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Oberon Replaced Nyx


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Am I the only one to see this?

He has:

->a rejuvenation ability-handy for all sorts of things.

->a carpet rug for decent protection

->more effective health

->a imitation to Nyx's Mind control with his first

->a better version of chaos that:

   -deals some damage

   -is spam-able vs 10 seconds of radiation-NO biggie

   -quick CC

   -not locked under certain circumstances-stupid turret.

   -creates health orbs!


So Oberon makes Nyx obsolete.


Well... not many frames look as good as Nyx.

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I do think that in terms of utility, Oberon seems to have taken a turn into a "better Nyx" when it comes to CC in a way. He doesn't have Chaos' range, but he can instantly eliminate threat faster than Nyx's Chaos with Reckoning. Not only does it cause the proc, but it also creates a blind effect if the target doesn't die. Above that, it knocks said target down at the same time. He can also spam it at his heart's content, while Chaos can't be spammed as well/effectively.


The fault in that, in my opinion, is less about his powers doing Radiation proc, but rather Radiation proc being a shameless copy of Nyx's Chaos effect.

Edited by Casardis
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Yeah I thought that too when I saw how heavily radiation oriented his kit had become... Between that, the Nukor and the Absorb nerf... Someone among the devs must hate Nyx...


Nothing will ever replace The Goddess of Night though. And screw anyone who tries!

Edited by Marthrym
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Radiation, while similar to Chaos, is less reliable. Chaos'd enemies are more much likely to attack one another from experience, whereas Radiation afflicted enemies tend to turn on you if you get too close.


Who knows, maybe Nyx will see a small rework or something with... upcoming updates that favor Nyx.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Radiation, while similar to Chaos, is less reliable. Chaos'd enemies are more much likely to attack one another from experience, whereas Radiation afflicted enemies tend to turn on you if you get too close.


Who knows, maybe Nyx will see a small rework or something with... upcoming updates that favor Nyx.


Physic Bolts is arguably one of the worst abilities in this game. I think that should be reworked as soon as possible.

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GeekNote: Nyx is a Titan in mythology, tho...

She was the Primordial Goddess of Night in Greek mythology. Keyword : Goddess.


Titans were gods/deities/whateverfloatsyourboats.^^


Oh! And the younger gods, like Zeus or Poseidon, were also called Olympians. Still they were just as much deities.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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Oberon, or at least the way I play him is different then say... the way I "used" to play nyx.  Haven't touched her in fear that my combo is broken (Castanas + Nyx ... First the Castanas nerf, then Nyx... urgh!)  I'd be able to chaos enemies, throw down the castanas ahead of me, Jump, press 4, and detonate, and then release the energy which would kill 'most' enemies that weren't high level and heavy gunner status.  Oberon, I'd just Smite, and shoot the fallen heavy, and use Reckoning on the ones nearby and shoot the survivors.  OBspice is a bit more strait forward, but he is a paladin.  Absolutely love the utility, and was waiting on him to feel... a bit more.


Though did Oberon replace Nyx? ...I'd have to see how bad the nerfs to Nyx play out, however I think people who absolutely love Nyx will continue to have her in one of their Loadout Slots (I do...), however DE finally got rid of the few issues I had with Oberon so I guess I will stick with him unless (or until... (you know they will in some way)) they nerf him too.

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She was the Primordial Goddess of Night in Greek mythology. Keyword : Goddess.


Titans were gods/deities/whateverfloatsyourboats.^^


Oh! And the younger gods, like Zeus or Poseidon, were also called Olympians. Still they were just as much deities.^^


Oooh, yeah she was a Primodial.

Forgot about them Primods....

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I tried a "CC spam"  build for Oberon with Reckoning, max efficiency, max range. It was ...  okay.  With maximized range you can affect enemies far enough away from you that the radiation actually works.  The blind and radiation effects kind of work counter to eachother in a way.  The effect was painfully short lived compared to Chaos, plus it costs more to use, and maximizing the range absolutely butchers the damage so good luck popping out those health orbs for equilibrium builds.


Oby is more useful than he was before, but he's still a generalist. Has not replaced Nyx.

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so far as I can tell the radiation proc is easily just as good as chaos and smite is easily twice as good as mind control hands down. With absorb nerfed and considering hallowed ground beats out psychic bolts any day I would agree oberon has definitely replaced nyx right now... at least until absorb is fixed

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