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Do You Really Need To Quit?


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I understand that the G3, Mr Spookums, and Madam Zanuki represent huge inconveniences with their timing (I swear, their appearance seems to be linked with Low-Conclave loadouts) but I'M getting tired of seeing "Host Migration in Progress" every time the lights flicker.


They show up, Mr Spookum tries to propose to me again (I keep telling him, 'no'), we shoot them alot and they die. Or Their target takes a bleed-proc to the face and dies. Its a fact of Tenno Life: One enters, someone is losing a Revive.


But why the fear?


Why the running away?


We were currently farming on one of the most dangerous missions (level wise, darksector on Pluto), why do you feel the need to run back to the lotus cry about the nasty monsters underneath the tileset?


I mean, are they even a concern anymore?

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I understand that the G3, Mr Spookums, and Madam Zanuki represent huge inconveniences with their timing (I swear, their appearance seems to be linked with Low-Conclave loadouts) but I'M getting tired of seeing "Host Migration in Progress" every time the lights flicker.


They show up, Mr Spookum tries to propose to me again (I keep telling him, 'no'), we shoot them alot and they die. Or Their target takes a bleed-proc to the face and dies. Its a fact of Tenno Life: One enters, someone is losing a Revive.


But why the fear?


Why the running away?


We were currently farming on one of the most dangerous missions (level wise, darksector on Pluto), why do you feel the need to run back to the lotus cry about the nasty monsters underneath the tileset?


I mean, are they even a concern anymore?

I've seen this happen a couple times and its annoying as hell. People just need to grow a pair and fight em off regardless of their loadouts.

But since its always in pug groups i know i shouldnt expect much



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i'd just finished the tutorial and jumped into a game, only to find some guy popped up in the corner and gave me a**holes, then the lights flickered and the team when hell for leather chasing something i couldn't keep up with. i run into a room to find something dissolving and end up with the Brakk BP.


taken i was super newb i should've quit, but i had no idea what the hell was going on and the guys didn't mind.

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Well, this reinforces my theory of low conclave rating being connected to the big spooky 5... (wish I had double Caps Lock key, oh well)


I've played Warframe for 835 hours and I've had this happen to myself a few times, a lot during the last event we had with being forced into low conclave ratings (which was too much fun I might add, keep up the work DE), and I can safely say that it happens more often with the G3 because they rek anyone who isn't prepared and on top of that you get that little collar that marks you like some kind of pet...


All I can say is try to bring some friends to help out (/cough shamelessly promoting the refer a friend /cough) or make some here, either or shouldn't be too hard.

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Oh god this happens far too often. And most of the time when its a full party as well. The worse part is if the timing is really bad and the person being hunted was the host you can get the entire squad killed due to load times.


This happened to me just a few hours ago as well in a pub game. I was running an invasion mission for Corpus and the usual lights were flashing and then a teammate said G3 so we all gathered together.(I thought G3 can't spawn in Corpus ships? oh well) Well we started fighting them and for some reason two teammates in the party just got downed in 2 seconds(weird though since they were running maxed frames and one of them was a valkyr if Im not mistaken). I was running my newly aquired Loki Prime with only my 3 forma soma as a precaution everything else was still being leveled or forma'ed and low level.


I managed to kill 2 of the 3 with a full clip of my soma and went to revive one teammate while the other person revived the other one. While I was reloading to kill the last one I saw the person who also happened to be the host getting bolted by the G3 Sentinel. Now I had enough of time to kill both the last G3 and that stupid sentinel but apparently the player being bolted shat his/her pants or something and quit the mission in a frantic attempt to contain the S#&$ storm.


Needless to say when we finally all got in after host migration it said mission failed and the remaining 3 of us were sent back to our ships.


The worse part about the whole thing? well I noticed that each Gustrag I killed dropped a shiny bluish ball with a light beam coming from the top. Hmm I wonder what those 2 could have been. Oh and they also dropped a mod each although in the frantic attempt to rez the 2 idiots who managed to get one shot I have no idea what they could have been.


Oh well, at least I got my marelok to keep me company. =/

Edited by Rienz
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It never happened to me, I don't really pay attention if they are gone or not, Stalker and Zanuka die easy anyway, but the Grustag 3, it's another story. 

I don't know the point of doing that, teamates can revive you anyway. Maybe people get disconnected? 

Always fight until the end...or at least until your last revive ^^

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I understand the point of OP but I'm still not sure whats worse - the hosting people quiting because of light flickering or team that simply does not care when one of them is signaling that there is stalker spawning on him so he need to help with killing it.....


yeas not everyone are capable of soloing stalker deal with it, some - like me does not play for long enought to have a gear/experience to be able to do it - especially on frame which 75% of survivability lies in his tenno powers (f.e. tell the trinity players - those who survive fight mostly thx to comboing energy vampire for endless energy and link for 75% dmg reduction - now tell me what kind of skill you need to have for soloing a boss when the very base of your survivability is locked out.


actually atm community in this game have some problems and bad kinds of behaviour (connected to stalker g3) are only part of it imo :(

(f.e. todays morning I was running invasion with randoms - suddenly not with clanmates cause they were offline and I noticed light flickering it came out I was stalked - so I told the team and asked for help - literally no one reacted - even otherwise - all teammates have moved in direction oposite to me and moved far enough that even the one tha tactually tried to went back after stalker leave have not managed to go there on time.....


on the next run I noticed other flickering - not me this time but I checked if any of teammates says anything - was just curious "who" so nothing on chat and I was aknowledged "who" by the message "[players alias] is bleeding out"


on the other way some another time I was with randoms doing invasion and G3 spawned on the team - and then at the call of "hunted" one we gathered all in one place and managed to defeat them - so "good ones" also exist


so as I have not met yet people leaving mission on light flickering (I did it once on solo exterminate run when was leveling valkyr) I have seen both people ignoring call for help with dealing with him and people that just didn't care about even warning the team (the last ones are leser "evil" because - ok their choice their revive) and I'm afraid that people ignoring calls for help from "newbies" are actually putting by this their input to make them leave the public mission when light flickers.....


PS. my soloing try ended when he started proccing stagger with his scythe - at his 3rd hit I believe... overal It took him 5 hits - maybe next time I'll not try to melee him with trinity frame.....


TLDR: maybe the reason of such behaviour in some less experienced players than you guys originates in situation when low-experienced user on public match called for help and the "pro guys of the team" just ignored the call leaving him alone....

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Running from Stalker/Harvester is pretty wimpy. Getting rid of the G3 penalty otoh is a serious pain in the neck and I really can't blame people for not bothering to fight them when there is any reason to doubt the team can handle them.

Its funny. I find the stalker more of a pain then Harvey and the G3 combined. Largely because he shows up when I have under ranked gear and I don't like to unload a clip into him during his spawning animation because that feels cheap. Then again, its not as cheap then half of his abilities and mechanics. Still, manage to solo the G3 from time to time fairly easy. I've still never seen a squad at poo themselves as soon as lights flicker.

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