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Gender Choice

(XBOX)Your a Grub lol

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I recommend reading old threads before starting a new one (potential "sass" not intended). This has been suggested, and even was a part of the Warframe alpha development.


Nyx used to be a female version of Excalibur.


But ultimately, the developers decided against it. I like what they've done with it, personally.

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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I recommend reading old threads before starting a new one (potential "sass" not intended). This has been suggested, and even was a part of the Warframe alpha development.


Nyx used to be a female version of Excalibur.


But ultimately, the developers decided against it. I like what they've done with it, personally.

Well, say I wanted a character with Ember's power but I would like to play as a male character. 

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Warframes do not have genders. Those "breasts" are actually Void Energy storing compartments. Rhino stores his Void Energy ... down further, in that thing between his legs.


I've seen inside my Frames, by accident, using a scientific method called "clipping", and there is nothing in there.

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Well, say I wanted a character with Ember's power but I would like to play as a male character. 


Ember actually used to be a dude way back when.


As mentioned above though, there will be no gender swapping for frames. In essence, each frame is a unique "character".

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Well, say I wanted a character with Ember's power but I would like to play as a male character. 

The developers are currently working on cross-frame abilities, which are general abilities which can be equipped on any Warframe.


I understand where you're coming from, but this topic has ultimately come to a null-point in the past. I think this is because in Warframe, you aren't playing as yourself. You're playing as an ancient warrior from a forgotten past - and DE really wants to bring this idea out. 


It's kinda like playing something like Tomb Raider; you aren't the main character, Lara Croft is (in this case). In Warframe, you play a character, where minute customization (colors, syandanas) are available so that not every Excalibur/Ember/Nyx/etc. looks exactly the same.

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Well, say I wanted a character with Ember's power but I would like to play as a male character. 


Play a male Tenno, that's up to you. Remember it's all one Tenno from intro all the way up to Void T4


Doesn't effect the shape of the collection of Warframes they use.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Play a male Tenno, that's up to you. Remember it's all one Tenno from intro all the way up to Void T4


Doesn't effect the shape of the collection of Warframes they use.

You, sir, are a liar! *points finger*


In all seriousness, it has been confirmed that each Warframe has its own Tenno.



Nice? Perhaps.


Then again, the developers migrated away from the exact idea you presented. The original thought was to have an opposite gender for all the frames. The new thought is that a frame may be released, that is of the opposite gender, with similar theme, but difference appearance, skills, and stats.

Is Hydroid...actually...a female frost?? *GASP*

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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Nice? Perhaps.


Then again, the developers migrated away from the exact idea you presented. The original thought was to have an opposite gender for all the frames. The new thought is that a frame may be released, that is of the opposite gender, with similar theme, but difference appearance, skills, and stats.


If i grasped correctly what fragments of lore there is, all Frames are unique. They are "unique" because each person that came back from the Void was changed in a different way, and received a unique Frame to contain them. The fact we can have a team with 4 Frosts is irrelevant, as it's a just a game and corners have to be cut.


Technically, if 1000 people were sent into the void, then there would have been 1000 different "Frames" constructed.

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Warframes do not have genders. Those "breasts" are actually Void Energy storing compartments. Rhino stores his Void Energy ... down further, in that thing between his legs.


I've seen inside my Frames, by accident, using a scientific method called "clipping", and there is nothing in there.

Hah, I'm laughing at the joke.

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You, sir, are a liar! *points finger*

In all seriousness, it has been confirmed that each Warframe has its own Tenno.


No it hasn't, in any way shape or form. In fact quite the opposite:


For example, DE Steve:


Sheldon: Is it on a per Warframe basis or a per "me" basis?
Steve: That's the important thing to emphasize is there's nothing in the game that allows you to upgrade your player, what you are, your Tenno, it's always focused on your gear, this goes above that. My focus will work whether I'm working the Rhino or the Ember angle
Vor in the Tutorial:


Each Warframe you control is merely a glass, shaping your furious light
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If i grasped correctly what fragments of lore there is, all Frames are unique. They are "unique" because each person that came back from the Void was changed in a different way, and received a unique Frame to contain them. The fact we can have a team with 4 Frosts is irrelevant, as it's a just a game and corners have to be cut.


Technically, if 1000 people were sent into the void, then there would have been 1000 different "Frames" constructed.


This cannot be true.


Mirage's previous pilot is dead, if you were correct that would be that. But no, our Tenno can wear the Warframe they constructed during the quest.


It's quite clear from the tutorial that the void power is simply a reservoir that the Tech in the Warframe shapes to the desired effect. (quote in the post above)


Sure, there may have been Tenno whose void power allowed them to produce effects without a Warframe (Ember Codex) and they are most likely the first being to have that Warframe line constructed for them but right now _our_ Tenno can wear whatever Warframe they build.


