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Frost's 4Th Ability


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It should be taken out. Absolutely taken out. Avalanche can't hold a candle to many other 4ths. However, that being said, since it should be taken out, it should obviously be replaced.


My suggestion is Ice Storm, an on going ability that literally creates an Ice Storm, slowing enimies in it's grasp down, as well as impaling with ice spikes. It should also have a chance to entirely freeze some enimies. However, not an extremely low chance. Maybe 20-30% of a chance for an enemy to be frozen. 


The AoE of this ability would obviously be effected by range mods, damage in turn by damage mods, duration in turn by duration mods.


I'm no guru when it comes to number damages, but it would certainly be nice for it to not be as weak as Avalanche.  

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You never played old Frost so you don't deserve the right to demand for the removal of Avalanche.

Now I sound like an arse but I am bitter because Avalanche was GOOD.



They just have to return the 5 second freezing duration back.


And yes it was better than Rhino stomp since enemies don't float down and mess your head shot aim.

They stand still frozen solid, so you can put as many rounds as you like to their faces.

Edited by fatpig84
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I think Frost is waiting for new mechanics like when the devs got the ability to make things toggles and they went back and fixed a few powers with that.


Frost is one of my favorites and I'd love to see him get a straight buff, but if I'm fair about it I really can't say that he could be fixed by being given damage or CC for free. He's been put forward as a tank/mage hybrid which to me says he should be getting defense, damage and CC with gameplay, co-op or skill checks. If you just give away new CC or buff his damage then he's just a mage with unfairly high defense stats. He needs abilities with a higher skill cap so it's tricky to get the most of out them but it pays off, which would mean some complicated powers that are not easily designed or implemented.

Edited by VKhaun
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I actually agree that Avalanche could use an overhaul seeing as ultimates tend to be moving away from the standard "press 4 to do x amount of damage to everyone in a circle". Personally, I would make it so that it freezes all nearby enemies and turns them into veritable proximity mines, and once another enemy gets too close, the frozen enemy's ice trap will violently explode, heavily damaging both enemies (damage could be based on the frozen enemy's health) and having a 50% or so chance to freeze the second enemy, causing the cycle to repeat. Seeing as Frost is a defensive frame, it would work out perfectly since it sets up some area denial while still being viable as an "on the move" ult.


The ice storm could work too of course (I actually had a similar idea a while ago) although it may be a bit too similar to Ember's World on Fire, and it wouldn't compliment Frost's limited movement speed very much.

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You never played old Frost so you don't deserve the right to demand for the removal of Avalanche.

Now I sound like an arse but I am bitter because Avalanche was GOOD.



They just have to return the 5 second freezing duration back.


And yes it was better than Rhino stomp since enemies don't float down and mess your head shot aim.

They stand still frozen solid, so you can put as many rounds as you like to their faces.

Excuse you, I actually did play Frost when he was "good." Problem with him being "good" was that he had a 5 second CC ability and his ice bubble. His Snow Globe was really all he had going for him. The changes they made to him now is a step in the right direction because he is advertised as an offensive AND defensive frame. When he was "good" he was mostly a one trick pony, with the exception of a 5 second (oooooh, 5 seconds, that's awesome) crowd control. That wasn't even intentional to begin with. 


While the CC would be nice, we need something a bit more. I main Frost. I have for almost a year because I love cryomancy or anything related. So, no need to sound all hipster.

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That sounds too much like Novas Molecular Prime


True, though the difference would be that it freezes them solid rather than slowing/speeding them, and the explosions would be triggered by enemies getting too close rather than manually detonating them. More of a lingering CC/area denial ability rather than priming and immediately blowing everyone up.

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Rhino makes a better offensive and defensive mix frame. Frost should focus on defense and utility. His offensive rework was a huge disappointment. Right now, avalanche is similar to reckoning except it has an obscene cast time. Returning the freeze effect would only make avalanche similar to rhino stomp. It absolutely needs to go. 


Avalanche should be replaced with a duration based ultimate.

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Rhino makes a better offensive and defensive mix frame. Frost should focus on defense and utility. His offensive rework was a huge disappointment. Right now, avalanche is similar to reckoning except it has an obscene cast time. Returning the freeze effect would only make avalanche similar to rhino stomp. It absolutely needs to go.


Avalanche should be replaced with a duration based ultimate.


You should be well aware the mechanics of Stomp and per nerf Avalanche are completely different,


Rhino stomp for deals damage on cast then follow by stun.

Frost is the exact opposite, he dealt damage AFTER the freeze duration is over.

There is some sort of balance right here is because unlike Stomp which can mess your head shot aim with drifting targets, Avalanche freezes them in place, allowing you to line up accurate shots at the expense of your AOE dealing damage much later.


Then some butthurt newbies who dunno better, demand this to be fixed.

Now we got this "fix" which is good for nuking Kappa and Europa if lucky but absolutely worthless in any where else.



Also Stomp has a fixed duration, we are asking for a duration timer that can be increased or decreased to tailor fit.

How is that similar ? Can stomp lock in targets for 15 seconds or just last 3 seconds at max ?



If you are going to complain about ultimate skills being too similar, I will complain that turning avalanche into duration based, it will be no different from Hydroid whose Tempest barrage knock down, but instead of knocking down, it freezes. 



Similar techniques will inevitably happen (lol Crush and miasma anyone ?). With more frames to come and a mastery rank of 30, you will have a lot more ultimates and they will be similar eventually.


Even slash dash has 4 clones with Rhino Charge, Tail wind and Tidal surge.


