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Glaxion - Low Damage, 'meh' Status, Terrible Ammo Economy.


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(oh, my bad. Has to outdamage Boltor Prime or it sucks... *sigh* whatever.)


In my mind, there are two extremes. There is, on one end, the 'MK-1 Spectra snail-paced murder-spree' and on the other is the 'Boltor Prime roflstomp'. I like my weapons in the middle, like the Kronen for example (a stylish weapon with nice damage, but not OP) or Despair (great fun to use).


What Glaxion does wrong is that it goes further than 'MK-1 Spectra snail-paced murder-spree' into the abyss of Low Damage Weapons, for far too high a cost.


Personally, I hate Boltor Prime with a passion so I'm offended. I'm comparing it to every weapon I know - most of them have damage in the range of 20-80 when unranked, in my experience (with 50% of all current weapons at 30).


I haven't used it so I'm stating what I know of it, and what I know of it are the stats. It has low damage, okay status and terrible ammo-efficiency. It says nowhere that it slows anything it hits in the stats, so I didn't know. Maybe I should wait until I have the weapon, but I just feel disappointed that we all hyped ourselves for something worse damage-wise than pre-buff Spectra. Sure, it has utility and CC - and that's awesome - but I like to be able to do some damage.


As for it being "different" - yes, it's different. I can appreciate it being different because my main weapons are Dread / Paris Prime and Castanas (good, but not mainstream) even when everyone on my team is using a Penta or Ogris. What I don't appreciate is that it's worse than a Lato and costs far, far more.


It might be awesome aesthetically, especially when you get a kill (assuming you even can get one), but whoever wrote these stats hopefully did it wrong.


No need to judge everyone like they're Rhino Primes with Boltor Primes, Brakks and Dragon Nikanas - which is exactly what you're doing. And I thought you were okay.

Edited by Blackout751
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I also think it was supposed to be a CC weapon, not damage, but it didn't work out either way. They should change something. Perhaps, make an enemy explode and emit an effect that freezes other enemies in a small radius around him, like an underpowered Avalanche?


Well anyway, this is one of the best looking weapons in Warframe at the moment and I'm just sad to see it's not really useful.


Or maybe upon hitting an enemy with the beam, a small slowdown aura emits from the target? Stays active as long as the beam is on that enemy or maybe even lingers for a second or two after. Basically a ranged, targetable Coolant Leak.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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The damage is fine; it's on par with other continuous fire weapons. Flux rifle: 226 dps, Glaxion: 252 dps. You guys need to remember that the damage shown is the damage per shot and the Glaxion fires 40 rounds in a second. I do agree with you, however. The ammo system for it is horrible. It deserves a damage buff to turn it into a very powerful short term weapon that you might save for later in the match because you know it will take forever to get ammo back. Perhaps they thought the elemental multipliers (+75% for pure viral damage against Grineer stacks up really high) would make up for it but against anything but Grineer the ammo economy makes it worthless. The status is moderate but having a innate cold proc would make much more sense. Guns like the Acrid already have a secondary innate proc.

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Why do people keep saying this is a crowd control weapon.  It has little to no affect on enemies until they're actually dead, at which point they're finally pretty little frozen statues.  It also can't destroy the aforementioned statues, regardless which elemental type you mod it with, leading to wasted ammo.  You can't compare this weapon to the Amprex or Synapse because at least they have incredible crit rates and damage multipliers which is what makes them so good in the first place, not to mention the higher status chance of Amprex.  I love the idea of the weapon, and it was a great deal of fun blowing up frozen enemies for the first 10 minutes, which is approximately how long my ammo lasts on the lowest level survival on Mercury using the Rifle Ammo Mutation Mod as well as a maxed Ammo Drum (first time I've found a use for that one). The other downer is that the ammo mutation mods don't even work unless you have that weapon equipped.


1) Let the Glaxion destroy the frozen enemies it makes.

2) Mag size and ammo pool is cool...but very impractical based on how long it actually takes to restock 1500 ammo when you pick up 20 at a time.

3) Even if you leave its damage alone, that's fine, I don't expect every weapon in the game to one-shot level 50 enemies, nor do I want them to, but for god's sake at least slow down its ammo usage by half (without altering DPS) so I can use the thing for more than 5 minutes.

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Why do people keep saying this is a crowd control weapon.  It has little to no affect on enemies until they're actually dead, at which point they're finally pretty little frozen statues.  It also can't destroy the aforementioned statues, regardless which elemental type you mod it with, leading to wasted ammo.  You can't compare this weapon to the Amprex or Synapse because at least they have incredible crit rates and damage multipliers which is what makes them so good in the first place, not to mention the higher status chance of Amprex.  I love the idea of the weapon, and it was a great deal of fun blowing up frozen enemies for the first 10 minutes, which is approximately how long my ammo lasts on the lowest level survival on Mercury using the Rifle Ammo Mutation Mod as well as a maxed Ammo Drum (first time I've found a use for that one). The other downer is that the ammo mutation mods don't even work unless you have that weapon equipped.


1) Let the Glaxion destroy the frozen enemies it makes.

2) Mag size and ammo pool is cool...but very impractical based on how long it actually takes to restock 1500 ammo when you pick up 20 at a time.

3) Even if you leave its damage alone, that's fine, I don't expect every weapon in the game to one-shot level 50 enemies, nor do I want them to, but for god's sake at least slow down its ammo usage by half (without altering DPS) so I can use the thing for more than 5 minutes.


Fun fact the frozzen effect is a rework when enemies get killed by cold damage like when you kill something with slash damage and no something unique from glaxion.

