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The Most Balanced Frame : Zephyr?


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She has some bugs associated with her which are very disheartening...but in an ideal situation I think she's what I'm looking for.  Her powers are interesting, her mobility is great fun to play around with, and her ult even has a pseudo-cooldown which prevents her from relying on it to nuke everything whenever she wants (looking at you Volt, Ember, Frost, Saryn, Nova, to mention only a few).


Plus she's really cool-looking!  What's not to like?

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Dont like zephyr, tornado is really annoying, for many reasons...

And she is for me the ugliest frame of all, even worse then trin.


But when I think of balanced frames, for its oberon, since he exists, having damaging, healing, and utility abilities all in 1 frame.

Plus in stats he is very good too.

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Tailwind and divebomb are fun but not worth the effort. Tornado is just another version of "things die in an AoE" and not a very good one.


She is a pretty good frame, though I would argue that dive bomb is near useless and should be replaced.  And Tornado is a bit to chaotic for a crowd control ability. 


It is really just tailwind and turbulence that are good, and its really JUST turbulence that makes her an effective frame.  


That said I do love using her but I still think she needs some work. 

Pretty much this. The only practical reason to use zephyr is to tank shots with turbulence. She's fun to use but in a game that's all about killing as many AI as possible with as little effort as possible, she's just not worth it.


I guess I'd consider Volt and Excalibur the most balanced because they aren't $&*&*#(%&ly strong and I actually use all of their abilities.

Edited by merryfistmas
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I guess I'd consider Volt and Excalibur the most balanced because they aren't $&*&*#(%&ly strong and I actually use all of their abilities.


Yeah, I'd say Volt is currently the most balanced as well. All of his abilities are useful and none of them feel OP.

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Zephyr is balanced in the sense that none of her skills break the game. But the problem is that she offers nothing to a team that another frame couldn't already fill better.


Tornado needs a rework to make it a reliable disable ability. I'll think about that later.


Divebomb needs the hit detection on the knockdown fixed.


Also, does anyone else find it strange that she doesn't have a hover or glide ability, while Grineer Hellions can hang up in the sky all day? So much for a mistress of the skies.




As for who I'd consider most balanced, I'd say Volt or Banshee. I'm leaning towards Banshee because all four of her abilities can provide great benefits to her team and herself, but none of them can break the game (except for Sound Quake + infinite energy source)

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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I like Zephyr, feels like she's in a good spot. Her resilience suits me well (what I'm saying is I'm bad) and I love the flight. She's like a tankier Vanguard from Mass Effect, complete with Nova/Divebomb. Really does feel like she's got something for every situation. I haven't played enough "endgame" stuff to comment on whether she needs improving, though.

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DE lied. Zephyr's divebomb needs to be replaced with hover mode so I can hover in the sky and rain terror upon my enemies. Would also make Aviator useful which is what it seemed like it was depicting what Zephyr could do when it first released.


good idea.


a toggled air movement ability.

allow a kind of limited flight -- pressing space to go up - ctrl to go down. (or just blip the ability)

wasd controls would work as normal but you'd change angle dependent on where you're looking.

sprinting costs more energy when used. (and limit the speed enough so that it doesn't detract from tail wind)


i hate to say it, but i'd probably become a zephyr fanatic with that ability. would be WAY too much fun. but it might also trivialize a large portion of the parkour challenge rooms. (and it honestly should, imo)

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I can see how she is the most balanced, but to me she is also the most lackluster. Nothing about her makes me actually want to use her. Note this is just my personal opinion, but if I would choose between balance, with Zephyr as the reference, and un-balance, I would choose the latter because the other frames just seem more interesting and have abilities that feel more useful.

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I can see how she is the most balanced, but to me she is also the most lackluster. Nothing about her makes me actually want to use her. Note this is just my personal opinion, but if I would choose between balance, with Zephyr as the reference, and un-balance, I would choose the latter because the other frames just seem more interesting and have abilities that feel more useful.


^^ this is exactly why i prefer consistency in my games over balance.

balance is something for pvp (if you're into that) -- consistency (in this instance having a power set that is functional, fun and useful to both player and group -- and that most, if not all, frames follow) -- this is something warframe is pretty good at. (a few exceptions aside)


and yes, this is exactly my feelings on zephyr.

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I'll admit that her CC on Divebomb, Tornado, heck even Tailwind, could be better


Tailwind - I've tried it before, and it just does not knock enemies down like it should. It's like I have to dive into the ground to get the effect I want. I say remove Divebomb and drastically improve the knockback on this skill. I think that the liftoff should at least stun enemies so that I could follow through with heavy impact.


Divebomb - For one, I really just hate how it looks. Apparently face-planting into the ground is expected to knock enemies over. Sadly, it doesn't work too well. I think Tailwind would be able to pull off the radial knockback better by lifting off, leaving room for this skill to change. I think some sort of activated hover mode would be really good for Zephyr, its useful and fits her perfectly.


Tornado - I love this skill, however...I feel bad for using it in parties. Enemies go EVERYWHERE, and are impossible to hit. The CC could be improved a bit. Also, the tornadoes can be a bit unreliable. I could be in a defense mission, have some enemies walk right up to the base, I activate tornado and the tornadoes decide to go after the mobs away from the base. Could use some work, but still a very nice CC skill

EDIT: Proposal! Perhaps when enemies are lifted by the tornadoes, simply shooting the tornadoes will apply the bullets to all enemies within the Tornado. Keeps the CC, makes it easier to hit the enemies that are CC'd.

Edited by EchoesOfRain
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Never tried Zephyr but you certainly piqued my interest with your opening post OP :)


Loki - I think he's perfect as is. Use all his powers and actively melee as well. Diverse enough to hop into T or run solo. Perfect as is.


Valkyr - Perfect as is. Rarely use Hysteria but glad it's there for when needed. Warcry and Melee synergise so well. I get sheer joy from this frame.


Will get around to trying your Zephyr and Volt sounds interesting as well :)

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I've been maining Zephyr for a few weeks now, and while I have yet to meet another, I can say from personal experience (for what it's worth) that her skills complement the team fairly well in most situations. All her abilities - yes, even Dive Bomb - are great in specific scenarios, and overall, she's well-rounded in that she can take on a few roles as the situation demands.


Without going into details, she's definitely a very synergistic frame. Her abilities complement each other well, are thematic, and used appropriately, will be great for most missions you'll come across. She has a broad skill set of mobility, survivability and crowd control, and while none of them outshine any particular frame, they're viable across all stages of the game and lend her very commendable versatility.


As for the question of whether she's the most balanced - assuming you mean in terms of being able to complement many playstyles - then it's fairly contentious, but she's definitely up there. There's no one clear 'right' way to use her and she's very adaptable, would be my verdict :)

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