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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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Will we be seeing new skins for Frames any time soon? Is this something that you guys have been working on, thinking about, etc? 


Will there be new Kubrow types and cosmetics such as armor? 


Besides skins, will there be new cosmetics for Frames that aren't syandanas such as cloaks? How long before we see new alt helmets for all the Frames besides the Nova & Vauban ones we saw?


Since Excal Prime is the only Prime no longer available (in which case, I have absolutely no gripes with), could we possible see another version of Excal released? 


Any chance of the Proto-Excal skin being re-released for the next anniversary? 




Are there plans for an Excalibur rework at all? If so, what are you all looking to change?


Loki's Decoy. Can you make it invincible & rely purely on duration? Also, could we make it a little more of a contender when it comes to it's damage out? Not looking for toooooo generous of a buff, but a little something to make a difference. Possibly make it melee when enemies are in range & fire the Lato P when enemies are out of range. 


Another one: 


What will happen to Kubrows/Sentinels when we use the Archwing? Miniwing for my Kubrow? Archwing mode for my Sentinel? lol 

Edited by Rexlars
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Please, do enlighten me. Because as far as I'm aware and care, Prime is the only variant to a warframe.


 Well prepare to be enlightened because proto-excalibur skin is an excalibur variant and was exclusive to the warframe anniversary event. Just because you're a founder doesn't mean you have the right to go on the offensive at the very hint of someone possibly asking for excalibur prime. Frankly I wouldn't mind seeing it re-released because then they could revamp his appearance(aside from the helmet) to be in line with recent primes without people getting butthurt.

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You recently made changes to Oberon's powers. While the majority of these changes are good improvements, are you still gathering feedback and looking to continue tweaking the powers, or are you satisfied with what has been done and are moving on to the next?


I've seen a lot of feedback that is negative towards Renewals energy drain specifically. And I for one agree with these other players that it's got to go. However, the feedback thread for Oberon has pretty much gone dead and we've not heard anything from you guys (DE) regarding Oberon and his changes post buff.

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I also have some questions regarding some of the new content mentioned last in the tennolive and also some other things.


1. Archwing

  1a. Is it just the one archwing design or are there multiple versions to use either depending on the frame or with each frame?


  1b. Are there going to be interchangeable weapons for them and, if so, can these please have its own inventory section set up in a similar manner like the resources without demanding plat to get space for? There's already a lot of stuff using plat as it is elsewhere to not need yet another spot for it.


  1c. Is the archwing going to be connected with its own mission node type or is it going to be tied in with special missions like faction invasions or with something like the old deception missions used to have where it would randomly get a faction enemy change midgame on some runs?


  1d. Will the archwings get color customizations when they come out? If so, would appreciate being able to use our existing colors for it.



2. Maps, enemies

  2a. Are there going to be some new maps anytime soon for the other planets? Some are still using the ship and asteroid facility tilesets while others have some that are off in terms of their surface climate like venus for an example. Venus is the 2nd closest planet to the sun in our solar system and yet it has an ICE map for the nodes on the surface, lol. Mars could use a new one as well. Even it has a mission or 2 with the ice outpost map (old version).


  2b. On that note about new maps, could there be any chance of it expanding further than just our solar system? It would be awesome to see some new planets with some different civilizations or new enemies. 


  2c. When will there be some new enemies in each faction to fight, not just infested, but grineer and corpus as well? I don't just mean new appearance variants of the existing enemies, I mean totally new enemies. Perhaps some could use a few of the new weapons that had been added in the store and clan labs during past updates?



3. Weapons

  3a. Any chance of getting some new variants of a few faction weapons that are better suited for the later game? Like an upgraded version of the braton and burston for the tenno, a new upgraded version of the karak and hind for the grineer, or even new rifle designs entirely? There are many mid tier weapons to choose from but the variety of weapons for the "late game" are few and largely limited to crit-heavy weapons only.