You are mixing up an in-world story about a single Tenno that may have been the first wearer of a frame line and some kind of generic statement about all Tenno.


On top of all of that, clans exist in-world, that couldn't possibly happen with only 20 unique Warframe+Tenno combinations.

Not to mention if that were true then _all_ Excaliburs died in "The Profit" Trailer. Even Ordis talks about you discovering "A New class of Warframe" not a singular Warframe in the Mirage quest.


So no, Warframes have "lines" and there are many of each line. 

Edited by SilentMobius
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This cannot be true.


Mirage's previous pilot is dead, if you were correct that would be that. But no, our Tenno can wear the Warframe they constructed during the quest.


It's quite clear from the tutorial that the void power is simply a reservoir that the Tech in the Warframe shapes to the desired effect. (quote in the post above)


Sure, there may have been Tenno whose void power allowed them to produce effects without a Warframe (Ember Codex) and they are most likely the first being to have that Warframe line constructed for them but right now _our_ Tenno can wear whatever Warframe they build.


You are mixing up an in-world story about a single Tenno that may have been the first wearer of a frame line and some kind of generic statement about all Tenno.


On top of all of that, clans exist in-world, that couldn't possibly happen with only 20 unique Warframe+Tenno combinations.

Not to mention if that were true then _all_ Excaliburs died in "The Profit" Trailer. Even Ordis talks about you discovering "A New class of Warframe" not a singular Warframe in the Mirage quest.


So no, Warframes have "lines" and there are many of each line. 

That's not to mention the weirdness introduced by Primes if there was only ever one Tenno for a given frame.  So what, they went to sleep in low-grade frames instead of the originals?

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That's not to mention the weirdness introduced by Primes if there was only ever one Tenno for a given frame.  So what, they went to sleep in low-grade frames instead of the originals?


They split from the Orokin far before their cyrosleep period. During that time, they begin engineering their own technology, and when the period of cyrosleep begun, they had become a completely independent faction.

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This cannot be true.


Mirage's previous pilot is dead, if you were correct that would be that. But no, our Tenno can wear the Warframe they constructed during the quest.


It's quite clear from the tutorial that the void power is simply a reservoir that the Tech in the Warframe shapes to the desired effect. (quote in the post above)


Sure, there may have been Tenno whose void power allowed them to produce effects without a Warframe (Ember Codex) and they are most likely the first being to have that Warframe line constructed for them but right now _our_ Tenno can wear whatever Warframe they build.


You are mixing up an in-world story about a single Tenno that may have been the first wearer of a frame line and some kind of generic statement about all Tenno.


On top of all of that, clans exist in-world, that couldn't possibly happen with only 20 unique Warframe+Tenno combinations.

Not to mention if that were true then _all_ Excaliburs died in "The Profit" Trailer. Even Ordis talks about you discovering "A New class of Warframe" not a singular Warframe in the Mirage quest.


So no, Warframes have "lines" and there are many of each line. 


Corners need to be cut for the sake of game convenience. Even IF there was multiple copies of the Excalibur "Frame" when placed on a Tenno, the abilities would not be identical, otherwise your are implying that the Void mutates people cookie-cutter fashion, using some "ability template" which is ludicrous to consider.


This also would be invalidated by the fact that it would mean only females can get fire abilities, because Ember is "always a girl".


At most, you might have mutations that have different level or class of fire manipulation, not identical, and each crafted frame would have also been unique, with a number of differences to fit the Tenno in question, this would be no different to if we had a thousand skins or helmets to pick from and be unique.


The only page with Lore is this one




my reasoning comes from the fact that even the Void will have RNG, so you cannot possible get two identical mutations.

Edited by DSpite
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Corners need to be cut for the sake of game convenience. Even IF there was multiple copies of the Excalibur "Frame" when placed on a Tenno, the abilities would not be identical, otherwise your are implying that the Void mutates people cookie-cutter fashion, using some "ability template" which is ludicrous to consider.


This also would be invalidated by the fact that it would mean only females can get fire abilities, because Ember is "always a girl".


At most, you might have mutations that have different level or class of fire manipulation, not identical, and each crafted frame would have also been unique, with a number of differences to fit the Tenno in question, this would be no different to if we had a thousand skins or helmets to pick from and be unique.


The only page with Lore is this one




my reasoning comes from the fact that even the Void will have RNG, so you cannot possible get two identical mutations.


I believe he's referring to the theory that each set of powers are directly tied to the warframe and not to Tenno. Instead they merely act as a power source to fuel the varied warframe abilities.


Again, I say theory as I'm not totally convinced about it, but the recent quest lore does lean toward it.

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