standard and you were spamming it for a day or whenever you have the time to play, do you want to sit there and inspect everyone you invite and go through the process of restarting the part/waiting for that person to leave?


Or set the req. right away so that people know already if they're under a certain level, you would rather have the latter.

People will not judge players by mastery rank because they know it doesn't work as a measurement of players. That is why they are willing to go the extra step to ensure by looking at more accurate tells. 

Your scenario does not work, that's why people are suggesting methods to further remove it from the expectation of other players. 

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How do you know how they got their stuff? I've stayed at MR 8 for months now just because I can't be bothered to rank up and I'm satisfied with the gear I have. I've also met plenty of high MR folks who just rushed through leveling as many weapons as possible and have no maxed mods and no idea what they're doing/

Me too bro, me too. I hate lvling.

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So I noticed I was quoted and Im surprised this discussion is still going. So lets presume DE added what you wanted, then what? Well for starters most people will stop playing the game(which is what DE tried to lessen with the new player experience) because they cant get what they want early. And what about the others? Well nothing will change. You still will be getting the same issue because either the higher ranked players will be awful at the game or they will have awful gear and they will be going with you on that mission to level it up. So in the end for you nothing changes except that you'll be playing with people that have higher mastery and for DE, well they'll lose out on the whole deal. And even if you do not agree or think this is absurd it is still a high possibility regardless of what youre opinion is on it.


PS: Congratulations you will be playing with more *experienced* players.


PSS: To add one more thing when I was farming Tranquil cleave on Cambria(Earth) the moment I saw I was with rank 0-2 mr guys I knew they wouldnt let me stay 40 minutes and then I came to the conclusion that having a option to be able to join specific sessions and specific people can join you will be greatly appreciated and thats something I think you'll like very much in this situation.

Edited by ipel4
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You actually care about whether or not someone is at a particular Mastery Rank? But that hardly matters. It's more about what sort of builds they are capable of - which is largely RNG reliant. Some MR3's will have better stuff then some MR6's purely because they've managed to do better with drops.


 I find the idea that you expect to push this MR crap on others to the point of making a scolding thread about it kinda silly. It's your right to only want to play with people that fit whatever specific standard you set but don't go trying to push that idea on anyone else like it ought to be a standard. 


 Hell, compared to the people I call Clanmates I'm a very average skill level player and I'm good enough at the game where I can expect to safely backpack someone who accidentally ends up in over their head. I don't need such specific standards.

I get your point but I'd absolutely hate it if it were someone with a full MK-1 arsenal, I mean I'd love to help that guy and this guy once in a while but never in a high level mission. It's too risky and you yourself can be killed while reviving the guy.
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I'll allow MR 4 and below to join my keys, but if they die immediately (Only had one good one in the dozens I've played with) I won't bother reviving them. My teammate might, but if they thought they were strong enough and weren't I'm not going to waste my time.


Some of you might think thats wrong, but I was joining t3's at rank 2 and was surviving fine.

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its a good thing i try not to judge entire groups of people by the acts of one person cuz if i did id say your post says something about the community


if you are more concerned with someones geat / mrr over their skill.... man im glad im not on your friends list cuz id get tired of invites  


also  dont forget that players can use rhino and despair early on and be gifted w.e. mods they might need by clannies. i do it all the time. also... mastery onlu means so much to a point. just check their loadouts carry nubs or rehost.. 

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I was kind of annoyed when I read the op post, but after seeing how many people are defending low mastery rank players I'm glad he made this thread. I didn't think there were so many other people that didn't care about mastery rank lol. Evens community moderator got in on the defending. XD

I personally don't want to rank up unless there is some cool weapon as a reward.

And as for judging players skill, this past week I noticed you can look at players profiles in your squad while playing, and I've seen a rank 11 with 1100ish hours and a rank 13 with 440. I'm sure if that rank 11 wanted to he could have levelled all the guns and warframes in the game and become max rank.

Bassically what I'm saying is playing every weapon and warframe in the game untill 30 does not make you better at warframe, putting hours in to the game and practicing to be better with your favorite gear does. Having said that, if you see a rank 3 with a Lato join your tier 3 defence he's gonna have a bad time lol. There aren't a ton of guns that are almost completely useless on high levels but there are some that you just can't survive with.

BUT from my understanding if you fail a void key you don't lose it, so if the low level is genuinely curious about what a void is and what it looks like, what's the harm in showing him? Or you can even be a really good person and bring the player to a tier 1 to let him help beat it or at the very least, tell the player how to acquire a void key so he can go get one and try it out him self.

If there were less rude and extremely unhelpful experienced players maybe the low level ones will have fun and play the game more. I just play Excalibur so I don't really care if there's a weak team mate or 2, if they die I can just blind and revive them, no big deal. Also I know I'm experienced enough to beat the tier 3 by myself if I have to and I hope most of the players that are saying rank matters can also do that or they are just being hypocrites.

P.S what I said doesn't overly apply to tier 4, I just restarted playing again a month ago and haven't bothered to try one.

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People are confusing Mastery Rank with being decent person. I can bet 2 Ammo Drums that worst players are around MR 10, as i had most issues with them.

Mastery Rank doesnt mean anything, and you cannot blame newbies for being newbies. And there is big difference between noobs and newbies.



Newbie makes mistakes because he/she isnt well informed about the game. Noob is complete idiot who disregards everyone so he can do what he wants and when he wants.


You and your ammo drums!  Rare mod is so rare!  XD

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This this this and more this. However I'd up the ante and make it

T1= MR1-3

T2= MR4-5

T3= MR5-8

T4= MR8+

this is far too much of a stretch t4's should only be locked if you go by mastery to rank 3-4. and i still keep up to my point conclave ratings mean a bit more you need the time to farm for cores and credits to get high conclave; this shows 1-that you have put in a decent amount of time on how this game works 2-that you have equipment that won't fall-off dmg wise early on and a frame that can take a good amount of heat.

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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Then go find that thread and don't post a offtopic post on some..... why am i even trying. x.x


ever heard the word team and do you understand it ?


and as i can see, you and them which agree with you are clear a minority :-P and im glad about that ... =))))))))

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Look I will be honest. when I first started playing I got a good piece of advice I stick by. A player told me do not worry about what they bring good players usually do not care. Honest truth it was good advice, I have had bad runs with the perfect setup. All players have high mastery ranks, the right frames, etc. Run goes like S#&$. I have had runs where the setup was not "meta" and they went great. I realized a long time ago if I host a run be prepared ot carry just because. I get the OP's concern but it seems to me he had a few bad runs.


For the record I will bring Excal to any run I actually want to get done.

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This is what I think a lot of people who read my post misconstrue. I give people a chance. Personally I do it because when I was lower leveled I wish people helped me out in certain aspects of the game.

do give people a chance. Constantly, which is exactly the reason why I'm saying that I can't understand how people can't accept the reality of it. Someone said it earlier. Yes you may be able to do T4 45 min with low levels and get them the exp they want (although I'm more than sure MR1s to 45 min is an exaggeration). This isn't everyone and more often than not it's a waste of time, effort and a key. 

Not when you're loaded with keys and have EVERYTHING in the game. Everyone is different, but I'm the janitor to the solar system. I don't mind wasting keys because I know I can get more. I understand you have given people chances, but as the game stays going, more and more people are going to hear about it and play. Give new players the experience you wanted, oh well if you lose a key, RNG would get you anyway. All I'm saying is you shouldn't alienate someone because of their skill or lack of.

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