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So that we can all actually give feedback, how would anyone posting later than now fix Glaxion (assuming you view it as if it needs one)?

easy, halve the Rof and triple the damage per bullet and make the status chance 50% per second(optional)

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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Been playing with it for a little bit and I have pretty mixed feelings about it.

Damage wise its "okay". The slow-down could be more when you fire on an enemy. But the one thing I don't understand is the ammo economy.

300 a clip with a total pool of 1500. Yet when you pick up an ammo pack, it gives you 20. Considering it fires 40 a second, it just makes this gun very hard to manage ammo with. Since it has a good 3x the clip size of say the Soma or Supra, it should be at least recovering 60 ammo per pickup to make it viable for liberal use.

But other than that, I like how it feels, and shoots. It feels identical to the Synapse which I love. I just hope DE fix the ammo pickup amount for it.

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The glaxion should freeze S#&$, end of story. I don't get the reluctance to give a weapon the capability to reach 100% status procs.. we already have weapons that can reliably redcrit, and just kill the enemy outright.

The ignis suffers from the same problem. Why can't we build lockdown status weapons? What, exactly, would make that more OP than taking a dread or boltor p?

Edited by Dwarfstar
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The glaxion should freeze S#&$, end of story. I don't get the reluctance to give a weapon the capability to reach 100% status procs.. we already have weapons that can reliably redcrit, and just kill the enemy outright.

The ignis suffers from the same problem. Why can't we build lockdown status weapons? What, exactly, would make that more OP than taking a dread or boltor p?


If that were the case, I'd gladly accept it having 6 damage - or even 0.1. The current problem with it, in my mind, is that it's in between doing damage and doing procs, but does neither at all well.

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Really? I understand that it's ability to freeze outright is a redeeming factor but it's not enough since it freezes a single target at a time. 6 damage isn't going to kill anyone any time soon and its ammo efficiency is god-awful. 15% status is only 24% with two elemental status mods (I think) which is pretty bad.


If this weapon procs Cold on everything it damages and the 15% is a chance to Freeze, that'd be a saving grace. Unless it already does this, it's just another super-hyped weapon that's simply mastery-fodder.

Look at all the electric weapons DE's made...they love electric and hate any other element...which any other element weapons so far sucks...bad...take ignis for example. They esp hate ice since it relates to frost....and they released an ICE event with a ice weapon with no updates to frost/prime at all....DE hates frost/ice themes anyway....thats why it sucks.

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Yeah I agree. Its not even a crowd control weapon. I don't see it slowing enemies unless you get a ice proc. Imo it should have a 100% ice proc all the time.


The ammo efficiency is horrible and fills really slow. I had to use 4 or 5 medium ammo restore (I think) to completely fill it up.


And what is up with the 1% crit chance ಠ_ಠ The crit multiplier on the otherhand is huge.

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outclassed by the mk-1 braton. the MK-1 braton! the glaxion it's the worst weapon ingame it's not just worse than the boltor prime(common disease i know). and it isn't even aoe so it aint any better than the grakata for cc purposes and let's not even bring the tysis on the table, it's LESS ammo efficient than the grakata, making it the most ammo inefficent weapon ingame, the weapon with the worst dps, lowest burst dps and it even has limited range and to booth is expansive. can it even get worse than this? 

except it's not

glaxion has double mk1 braton dmg with and w/o mods

EDIT: im not saying the glaxion is good or anything but yea

Edited by xkillo32
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Ah, never mind. You want EVERY SINGLE weapon to DO THE EXACT SAME THINGS. Only be more powerful with each new iteration.


I get it.


Sorry that I enjoy freezing things with the Glaxion. Um... actually, no I am not.


Your opinion is yours. My opinion is mine.


In MY opinion, it was never INTENDED as a damage dealing weapon. It is a CROWD CONTROL weapon. It was never going to outdamage the Boltor Prime or Ogris like some of you wanted. SOME of us knew that and can play the weapon to it's strengths. As in, working in a team by freezing enemies, slowing enemies and eventually killing them.


I WILL keep using it and ENJOYING it. DE has made a DIFFERENT weapon here and it has all KINDS of cool applications. (See what I did there?)

Sorry, but I think a weapon that burns through it's entire ammo supply (THAT'S ALMOST TRIPLE THE NORMAL AMOUNT BY DEFAULT, BY THE WAY) in a minute, does barely any damage, and is practically unusable after it runs out of ammo because ammo packs still only refill 20 ammo needs a bit of buffing.

The glaxion is straight-up awful. It needs a buff.

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I got this weapon thinking it would be the cold damage equivalent of the Flux Rifle or even the Ignis...and I think it's reasonable to assume that most people in their right mind would expect that as well.


It's nothing of the sort.


The massive ammo capacity and high rate of fire don't even begin to compensate for its ridiculously low damage. For those arguing that crowd control is its specialty...it's not even really good at that either. Crowd control isn't just about slowing down mobs either - it's about quickly reducing the mob's size as well.


To think I wasted Forma on this... *sigh*

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So I managed to use my Glaxion and it's performing decently in Apollodorus while unranked, but I ran out of ammo in a personal record-breaking 6 minutes of sparingly using it. I'll admit I was wrong about the damage, a little about the procs. However, it could still use a buff even if it's just for the ammo pickups.

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well what can i say?, Well done DE you throw useless content.... glaxion sucks balls really hard, poor dmg poor status chance and CC weapon???? are you kidding me???. CC = crowd control so you need to get something to control a bunch of enemies and glaxion DOESNT DO THAT IN ANY WAY.


Poor ammo economy..... how you do the same mistake over and over and over, weapon by weapon all is reduced to 5 or 6 weapons in the game and all the other stuff sucks..... this is the real way how DE desings all their stuff, throwing useless S$&T.

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