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Lex Prime And Marelok


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The problem with the Aklex is that it doesn't really complement fully automatic primaries well, due to reduced accuracy. The regular Lex and Lex Prime complement fully automatic primaries well due to their heavy damage per shot and exceptional accuracy at long range. While the rate of fire is a little slow, it's not too much of an issue when you're essentially one-shotting targets that are far away.


Also, Aklex are really loud - they drown out nearly everything else when firing. They seem to punish one's eardrums as much as they punish Grineer troops!

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The problem with the Aklex is that it doesn't really complement fully automatic primaries well, due to reduced accuracy. The regular Lex and Lex Prime complement fully automatic primaries well due to their heavy damage per shot and exceptional accuracy at long range. While the rate of fire is a little slow, it's not too much of an issue when you're essentially one-shotting targets that are far away.

You're having issues with the Aklex's accuracy? If it stills scores headshots across the bridges at the Corpus Outpost defense map, it's accurate enough for Warframe. Aside from coolness, there's little reason to use the Lex over the Aklex as it is, and I'd rather the same case not apply to the Lex Prime and its dual variant.

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You're having issues with the Aklex's accuracy? If it stills scores headshots across the bridges at the Corpus Outpost defense map, it's accurate enough for Warframe.


Really? When I lasted used it (when it first came out) I didn't find the accuracy to be all that great, not to mention that the recoil was way worse than the regular Lex - all of which I found to be perfectly understandable and expected mind you.

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Really? When I lasted used it (when it first came out) I didn't find the accuracy to be all that great, not to mention that the recoil was way worse than the regular Lex - all of which I found to be perfectly understandable and expected mind you.

You're completely right about the recoil, but the accuracy itself is still good enough to get good headshots in at range on your first shot. What really doesn't make sense about the Aklex is how fast it reloads as compared to the single variant, as the guns currently are the Aklex is pretty much a straight upgrade over the standard variant. 

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unfortunately the existence of akbronco prime busts the myth of rare = powerful 

in that case you actually get a worse weapon than your suppose to


it would seem the grineer have super sekret firearms technology that far exceeds that of the more advanced orokin empire

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unfortunately the existence of akbronco prime busts the myth of rare = powerful 

in that case you actually get a worse weapon than your suppose to


it would seem the grineer have super sekret firearms technology that far exceeds that of the more advanced orokin empire

So those the braton prime. Yet we want to buff both since how rare they are,. 

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I wish people would not cherrypick.


"Lex Prime has parts in t4 void missions"


You can get all the parts by staying as low as Tier 3 Defense in the first 5 waves AND try again in the next set to wave 10 of the SAME mission. Just because it ALSO exists in T4 drops, you make it sound like "oh woes of woes, I MUST run T4 missions".


I could just as easily say "You get all the Lex Prime parts from easy to run missions which are T1 and T3 Capture, and the first 5 waves in T3 Defense, and are in the TRASH drops of T4 Interception Wave 3+ as a table filler for the good gear like Paris and Wyrm"


You are not getting another Marelock, considering that Marelock is probably an oversight in power/utility level, and that gun is implied to be a shortened Rifle anyway.

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I'd like a bit more crit potential on Lex Prime to buff it up passed 44% to make use of the amazing 4.4 crit damage multiplier. 


Or Aklex Prime would be nice, too, provided when it's released any Lex Prime ranks get added to the Aklex Prime. I'd hate to pitch 5 forma'd god pistol for a pair of them to re-grind and blow 100p on.

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