  3b. With the additions of the archwing and some faction units getting a visual overhaul, will the tenno faction finally get a technology upgrade someday? The majority of tenno weapons being added lately have mostly been either melee weapons or stuff like the crossbow and some older-tech gun designs. Basically what I want to know is if they will ever get some form of design upgrade in their gun weapons so they gradually look less  "antique" and more hi-tech? I don't mean transitioning to energy weapons, and not primes either, just more advanced bullet weapons that fit the era they live in better.



4. Dojo rooms/Liset

  4a. Any ideas on when, or if, the dojo would get a shooting range (or VR combat training room) to test and train with new weapons in? The dueling room is not a true target practice and testing room for that either. It would be awesome to have a new dojo room with weapon reaction time tests for target practice you could do and see what your best times were against fellow clan members. If this gets added, please include a way to try out new weapons within that room so players could see if they liked them and also how they'd perform in combat without first having to buy them.


  4b. On the subject of the dueling arena rooms, any chance of those getting an expansion in the size of it for the arena? The present size only seems fitting more for melee combat and less functional for gun fights.



5. Helmets

  5a. Will warframes like Rhino and Excalibur be getting a 3rd helmet choice anytime soon like some others had gotten?

  5b. Wil the warframes ever get some helmets with a sort of visor built in them? You know, something they can actually "see" through in the helmet.

Edited by Cmdr_Forge
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Any news on quest expansion? 


So far, what you have given us has been amazing (albeit a bit buggy), and have been some exciting peaks into the oh so mysterious lore of Warframe. I know you definitely have things planned, just wondering what you could share with us?


Also, will Archwing come with a quest? 

Edited by Jahadaya
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Well prepare to be enlightened because proto-excalibur skin is an excalibur variant and was exclusive to the warframe anniversary event. Just because you're a founder doesn't mean you have the right to go on the offensive at the very hint of someone possibly asking for excalibur prime. Frankly I wouldn't mind seeing it re-released because then they could revamp his appearance(aside from the helmet) to be in line with recent primes without people getting butthurt.

2 things I'd like to point out:

-The Proto-Excalibur is a skin, not a unique warframe on its own. It was available for a limited time to celebrate the one year open beta, in case you forgot.

The PS4 version is not even a year old, but I assume they will get something as well.

-The Founders pack, again I emphasis, cannot be brought back for legality reasons, even if DE wanted to do so.

Time for people to just shut up about it.

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Will kubrows get idle animations during missions in the future? On ceres dark sector I noticed that my kubrow and a teammates where on the lower level and they where doing that thing where they run round in circles when you are above them. It looked like they where chasing each others tails and that warmed my heart. do you think this could be implemented. Also when you press escape to make kubrows leave the incubator they leave and they end up just standing there. It should be more natural, kubrows should leave on their own, and they should interact some more with the environment. An example would be walking over o the foundry and sniffing it then the robotic hand zaps at it while ordis makes a snide remark. Stuff like this to make the ship feel even more immersive.

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Will archwing be a 'free roam' level where the player have the freedom to chose what direction they go, or will it be on the train track? The Dead Space 3 style of avoiding obstacles wasn't fun.


This was already answered a long time ago. Check DE Steve's twitter,

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Q: When are you going to fix the resources drop tables? itens that were supposed to be rare ( like ampole detonide and fieldron sample) are not even close to be rare and items like plastids are waaay too hard to find in significant amounts


Q2: when are you going to fix the solo mod bugs? ( example:its impossible to start a void alone if youre in solo mode...you have to switch to friends only mod and then you can go and start the void) 


Q3: Sentinel Love? when? 

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Search function for mods? It would be awesome if it works the same way as how the start screen works on windows 8. Like, when you're in the mod screen and you start typing, it would start searching for what you type in automatically (would hate to add more clicking to this new UI...)

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Will we be able to color the Archwing and are there plans for adding skins for different patterns like the Immortal Skins, and are there plans for adding different Archwing sets much like how Warframes have different armor sets? Different wings, thruster patterns, etc.?

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