So instead of trying to make everything unique but worthless, let's make it something similar but reliable.

Edited by fatpig84
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You should be well aware the mechanics of Stomp and per nerf Avalanche are completely different,


Rhino stomp for deals damage on cast then follow by stun.

Frost is the exact opposite, he dealt damage AFTER the freeze duration is over.

There is some sort of balance right here is because unlike Stomp which can mess your head shot aim with drifting targets, Avalanche freezes them in place, allowing you to line up accurate shots at the expense of your AOE dealing damage much later.


Then some butthurt newbies who dunno better, demand this to be fixed.

Now we got this "fix" which is good for nuking Kappa and Europa if lucky but absolutely worthless in any where else.



Also Stomp has a fixed duration, we are asking for a duration timer that can be increased or decreased to tailor fit.

How is that similar ? Can stomp lock in targets for 15 seconds or just last 3 seconds at max ?



If you are going to complain about ultimate skills being too similar, I will complain that turning avalanche into duration based, it will be no different from Hydroid whose Tempest barrage knock down, but instead of knocking down, it freezes. 



Similar techniques will inevitably happen (lol Crush and miasma anyone ?). With more frames to come and a mastery rank of 30, you will have a lot more ultimates and they will be similar eventually.


Even slash dash has 4 clones with Rhino Charge, Tail wind and Tidal surge.


So instead of trying to make everything unique but worthless, let's make it something similar but reliable.

If ultimates are too much alike, they need to be changed. Stomp lasts for 8 seconds not 3 or 15. The differences you point out are way too small to constitute a unique ultimate. Even if other abilities are similar, ultimates at least need to be unique in some significant way. They are not simple first abilities, they can be complex. They don't inevitably need to blur together.


I never said avalanche should be duration based. I said frost needs a new ultimate that's duration based.

Edited by Seanjuju
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I think Frost is waiting for new mechanics like when the devs got the ability to make things toggles and they went back and fixed a few powers with that.


Frost is one of my favorites and I'd love to see him get a straight buff, but if I'm fair about it I really can't say that he could be fixed by being given damage or CC for free. He's been put forward as a tank/mage hybrid which to me says he should be getting defense, damage and CC with gameplay, co-op or skill checks. If you just give away new CC or buff his damage then he's just a mage with unfairly high defense stats. He needs abilities with a higher skill cap so it's tricky to get the most of out them but it pays off, which would mean some complicated powers that are not easily designed or implemented.


Most of the best skills in this game are radial nukes or radial disables/stuns that ignore cover. They don't require a whole lot of thought to use, and they end up making combat boring. I think a lot of abilities need reworks in this department, but that's a bit too much to ask for at the moment, I think.

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If ultimates are too much alike, they need to be changed. Stomp lasts for 8 seconds not 3 or 15. The differences you point out are way too small to constitute a unique ultimate. Even if other abilities are similar, ultimates at least need to be unique in some significant way. They are not simple first abilities, they can be complex. They don't inevitably need to blur together.


I never said avalanche should be duration based. I said frost needs a new ultimate that's duration based.



I am asking for Avalanche to be affected by duration.

So the frost can tailor the skill to his own needs. Rhino doesn't need that and keep it's 8 second stomp.


And frost doesn't need another duration based ultimate,  he already had one that can be scaled (except it did not use power duration back then) and they wrongly removed it.



Edited by fatpig84
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Frost is NOT a damage tank frame, he's a caster tank if anything and his abilities are not centralized around damage but freezing (Duh)


My only wish (having played with good ol' OP Frost) is that they would revise avalanche so that any enemy that is killed by it immediately shatters and doesn't confuse other players as to whether or not they should still attack the ice husk.

Edited by Kestral9999
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While the CC would be nice, we need something a bit more.

But he doesn't need anything besides huge chunk of CC.


Avalanche with 5 seconds of freeze was great. DE should have legitimize that bug and add some additional features — like when frozen enemy is shot to death he should shatter right away and not after the Avalanche damage. Maybe some additional damage to frozen mobs too.

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I'd love to see a freeze duration after avalanche. That'd make life much more useful.


As for the first ability, I don't equip it. Just not worth it. It either needs a re-work or re-design. Considering Frost's position as a slow defensive tank, maybe get rid of the freeze and give him something similar to Iron Skin. Not as powerful mind you, but something to buff up his armor for a time so he can get out there and be the protector that he's made to be. Not immune to the world, but let him be a tank with the ability to take less damage.


Him and Volt are my frames of choice so anything to keep them standing longer is good by me.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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But he doesn't need anything besides huge chunk of CC.


Avalanche with 5 seconds of freeze was great. DE should have legitimize that bug and add some additional features — like when frozen enemy is shot to death he should shatter right away and not after the Avalanche damage. Maybe some additional damage to frozen mobs too.

The huge chink of CC would be nice yes, but we also need a bit more than just that in my opinion. He is advertised as an offensive and defensive frame, and while he should have CC (duh, he's essentially a Cryomancer) we also need the offense part. Frames that aren't even advertised as being offensive do better in that department than him. It's a real dissapointment to see Frost pretty much ignored by DE. That should change. Frost and Nekros are in dire need of some attention from DE. After they nerfed snow globe, Frost has nothing to fall back on really. At least not as much as before. Using his 4th in higher levels just gets you killed. Simple as that. I've been trying to think of an in-between the CC and nuke department. On paper, Frost looks like the master of nuking. But really, he's far from that. He can't nuke anything beyond level 32, unless you have blind rage equipped. 

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