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Hotfix 14.5.2


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Crowd control?  It only freezes them when they're dead :x


And... it doesn't slow them? Funny. Mine does.


I HAVE frozen ancients and gunners in place with it and it didn't kill them. Then again, I maxed cold damage, serration, split chamber and have a status chance of 43.9%.


But I know. I am just stupid for playing a weapon to it's strengths instead of wanting it changed to suit MY playstyle.

Edited by Kalenath
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The fact that they upped the damage and didn't say anything does fix some qualms... however it was still a half-assed fix anyways. There is still the problem about ammo consumption that is not addressed by raising damage and lowering fire rate. Band-aid fixes are never good fixes. Ever.

Ammo consumption issues are when a weapon uses too much ammo per time and too much ammo for the damage done.  it is purely about the Ammo:Time and Ammo:Damage ratios being too high.


With this update, both were halved.


So the the purely-numbers problem had the numbers changed, substantially.


Look at the situation and try it out, because the phrase "band-aid fix" does not apply here.

The ammo problem was purely in the numbers, and the numbers have been changed to fix it.

The fix was applied where it needed to be.


Whether it was strong enough is another debate, however...



EDIT: I can math, I promise...

Edited by Rydian
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It can't out-DPS the Boltor Prime, so people will STILL say it sucks.



Ah yes. The crowd control weapon has to kill things with 1 hit or it sucks.


That seems to be the argument of half the people who post about it.


But then again, why should anyone care WHY the weapon was designed the way it was? Not important. It has to be the same as every other weapon in game. It simply HAS to.


No imagination at all. Sad.

Beg your pardon?


Lets put some things into the light here... If a weapon does virtually no damage no matter how GOOD the utility is, it won't be used. Ever. Damage for a WEAPON will always be forefront, utility being second. Always. The fact of the matter is my original concern, the @(*()$ ammo consumption of the weapon is ridiculous to put it lightly. If you're going to use the 'its original design concept' then no, you're wrong. Its not. <Insert random beam weapon here>. Actually let me do it for you; Flux Rifle, Quanta, Phage. Its a weapon that shoots a continuous beam in somewhat straight lines like all the other beam-type weapons, with the quirk that it'll slow targets down. But then again with a high status chance and cold element... ALL weapons can do this as well. Originality and 'CC' weapon disbanded since all weapons can simulate the same thing. 


So yes, DAMAGE does MATTER. Each weapon, much like people, has different strengths and weaknesses. The biggest unbalanced weakness of the Glaxion is the absolutely &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; ammo consumption and conversely where the problem truly lies ammo re-supply for it. Damage should be relative to other beam type weapons, and personally, I saw the 40 RPS as a strength to the weapon rather then a weakness.

Edited by SilverZephyr
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Ammo consumption issues are when a weapon uses too much ammo per time and too much ammo for the damage done.  it is purely about the Ammo:Time and Ammo:Damage ratios being too high.


With this update, both were halved.


So the the purely-numbers problem had the numbers changed, substantially.


Look at the situation and try it out, because the phrase "band-aid fix" does not apply here.

The ammo problem was purely in the numbers, and the numbers have been changed to fix it.

The fix was applied where it needed to be.


Whether it was strong enough is another debate, however...



EDIT: I can math, I promise...

Unfortunately it was a band-aid fix. Halving the fire rate and increasing damage still does not address the core of the ammo consumption problem: the rate at which you can re-supply the ammo. I have already provided a like example in a previous post, so I won't write it out again. When the gun is out of ammo, and you can't re-supply your reserve in anywhere near a suitable time frame, and other parts of the weapon are adjusted yet still not correct the unbalanced aspect? Band. Aid. Fix.

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"Added in a new SMAA Antialiasing option (this has better detail preservation than our FXAA option). Note:  This new option is on by default. This antialiasing option is slightly more system intensive than the current FXAA option, and if you experience performance issues you may want to switch to the old FXAA option."

For the first time ever I started crashing in warframe. Failed every single mission today because of my entire pc reseting. I had no idea what brought this on, AS YOU CHANGED MY GRAPHICS SETTINGS UP 10 NOTCHES WITHOUT WARNING ME. I assumed I had already been playing on SMAA because it was set to that. So many mods and hours of my time wasted, just crashed from 45 minute survival. I went through the trouble of googling every possible scenario, checking event logs and ee.logs, literally on the verge of buying a new $100+ 1000w PSU, to upgrade from my already 850w PSU. It was by SHEER BLIND LUCK that I stumbled onto this page. Does it seem like I am mad? Maybe you should look into my advice before you cast me off as "should have read the patch notes"

Edited by DoomEngine
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Unfortunately it was a band-aid fix. Halving the fire rate and increasing damage still does not address the core of the ammo consumption problem: the rate at which you can re-supply the ammo. I have already provided a like example in a previous post, so I won't write it out again. When the gun is out of ammo, and you can't re-supply your reserve in anywhere near a suitable time frame, and other parts of the weapon are adjusted yet still not correct the unbalanced aspect? Band. Aid. Fix.

... then you're not complaining about ammo consumption.


You're complaining about ammo replenishment.

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... then you're not complaining about ammo consumption.


You're complaining about ammo replenishment.

They are the two sides of the same coin. You have to CONSUME the ammo to then REPLACE.

Edited by [DE]Drew
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one of the issues with excavation mission i had was when host leaved all cryo-mobs has gone, so all team had to leave it too.

also as i mentioned cryo-mobs pops better in place where current host is (maybe it is not really like that, but it looks so)

as for huge missions it seems that they are not splitted well for levels (some void missions too) so they load whole card memory without caching or memory remapping, that causes lags (at least for my passive cooling low cost card that is especially bought to produce lags in games to stop playing), for most planet levels it works pretty well.

Edited by oeai
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Beg your pardon?


Lets put some things into the light here... If a weapon does virtually no damage no matter how GOOD the utility is, it won't be used. Ever. Damage for a WEAPON will always be forefront, utility being second. Always. The fact of the matter is my original concern, the @(*()$ ammo consumption of the weapon is ridiculous to put it lightly. If you're going to use the 'its original design concept' then no, you're wrong. Its not. <Insert random beam weapon here>. Actually let me do it for you; Flux Rifle, Quanta, Phage. Its a weapon that shoots a continuous beam in somewhat straight lines like all the other beam-type weapons, with the quirk that it'll slow targets down. But then again with a high status chance and cold element... ALL weapons can do this as well. Originality and 'CC' weapon disbanded since all weapons can simulate the same thing. 


So yes, DAMAGE does MATTER. Each weapon, much like people, has different strengths and weaknesses. The biggest unbalanced weakness of the Glaxion is the absolutely &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; ammo consumption and conversely where the problem truly lies ammo re-supply for it. Damage should be relative to other beam type weapons, and personally, I saw the 40 RPS as a strength to the weapon rather then a weakness.


Rage- 1 Reading Comprehension- 0


I didn't SAY DPS does not matter. I SAID the weapon wasn't DESIGNED to out-DPS the Boltor Prime like so many demand it do.


Point... missed. Not that I am surprised. I DO understand your point of view. DPS IS ALL that matters. NOTHING else. NOTHING AT ALL!


I get it.


I do NOT agree with it, but I DO get it.


Sorry I enjoy freezing things with the freeze ray. Sorry that makes you upset that I enjoy a weapon that is DIFFERENT. Sorry that you do not BOTHER to understand MY point of view, since YOURS is the ONLY one that matters.


To you.


So, we will have to agree to disagree. Go master it and sell it if that is your wish. I WILL keep it, I WILL use it and I WILL enjoy it.



Edited by Kalenath
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