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So, I Tried Pvp For The First Time...


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I generally LOVE PvP.  Makes a game so much more fun to play against another player.  However, I tried it in WF for the first time today.  In a conclave... The entire team was Ash's and/or perma-invis Loki's  ...  That's not fun, that's not skill, that's taking advantage of something broken and nothing more.  I've played PvP in almost every MMO for the past 15 years.  Never have I seen any PvP match so ridiculous!!  There's NO point in PvP if all you can do is run around and HOPE to kill them before they sneak up on you... That's just pointless!  I'm sure there are lots of other posts like this, still had to put my word in.  

If anyone replies, do not suggest I just get myself an Ash to PvP with... That does not address the issue whatsoever.  Don't suggest that their skill is just higher than mine, there is NO skill in just staying invisible and all taking out one player at a time... Just the fact that there is a way to 'one-shot' ANY player just means the system is HORRIDLY unbalanced... 

For the first time I don't like PvP in a game, sorry.

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That is not how the majority of conclave matches go. Then again I don't know how other people play on other regions but in the NA servers the majority of people play fair. Oh, and Ash is fair game unless your using abilities.


Here is how most conclave matches go (in terms of fair players).


Edited by Rakshal
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Pvp has been broken since the first day it was implemented. 

You can follow certain rules / guidelines to help try to balance the fights somewhat but you will be required to form a team of people you know and trust for that to actually work.

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Come play with us. Fusion supports PvP, and we do it without taking the easy choices.




without taking the easy choices?


I watched few minutes of that video. you guys are not very experienced in conclaves at all. so explain whats the "easy" choice. I would like to hear what you think is an easy choice and why. and to not derail the thread just PM me.

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IMO, the main problem Warframe has with PvP, is that was crowbared in at a later stage of the game after demands from the player-base. (At least that's how I understand it. Feel free to correct me, but please do provide sources.) So we have quite a number of abilities that work for PvE, but will never for PvP. Invisibility is one thing, abilities that make you invulnerable like Hysteria or Blessing 1.0 are another. Support and CC frames with no real damage abilities like Nyx will always have a hard time against others. (I'm still trying to figure out what Chaos does to other players ... if it does anything at all.)

So because this game was initially build all around PvE and they didn't even consider to put in PvP, all "balancing" will be like covering a broken leg with a plaster strip. How do you want to bring balance to PvP when people can go there e.g. with Rhino, maxed Redirection, maxed Vitality, maxed Steel Fiber, maybe even maxed Vigor on top and just tank away everyone else? Or already massively overpowered weapons that you can slap another 500-600% damage on? Damage multipliers of 0.whatever for weapons again are just a band-aid solution. They shouldn't allow the numbers to go through the roof like that in the first place.

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Support and CC frames with no real damage abilities like Nyx will always have a hard time against others. 


Oh Nyx's absorb is OP as hell. You see a Nyx, you close in to attack, Nyx goes into absorb. If you're in the middle of an attack animation (say, ground slam), you're guaranteed to get hurt AND get knocked down. Any time you attack, Nyx just goes into absorb (works better with Rage) and knocks you down. 


Also, Rhino is weak as wet noodles. If I see an Ash, Saryn, Nyx, I run away. But Rhino? He's almost as weak as Oberon. 


An even cheaper tactic is to just sit in the absorb state at a chokepoint. All those stupid creeps will attack the Nyx mindlessly and she'd have a huge charge. If you try to get past the chokepoint, you're as good as dead. 

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I actually don't have a problem with nyx. I just focus her down with rifle fire... 


Oh Nyx's absorb is OP as hell. You see a Nyx, you close in to attack, Nyx goes into absorb. If you're in the middle of an attack animation (say, ground slam), you're guaranteed to get hurt AND get knocked down. Any time you attack, Nyx just goes into absorb (works better with Rage) and knocks you down. 


Also, Rhino is weak as wet noodles. If I see an Ash, Saryn, Nyx, I run away. But Rhino? He's almost as weak as Oberon. 


An even cheaper tactic is to just sit in the absorb state at a chokepoint. All those stupid creeps will attack the Nyx mindlessly and she'd have a huge charge. If you try to get past the chokepoint, you're as good as dead. 


Why would you go close to nyx? Why not just shoot her from afar and make her waste he absorb? If she comes close, roll away. 

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